Hollywood (1940)

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/ CRESCENT ROLLS 2 cakes compressed yeast 3/4 cup milk (scalded and cooled to 80°) Vz cup sugar V2 cup shortening (part butter for flavor) % tsp. salt 2 eggs (or 4 egg yolks plus 2 tbsp. water) 4 cups sifted all-purpose flour Crumble the yeast into a bowl. Add V4 cup of the lukewarm milk (80° F.). (If room and flour are cooler than 80° F., use milk a trifle warmer than 80° F. If room and flour are warmer, as in hot weather, use milk cooler than 80° F.). Add 1 tbsp. of the sugar, and stir to dissolve completely. Cream shortening, add remaining sugar and salt gradually, and cream thoroughly. Blend well-beaten eggs (or egg yolks and water) into the yeast mixture. Blend egg-yeast mixture into creamed mixture. Add half the flour and the remaining milk and beat well. Beat in the remaining flour. Beat until the dough becomes smooth. (This dough is too soft to knead.) When dough is well mixed, place it in a well-greased bowl. Cover with a damp cloth. Keep dough at 80 to 85° F. until double in bulk (about IV2 hours) . (Dough should feel neither warm nor cool to the touch — just "in-between." Place it out of draft. If kitchen is cold, put dough in a closed cupboard with a pan of hot water beside it.) Remove dough from bowl. Round up on a lightly floured board. Cover with a damp cloth, and let stand 15 minutes (to loosen up). Divide dough into 2 equal parts. Roll out each half of dough V4 inch thick into a large circular piece (16 FREE First Aid to Brides and Beginning Cooks It's a sad day when the bride discovers that the cherished recipes she'd collected from her friends and relatives aren't very helpful after all. They are vague about amounts, and frequently she finds herself with enough food for six instead of just enough for herself and her young husband. Betty Crocker's Kitchenette Recipes and Easy-to-Prepare Breakfasts and Dinner Menus for the Bride will save this young cook a great deal of grief. These menus are planned especially so that the new cook won't have too much "last-minute" work in the kitchen. They are yours, absolutely without charge, if you will fill out and mail this coupon. Betty Crocker HOLLYWOOD Magazine 1501 Broadway, N. Y. C. Please send me — without charge — your Easy-to-Prepare Breakfast and Dinner Menus for the Bride and Kitchenette Recipes. Name Street City State "I lived in a haunted house . . ." It was just like seeing a horrible ghost — everytime I opened that linen closet. There were my clothes all washed and ironed — and there was that dingy shadow of tattle-tale gray. It simply haunted me. I never dreamed my weak-kneed soap was to blame until . . . The lady next door asked me to wash the Fels-Naptha way. "Try the golden bar or the golden chips," she told me. "Either way, -Fels-Naptha Soap brings you richer, golden soap teamed with gentle dirt-loosening naptha. And those two busy cleaners get the grimiest, tattle-tale gray dirt." Well, I was so frantic I rushed to the grocer's for that big, golden bar of Fels-Naptha Soap. And do I thank my lucky stars! My washes now look like a million — so sunny-white and sweet-smell ing! I'm so proud of my curtains and clothes and linens, I just love to have folks come into the house. And, Jim . . .well ... if you could see how he hugged me last night, you'd know he's proud oime! Golden bar or golden chips FELS-NAPTHA BANISHES "TATTLE-TALE GRAY" Wmi P. S. Use the Fels-Naptha bar for bar-soap jobs. Use Fels-Naptha Soap Chips for boxsoap jobs. The crinkly flakes made of richer, golden soap and naptha. They're huskier — not puffed up with air like flimsy, sneezy powders. Wonderfully sudsy, too — thanks to a new added suds-builder! copyright. 1940 f«ib&c<> 4]