The international photographer (Jan-Dec 1934)

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Twenty-six The INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER March, 1934 L EICA'S FOR ACTION PICTURES AND "ALL-PURPOSE" SHOTS s 1SIEW PEED LENS LEICA Photo by G. Van IV. Stivers. Perutz Perseno Film. INTERCHANGEABLE WITH 10 OTHER LEICA LENSES The LEICA Camera's new Summar 50 mm. f.2 lens gives sharper detail than any other speed lens — perfect clarity even at full opening. It can also be used as an all-purpose lens because it offers marvelous detail at all stops. It is a lens that can be used with the LEICA Enlarger, Projector, Copying Attachment, Stereo Attachment, Panorama Attachment, Photomicrography Apparatus, and other accessories. There are 11 Interchangeable LEICA Lenses, including telephoto and wide angle lenses, for all photographic work. These give the LEICA Camera an unlimited range of performance, yet the camera is small enough to carry in the pocket. LEICA has a built-in range finder (with magnified focusing image) which is coupled with lens mount for automatic focusing. Focal Plane Shutter with speeds of 1 to l/500th seconds. It gives up to 36 pictures on a single roll of cinema film. Excellent enlargements up to 12x18 inches. Write for free illustrated booklet describing LEICA Camera, Lenses, and over 300 Accessories. E. LEITZ, INC. 60 East 10th St. Dept. 469 New York Western Representatives, Spindler and Sauppe, Inc., San Francisco and Los Angeles, Calif. L. A. AMATEUR CINE CLUB Over one hundred members of the Los Angeles Amateur Cine Club learned many interesting suggestions from professional Hollywood camera men at their last monthly meeting when Faxon Dean and others gave demonstrations of their art. Faxon M. Dean demonstrated fillers in News Reel subjects; explained the ingenuity of photographers in originating material to include "babies, battleships and beauty contests," and suggested methods of making ordinary subjects appear as interesting news. Alternating programs between professional talks and examples of the members own pictures, the March 6th meeting at the Bell & Howell studio will consist of two contests, with helpful criticisms. Mr. Fred Champion is president of the club. BROOKS EFFECT AND FILTER HOOD One of the chief deterrents toward the inclusion of professional effects in amateur movies has been the prohibitive cost of devices yielding such results. To meet this situation Burleigh Brooks has designed an effect and filter hood that adequately meets the requirements of the amateur who desires "to do things" with his camera. The Brooks filter holder, which is an integral part of the apparatus, will accommodate any two inch square filter, diffusion disc, fog filter or gage. The hood, which is ?>y2 inches long, serves not only as a sun shade, a valuable feature in itself in securing clean, brilliant pictures, but in addition may be used with cut-out and masks to achieve any number of interesting effects such as wipe-outs, split screen shots, keyhole and binocular effects and the ability to iris in and out. The Brooks Effect and Filter Hood sells complete with all attachments for $8.50. THE AMATEUR CAN LEARN FROM THE PROFESSIONAL (Continued from Page 5) ment?" The answer is simple — find out how the professional gets his effects and then copy him! It is not difficult. It is easy enough to find a substitute for professional equipment, and even though it may not be as handy to use it will, nevertheless, satisfactorily serve the purpose. One need only see the work of the professional to realize that with him nothing is impossible — why shouldn't the amateur take the same attitude? WE WANT 35 mm. travel, fight, thrill and curiosity films from all parts of the earth. We Sell All Kinds of Raw Film at Reduced Prices. CONTINENTAL FILMCRAFT, INC. 1611 Cosmo Street Hollywood, Calif. Mr. Karl A. Barleben's newest book, "Travel Photography with the Miniature Camera," will soon be off the press of the Fomo Publishing Co., Canton, Ohio. His first book, "The Leica Data Book," is now going into the third edition within less than six months of the first printing. Price, 50 cents. — Editor's Note. To the Cameraman We supply fresh 35 mm. Eastman or Dupont Gray Backed Negative Film at .02^4 per foot. KINEMA KRAFTS COMPANY 6510 Selma Ave., Hollywood, Calif. GL. 0276 Please mention The International Photographer when corresponding with advertisers.