Hollywood (1940)

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Ti\[ ma AUTOGRAPHED MAKE-UP SET M ax Factor Hollyu>oodPov/der, Rouge and Tru-Color Lipstick in color har $ j 50 mony. Autographed by famous stars. JU Max Factor Hollywood FACE POWDER 00 VANITY-COLOGNE This beautiful gift box contains the Max Factor Hollywood Vanity; Tru $ /\ 00 Color Lipstick and Parfum Cologne. MAKE-UP SET Gay holiday box containing Face Powder, Rouge, Tru-Color Lipstick, $ J 5 5 Normalizing Cream and Brillox. ^ f:^-' & TALC C O L O <o Ma.X 'Factor Hollywood Parfum Cologne $ "Trocadero"a.nd"Cocoanut Grove"— and Talc. ^ ...Also Parfum Cologne, individually boxed $1.00 SET ^50 VANITY-LIPSTICK SETj Max Factor Hollywood Double Vanity $ "J 00 and Tru-Color Lipstick. ^ ...Gold and Red Double Vanity, Boxed $2.00 u I PAN-CAKE MAKE-UP SET Powder, Rouge, Tru-Color Lipstick, Pan-Cake Make-Up, Normalizing $ /\ 5 5 Cleansing Cream -in lovely gift box. COLOR HARMONY MAKE-UP SET Max Factor Hollywood Face Powder, Rouge and Tru-Color Lipstick in color harmony $ t%^' for "her" type and five other requisites. V' DELUXE MAKE-UP ENSEMBLE Any girl will call this gift "perfect." Rich gift box containing 1 1 Max Fac $ Qk J J torHollywood"Cosmcticso(theStais." ^