Hollywood (1942)

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Which Tampon Can I Trust? FIBS-THE KOTEX TAMPON merits your confidence! Enables you to wear shorts or slacks any day you wish! Worn internally, Fibs provide invisible sanitary protection. Easy to use ... no pins, pad or belt ... no chafing, no disposal problem. FULL DOZEN ONLY20*.Not8 ... not 10 ... but 12 for 20jJ. When you buy Fibs, you pay for no mechanical gadget to aid insertion . . . for none is needed ! Fibs are quilted . . . easy to insert without artificial means. The quilting provides added comfort, and safety, too. Yet Fibs cost less! FIBS— the Kotex* Tampon Popping Questions at Bob Taylor [Continued -from page 29] (*Trade Marks Reg. U. S. Pat. Off.) A. Close association with my father, a physician whose whole philosophy was one of trying to do the most good possible and enjoying it to the fullest. I certainly don't feel that 1 have ever compared with him in that respect, but I do believe that it has more or less determined my attitude toward the people with whom I associate and my reactions to various situations. Q. About what are you most sensitive? A. Two things: 1. Personal cleanliness. 2. The opinions of people toward me. I make a sincere effort to make myself generally well-liked. Q. Do you believe in matrimonial vacations? Q. What unbecoming personal mannerism have you had to overcome? A. Wearing a frown when there was actually nothing to frown about. Q. What type of role do you like Barbara to play? And in your opinion, what has been her best role? A. I like her both in comedy and highly dramatic parts. However, I believe she excels in the latter, not so much that she can't do comedy, hut that there arc so few really fine dramatic actresses. To my way of thinking. Stella Dallas was her best performance. Q. What famous person would you like to meet — and why? A. Hitler — because the only place I'd have a chance of meeting him would be in the Army; he as an unwilling guest of the U. S. Army. And because that's where he ought to be, and because that's where he trill be some day, so help me! Q. What type of role would you most like to do? A. I don't know whether or not I have any ability along those lines, but my personal likes in pictures and in personalities make me lean toward Westerns. As far as my actual preference goes, I'd just as soon do all Westerns and forget about drawing room comedies and immortal love stories. Q. On what subject do you consider yourself most uninformed? A. Politics and economics. And I say that without shame. Show me anyone who can keep up with the political and economic status of things today and I'll show you a man who's well on his way to the nut-house and a straitjacket. Q. In what ways do you give in to Barbara? A. I'm afraid that most of the giving in is on her side. I have pretty definite opinions about a lot of things (so does she, for that matter), but she seems to let me do an awful lot of deciding. That old female intuition, I guess. Q. What player would you most like to work with, and why? A. Innumerable ones, but preferably with Spencer Tracy. Why? An actor as good as he always makes you look better when you are working with him. And I'm not being modest — that's the way I feel about Spence. Q. What would you say is your worst failing? A. The ability to worry when there's really nothing to worry about. Q. What do you think are Barbara's best traits? A. Honesty, philanthropy and simplicity. Q. What personal accomplishment was most difficult for you to acquire? A. I guess golf came the nearest to stopping me. I finally had to choose between a nervous breakdown or one more attempt to break an 80, so I did neither and quit the game. I still have my clubs, however, being too thrifty by nature to throw them in the lake. Q. What role pleased you the most? A. It's a toss-up betwecii Waterloo Briilur and Johnny Eager. Q. Have you an urge to do a stage play? A. None whatsoever! I get weak in the knees, butterflies in my stomach and cotton grows in my mouth at the very thought of getting on a stage before a "live" audience. Q. Why did you and Barbara give up your ranches? A. Partly for financial reasons, partly because of the distance they were from our work. When you have to get up at 4:30 in the morning in order to be ready for work as Barbara did — well, fun's fun. Q. Who does most of the talking at the dinner table? A. I honestly believe that this is pretty much a give and take proposition. I might say, however, that inasmuch as I eat considerably more than Barbara, I'm afraid that my attention is all too frequently on my plate rather than on the subject of conversation. Q. Have you a pet subject about which you like to discuss or argue? A. None. Coming from a very argumentative stock of Scotch, Dutch and Irish ancestry, I am perfectly willing to take either side of an argument, discuss the subject to the limits of my knowledge, and may the best man win. Q. Would you like to have children some day? A Q. What is the name of your latest picture? A. Clear for Action. Q. Do you get depressed easily? A. Have you ever heard of crawling under a snake's belly? That's me! 36