Home Movies (1947)

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HOME MOVIES FOR JANUARY CARTOONS 76 mm Sonne/ — T6mm Silent — 8 mm (132) . TOYLAND BROADCAST. The quaint tittle toy shop comes to life to give out with jom and jive. (133) . WHEN THE CAT'S AWAY. The great big watch cat's away, and Little Cheezer goes on a terrific rampage. (135). CHINESE NIGHTINGALE. The Chinese Emperor hod o beautiful nightingale, but the Japanese sent him a mechanical bird. (138). EARLY BIRD AND THE WORM. The cost, consisting of two very black and lazy crows, the worm, and the early bird, will keep you chuckling — and we' II let you find out who wins. (140) . THE PUPS' CHRISTMAS. What kind of toys are they that stand up and hit you from the front, side and bock? (141) . THE HOUND AND THE RABBIT. You ve never seen such o rowdy football game as this one ployed by the wise-guy rabbit end slop-happy hound. MUSICAL FEATURETTES Complete 16mm Sound Only — I Reef (260) . RHYTHM IN A NIGHT COURT. A Merry musical revue set in a mock court room. Featuring Al Bernie, Horry Rose, Sylvia Manon, Sid Marion and others. (261) . PHONEY BOY. With J. Harold Murroy, Coss Daly, Five Busy Bees, Compbell's Continentals and Harvest Moon Ball dancers. (262) . SWEET SHOE. Rio Rita and Her Girl Band, the Four Norsemen, The Four Specs, Anita Jacobi and clever Benny Davis. (263) . DEVILED HAM. Featuring Gus Van, Erskine Hawkins' Bond, Toy and Wing, the Three Kays and Moya Engcle. (264) . A RADIO HOOK-UP. With Dorothy Stone, Charles Collins, The Buckaroos, Yost's Singing Dozen and Doug Leovitt. (265) . lATIN RHYTHM. Storring Jan Peerce, luba Molino, Mia Miles Foursome, and the twelve fomous Dansopators. (266) . NO SALE. The Original Dixieland Bond, Gogo De Lys, the NBC Russian Octette, The Charioteers and Doug Leovitt ond Hal Sherman. (267) . SKYLINE REVUE. Set in o penthouse, with Paulo Stone, Billy and Milly, Sugar Nichols, Eddy Bruce, Willis Clair ond DeMoy, Moore ond Martin. (268) . MAIDS AND MUSIC. A charming conglomeration of girls and music, featuring Ray Fobings and Bernice Parks. (269) . SALT SHAKERS. With J. C. Flip pen, Joe Davis, Mae McKim and her Three Boy Friends, Vera Haal and McGurns' Twelve Tors. (270) . INTERNATIONAL RHYTHMS. Roy Smeck ond his Aloha Islanders, Ada Brown, Cecil Mack Choir, Princess Chiyo ond Mara. (271) . CARNIVAL SHOW. With Jon Peerce, Clyde Hoger, the Cotton Club Tromp Bond and the Three De Lovelies. SPORTSCOPES f6mm Sound — 16mm SUenf — 6mm (143). WHITE MAGIC. Set against America's fom ous Sun Valley, the camera captures thrilling scenes of expert skiing ond winter sports. (149). BROTHER GOLFERS. Featuring the Six Turnesa Brothers, the American Royol Family of Golf, with the lost word in golfing techniques. (151). BLUE GRASS. Taken on the Widener Farms in Kentucky, the film also shows the big races ot Hioleoh and Saratoga, and the famous race between Seabiscuit and Wor Admiral. i PICTORIAL FILMS, Inc LIST PRICES I6n!im Sound — Complete $17.50 16mm Silent — Complete $8.75 8mm Complete $5.50 PICTORIAL FILMS, Inc. R.K.O. Building, Radio City 20, N. Y. Please send me your catolog of PICTOREELS, the Finest in Reel Entertainment. RKO Building Kimball Building Radio City 20, N. Y • Chicago 4, Illinois NAME. ADDRESS CITY ZONE STATE.