Hollywood (1942)

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Popping Questions at Bob Taylor Quizzed by HELEN HOVER TJr Q. When did you make your most glaring faux pas? A. Al a Swedish-American Ball in Stockholm in 1937. While escorting Princess Bernadotle down the grand staircase. 1 caught my heel in the trousers of my full dress suit and fell flat on my . Regardless of what I fell on, it was emphatically an embarrassing moment. Q. In what ways would you say that you and Barbara are most alike? A. In the fact that we both worry, are both rather moody, and both enjoy seeing and making pictures. Q. In what ways are you most unlike? A. Barbara doesn't sleep well : I do — like a log. Barbara doesn't eat much; I do — like a (well, it doesn't really matter). Q. How do you react when female fans gush over you? A Q. When were you most discouraged about your career? A. About three years ago after having had three or four inferior pictures and a considerable amount of questionable publicity. Believe me, I was plenty worried. Q. What is your sore spot? A. I suppose the one which did bolher me most was thai fairly decrepit one about "pretty boy." That sure used to rankle. I tried never to let on, however, and it kind of went the way of all flesh. Q. If you could live your life over, what would you want changed? A. I wish that my father could have lived to share part of the success that I have been able to attain. I'm sure I could have shown him a wonderful time in return for all the fine things he did for me. Q. Have you ever overheard any unflattering remarks about yourself in a movie house? A. Far too many times. That's why I now Affable Bob Taylor responded eagerly when cornered by HOLLYWOOD'S quizreporter, Helen Hover, who fired some forty personal questions at him. He is shown with two favorite pets, Princess, a Boxer, and Champ, a terrier Above: Rated one of the handsomest men on the screen, Bob prefers tough-guy roles in Westerns. He's in Clear For Action Q. What unkind rumor about yourself most upset you? A. The one several years ago that I was going to attemp! a "comeback" when I wasn't even aware that I had been out of pictures. Q. Were you ever embarrassed doing a love scene? A. Once or twice in Camille, merely because the style of the dialogue was so foreign to me that I felt like a fish out of water. It's been a long time, however, since I've felt any self-consciousness about such a scene. Q. Do you take an interest in the way your wife, Barbara Stanwyck, dresses, and do you try to advise her? 28 A. Like all mere males I suppose I consider myself an authority on women's clothes. I do make many suggestions along these lines. Whether they are accepted, or whether she merely convinces me that her own preferences are "aciually the very thing I was suggesting," I don't know. Needless to say, I feel that she dresses very smartly, looks very well. Thanks to . . . Q. What type of clothes do you like most on your wife? A. Tailored things. Suits, slacks, and simple dinner clothes. Q. If you have any children, which of yours and Barbara's qualities and features would you want them to inherit? Next Month Hollywood's Quiz Reporter puts Claudette Colbert on the spot