International Review of Educational Cinematography (Jan-Dec 1932)

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— 490 — HEAD OFFICES 51, Via Sallustiana :: ROME :: 38, Via S. Basilio We draw once again the attention of Employers to the valuable assistance they will find in the National Insurance Institute in the matter of the financial treatment of their staffs in cases of dismissal, resignation, unemployment, sickness and death. Why do you allow your administrative department to become complicated, why do you have periodically and, often without warning to face new difficulties and meet new cases in the matter of your liabilities to your employees ? Such a situation disturbs your work, which should proceed uninterruptedly — without incidents — to be fully effective. Neither does such a situation confer tranquillity on those who are your precious collaborators. Employers The Corporative legislation has created the " collective labour contracts ", regulating the relations between employers and employees. You, for your part, should make it your duty to apply such contracts in the most practical way, and in the manner most in keeping with the spirit and letter of the law. THE NATIONAL INSURANCE INSTITUTE which — as was its definite duty — has conformed its methods to the progress of the nation, drawing inspiration from the legislative reforms that have given the country a new and solid social adjustement, offers you, therefore COLLECTIVE INSURANCES which comprise the most perfect developments of the day in the field of insurance technique. These " collective insurances " relieve you of the various obligations which are imposed on you, as a result of law, towards your employees and workmen because such obligations, becoming the object of one single comprehensive contract, pass to the National Insurance Institute, whose task it is to settle them in every case. Employers think over this appeal, and if you are anxious to enjoy an absence from worry, and appreciate reasonable economies, do not neglect to ask plans and estimates from the various agencies of the National Insurance Institute. If — without obligation on your part — you wish an expert to come and examine the particular case of your dependents with the idea of suggesting the best plan for you, do not hesitate to make a request to the General Management of the Institute. (Rome Offices). Remember that the National Insurance Institute is a State body and the first of all Insurance undertakings in Europe. ONE MILLION PERSONS INSURED TWELVE MILLIARDS WORTH OF INSURANCE Those insured with collective policies also participate in the profits of the Institute.