The international photographer (Jan-Dec 1934)

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Thirty T h INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER September, 1934 INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Brings results — Rates 45 cents per line — minimum charge one dollar per insertion. For Rent — For Sale — Wanted — For Exchange, etc. FOR SALE AND RENT— CAMERAS FOR SALK OK KENT— Mitchell and Bell & Howell silenced cameras, follow focus. Pan lenses, free head, corrected new aperture. Akeley, Da Brie, Pathe, Universal, Prevost, Willart, De Vry, Eyemo, Sept, Leica. Motors, printers lighting equipment. Also every variety of 16 mm. and still cameras and projectors. B & H Cameras with old type shuttles silenced, $150. Everything photographic bought, sold, rented and repaired. Send for our bargain catalogue. Hollywood Camera Exchange, 1600 Cahuenga Blvd. Phone HO. 3651. Cable, Hocamex. BELL & HOWELL Professional Motion Picture Camera complete with 35 — 40 — -50 — 75 mm. lenses and Mitchell tripod legs. Also Akeley Camera complete with 2 in., 6 in., 17 in. ienses. Mervyn Freeman, 1960 South Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Phone: REpublic 3171. LIKE NEW SOUND MOVIOLA, Model VC, Price $450; also new H. C. E. Ereehead Tripod and legs for Bell & Howell, Eyemo or DeVry cameras — $75 complete. Hollywood Camera Exchange, 1600 North Cahuenga Blvd., Hollywood. FOR SALE— CAMERAS AND EQUIPMENT NEW AND USED HOME MOVIE CAMERAS— DeVry Motion Picture Cameras— sound on film portable projectors with operators for rent. Photographic supplies — fine grain nnishing — courteous service. Educational Proj'ect-O Film Co., 1611 North Cahuenga, Hollywood. REAL BARGAINS in 16 and 35 mm. movie equipment and still cameras. Newest types cameras and projectors in all' popular makes. Save money on film, lights, lenses and all essential accessories. Our 36 years of experience stands back of every sale. Before you buy, send for our new bargain booklet. Burke & James, Inc., 223 W. Madison St., Chicago. MITCHELL — Late model silenced camera, fully equipped. Reasonable. Continental Filmcraft, Inc., 1611 Cosmo Street, Hollywood. WANTED— Tmi Bell & Howell 120° or 170° shutter cameras immediately, for cash. Continental Filmcraft, Inc., 1611 Cosmo Street, Hollywood. CAMERA REPAIRING BELL & HOWELL cameras with old type shuttles silenced, $150. Hollywood Motion Picture Equipment Co., 645 No. Martel Ave., Hollywood. FOR SALE OR RENT— MISCELLANEOUS MITCHELL MOTOR — 1000 ft. Mitchell magazines. J. R. Lockwood, Glendale. Douglas 3361-W. FOR SALE — 75 mm. Cooke Lens. F.2 in Mitchell mount complete. 50 and 75 mm. Astro lenses, mounted and unmounted. J. R. Lockwood, 523 North Orange 9treet, Glendale. Douglas 3361-W. BUYERS READ these classified advertisements as you are now doing. If you have something for sale or exchange — advertise it in these columns. THE INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER, 1605 No. Cahuenga Ave., Hollywood. FOR RENT — 25 and 35 mm. lenses, motor adapters, Mitchell Standard tripod head, baby tripod, 400 ft. Mitchell magazines. J. R. Lockwood, 523 North Orange St., Glendale, Douglas 3361-W. FOR RENT— CAMERAS TWO THOROUGHLY silenced Mitchell cameras. Follow focus device, Pan Astro lenses, Freehead — 1000 ft. magazines. J. R. Lockwood, 523 No. Orange St., Glendale. Douglas 3361-W. THE INTERNATIONAL PROJECTIONIST THE INTERNATIONAL PROJECTIONIST, a monthly magazine published in the interests of the projectionist. Interesting, instructive. Yearly subscription U. S. and possessions, $2 ; foreign countries, $2.50. lames T, Finn Publishing Corp., 1 West 47th St., New York. WANTED TO BUY WANTED — Motion Picture and Still Cameras, all types, Lenses, Finders, Tripod Heads, Leica or Contax Cameras. Cash for bargains. Camera Supply Company, 1515 No. Cahuenga Blvd., Hollywood. POSITION WANTED DO YOU WANT A CAMERAMAN who is an expert on studio production ; or an expedition cameraman who knows every corner of the world ; or a cameraman who thoroughly understands the making of industrial pictures ; or an expert newsreel photographer ; or an expert color cameraman? A limited number of cameramen, backed by years of experience, are available. Write stating your requirements and we shall be glad to assist you in choosing the kind of cameraman you want. INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER, 1605 North Cahuenga Ave., Holly wood. MISCELLANEOUS COMPLETE COURSE IN FLYING — If interested in aviation, see Roy Klaffki, 1605 North Cahuenga Ave., Hollywood. WANTED — To know of the whereabouts of motion picture relics, documents, or equipment of a historical nature for Museum purposes. Write Earl Theisen, care of International Photographer, 1605 Cahuenga Ave., Hollywood. M ir^nnml Is JHEtiEB 0 Best 16MM Value J Bass . . . value leader . . . offers Precision Made Ampro . . .New guaranteed — at a saving of $50.50— PowerfulBrilliant— Plastic projection — Long-life— Smoothness — *99L° 1 Quietness assured. 400 watt Biplane Mazda light is equal to 500 watt. Kodacolor may be used. Instrument complete with cord and plug — instructions — carrying case. Fully guaranteed for one year. Regular $150.00; Bass price S99.50. GUARANTEE "I personally guaraniee 1 money back 1 guarantee 1 (he 400 win Biplane Full details and Baa Bargaingram No. 212 is free on request. DEALERS: WRITE FOR DETAILS 1 FiUmeaf Mazda equal I to 500 wan in ilium. BASS CAMERA CO. p"uJ"' 179 W.Madison St.Chicaao i _ TRICK PHOTOGRAPHY. Exclusive agency for three leading Hollywood makers of trick lenses. Apply for prices and demonstration, sale or rentals. Camera Supply Co., Ltd., 1515 Cahuenga Ave., Hollywood. COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY With the Miniature Camera By Luis Marden This is positively the latest available data on color photography published. Mr. Marden has spent a great amount of time in compiling this valuable material which includes information on Agfa Color Photography, Finlav Color Photography, the Tri-Chrome Carbro process, Dupont Dupac, Lumiere (Filmcolor and Lumicolor), Belcolor print film and others. 108 pages with many charts, diagrams, formulas and processes. Attractive flexible binding. A thoroughly practical book written in a simple, easy-to-understand manner. Price 50 cents. PORTRAITURE With Miniature Camera By George W. Hesse In this latest book on Miniature Camera Photography Mr. Hesse has brought out a great amount of interesting material on the possbilities of portraiture with the diminutive camera. You are told in this new book, just what should be done to produce portraits of professional quality in jour own home, with a minimum of effort and expense. Hints as to composition, lighting, Him, lenses, make-up, developing formulas and other subjects are given. A book of valuable suggestions and information that should be in the hands of every miniature camera owner. 64 pages, illustrated. Price 50 cents. FOMO PUBLISHING CO. Canton, Ohio CINEX TESTINC MACHINES CINEX POLISHING MACHINES BARSAM-TOLLAR MECHANICAL WKS. 7239 Santa Monica Blvd. Phone GRanite 9707 Hollywood, California DOUBLE MATTING (3 PATENTS. 1932) mW/ILLlAMC! TT SHOTS » Phone OXford 1611 8111 Santa Monica Blvd. Hollywood, Calif. Please mention The International Photographer when corresponding with advertisers.