Hollywood without make-up (1948)

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2l8 HOLLYWOOD WITHOUT MAKEUP that stable who ran swiftly in Gallant Bess and My Brother Talks to Horses are registered with the racing authorities, so that no one else can ever use them. Legal-research departments are careful to avoid scenes or dialogue derogatory to any organized group. When, in one script, a child refused a glass of milk, the scene was deleted for fear of outraged dairy farmers, angry milk-bar proprietors or embattled Granges would think it anti-milk-drinking propaganda. Commercial products or services are not displayed to the disadvantage of a competitor. One outdoor set was changed because it included a poster advertising a certain cigarette. Fictitious labels for cans, bottles or packages are designed and printed. Studios manufacture train and bus tickets bearing the names of synthetic transportation companies. They carry the warning: "Manufactured by (name of studio) for picture purposes only." So far, there is no record of a finder of such pasteboards trying to set out to see America first for free.