International Review of Educational Cinematography (Jan-Dec 1930)

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HELL WIG Albert President of the Potsdam Provincial Tribunal. JACQUES Norbert Author. KAUFMANN Nicolas LAMPE Felix Chief of the Central Institute for Education. MUCKERMANN Richard Director of the M. K. B. Film-Rundschau. NOCHT Bernard Professor of the < Institut fuer Schiffs und Tro" penkrankheiten ■> of Hamburg member of the Health Commitee of the L. o N. PLUQGE Walther Barrister at the Supreme Court of Berlin. Chief of the <Spitzenorganisation der Deutschen Film Industrie. POLL Professor of the Anatomical Institute of the University of Hamburg. ROEBER A. Scientific collaborator of the < Spitzenorganisation der Deutschen Filmindustrie:>. ROSENTHAL Alfred Chief Editor of the Editorial Office Scherl. SCHMIDT Helmut Lecturer at the University of Hamburg. SCHWEISHEIMER W. Author. SEEGER Ernst Director of the Central Film Censorship Office. STUTZIN J. J. Director of the Urologic Section of the Empress Victoria Hospital in Berlin. THOMALLA Curt Specialist for Neurology and Pathology. — The cinematograph and crime (1930). — Poet and stage-manager (1929). — The task of the cultural film in Germany (1930). — The activities of the Central German Institute for education (1929). — The Film and Catholicism (1930). — Consensus of expert opinion (1930). — Copyright in cinematographic productions (1929). — The Sound Film and copyright (1930). — The Hamburg Institute of Anatomy (1930). — Conditions and labour contracts in the German cinematographic Industry (1929). — Cultural Film Policy (1929). — The Hamburg Film Archives and the Institute for scientific photographic research (1930). — The film as a teacher (1929). — State control of Films in Germany (1929). — Kinemascopy (1930). — How the Cinema contributes to health in rural districts (1930). GREAT BRITAIN GRAHAM James Chief of the epidemiological Office in the British Ministry for Public Health. WILSON C. M. UR WICK E. Director of the International Management Institute in Geneva. — Consensus of expert opinion (1930). — The League of Nations on the Screen (1930). — The cinematograph and scientific management. GREECE LAMPADARIOS N. E. Director of the section for school hygiene at the Greek Ministry for Public Instruction. YANNOPOULO Anna Professor of Pedagogy at the < Arsakion> School in Athens. — The evolution of the educational film in Greece (1929). The new school and the cinema (1930). 13 —