Home Movies (1947)

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38 HOME MOVIES FOR JANUARY E\i mm m mm mm ^ Recent Releases for Road Shows, Clubs, Schools and Churches ^ Laf-esl 16mm. and 8mm. Films For Home Movie Projectors That's The Spirit, 9 reels 16mm. sound, is a Universal production featuring Jack Okie and Peggy Ryan, the gay father and daughter of the recent Merry Monahans, plus Andy Devine, June Vincent and Arthur Treacher. The amusing story concerns a happy-golucky genthman from the ghost world who comes down to earth to re-adjust The Cracked Nut is one of three animated cartoons released this month by Castle Films, Inc., New York City. From the studios of Walter Lantz, subject features the hilarious bird, Woody Woodpecker, in a rollicking series of incidents which culminates in Woody being examined for insanity. Titles of other two Woody Woodpecker subjects are Knock Knock and The Screwdriver. All three are available in two 8mm. editions and three 1 6mm. editions including one in sound. the lives and affairs of some former relatives. It is a bright musical drama with a fantastic twist sure to please both young and old audiences. Now available from United-World Films, Inc., R.C.A. BIdg., New York 20. Rental rate is $17.50. News Review of 1946 is Official Films' latest edition of world news roundup for the current year. Some of the highlights which it includes are: United Nations meeting; Bikini bomb tests; Paris Conference; Nuremberg trials; riots abroad; World Series games; Forest Hills tennis finals; U.C. Cardinals in Rome; and the passing of Jimmy Walker. Subject will be available at leading camera shops and film libraries about January 1st in two 8mm. editions and three 1 6mm. editions including one in sound. About Face, 5 reels, 16 mm. sound, offers an impressive cast of players headed by William Tracy, Joe Sawyer, Jean Porter, Marjorie Lord and Veda Ann Borg, in an amusing comedy concerning the tribulations of two service men on leave. Tracy as Sgt. Doubleday and Sawyer as Sgt. Ames go to town on a week-end pass. Actually Sawyer has "invited" himself to go along with Tracy who has the money, a hundred-dollar check won in a quiz contest. Tracy, however, is not a spender and difficulty is encountered when they pick up two girls at a cocktail lounge. Screening time of picture is 45 minutes. Distribution is Post Pictures Corps., 72 3 Seventh Ave., New York City. I'll Tell The World 6 reels 16mm. sound, was produced by Universal Pictures and features Lee Tracy, Brenda Joyce, June Preisser and Thomas Gomez. Here is a fast moving comedy of the radio world with Lee Tracy back on the screen again as the talking speed demon of the airwaves. It's the lively story of a glib announcer who becomes radio's "Advice To The Lovelorn" philosopher but cannot straighten out his own love affairs with his radiostruck girl friend. United-World Films, Inc., is distributor, located in the R.C.A. Bldg., New York 20. Rental rate of subject is $17.50. See My Lawyer, 7 reels, 16mm. sound, is a Universal Pictures production starring Olsen and Johnson, Alan Curtis and Grace McDonald in a hilarious comedy involving two night club performers, Olsen and Johnson, and their comic antics with the club's performers calculated to break their contract and thus speed them to a promised motion picture contract in Hollywood. Available at once, distribution is by UnitedWorld Films, Inc., R.C.A. Bldg., New York City 20. Rental rate is $17.50 for the subject. The Phantom Sea, 3 reels, 16mm. sound, is an absorbing and thrilling • Continued on Page J7