Hollywood (1942)

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HONEY-BLONDE— WITH A FRESH-AS-WILD-ROSES COMPLEXION Jane's Precious Engagement Ring is dear and sweet like herself. A Tiffany setting of gold holds the clear, sparkling diamond that once belonged to her fiance's grandmother. DAINTY JANE DRURY of Leominster, Massachusetts — engaged to Loring Harkness,Jr., of New York and Connecticut. Loring teas preparing for a teaching career — but, like so many boys now, he's working in a defense plant until the Army calls him. dorable, modern daughter of a distinguished New England family, Jane plunged right into war duties after college. She works like a beaver at her Civilian Defense job and nearly dances her feet off "hostessing" at U.S.O. Wherever she goes, Jane has compliments about her lovely complexion. "I tell all the girls just to use Pond's Cold Cream," she says. "Then they'll see why I say it's so 'super' — and makes your skin feel so soft and spandy clean." Copy Her Soft-Smooth Complexion Care First — Jane smooths Pond's Cold Cream carefully over her face and throat — pats with gentle finger tips to soften and release dirt and old make-up. Tissues off well. Next — she "rinses" with more Pond's. Tissues it off again. Use Pond's Cold Cream as Jane does — every night — for quick daytime clean-ups, too. You'll see why war-busy society women like Miss Fernanda Wanamaker and Mrs. Allan A. Ryan use this soft-smooth cream — why more women and girls all over America use Pond's than any other face cream. At your favorite beauty counter. Five popular-priced sizes— the most economical the lovely big jars ! she's lovely! she uses ponds They love to look at Jane! Loring and Jane with two Army friends on leave. There's always a "sweet-as-a-pink" look about Jane's flower-fresh complexion. She gives Pond's lots of credit for helping to keep her skin so softly smooth. ^---,^^x-^* „^ IT'S NO ACCIDENT SO MANY LOVELY ENGAGED GIRLS USE POND's!