Home Movies (1954)

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Cine-Kodak Royal Magazine Camera Meet moviedom's Royal family. . . There couldnt be a simpler yet more talented movie camera than the 16mm. Royal. There isn't a better value! Want movies at their easiest? Just slip a film magazine into the Royal and close the cover. A built-in guide "dials" the right exposure. And so great is the "depth" of the Royal's superb Ektar //1.9 lens, you seldom have to focus. Or step out with the Royal — make slow-motion or single-frame movies . . . focus, razor-sharp, from a foot to infinity . . . slip on any of eleven Kodak auxiliary lenses for wide-angle or telephoto shots. For beginners, for experts, the Royal has — does — everything. Yet it's only $176.25 with f/1.9 lens. Kodascope Royal Projector New . . . brilliant . . . quiet as a kitten — and the most troublefree 16mm. silent projector ever made! Those aren't adjectives. They're facts. The Royal's bearings, gears, and geared reel arms are permanently oil-impregnated or sealed in oil. That means quietness and long life. The optical system is outstanding and includes a unique extra element that produces pictures as sharp at the corners as they are at the core. Reverse operation, variable speed control — and the Royal is so easy to run! Built into its own handsome case, the Royal Projector is $245 — and you'll say it's well worth it. Cine-Kodak Film Prices include Federal Tax and are subject to change without notice. Beautiful, full-color Kodachrome Film, either Daylight Type for outdoor movies or Type A for indoor-nighttime shooting. Or super-fast, super-fine "Super-X." You can depend upon them! Family resemblance. All Kodak movie equipment is good movie equipment. From the $39.75 8mm. Brownie Movie Camera to the 16mm. Cine-Kodak Special II Camera . . . from the $62.50 8mm. Brownie Movie Projector to the sound-andsilent 16mm. Pageant Projectors. All are fine values, too — and one is the right one for you. See your Kodak dealer, won't you? Or write . . . EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY, Rochester 4, N Y. 97