Just me (1919)

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JUST ME steak, I ordered that along with coffee and pomme de terres — I knew those too. I also found out the day after what that horse's head meant in front of the door — I was eating horse meat. Anyway, it tasted all right, so why not? I went to the Ritz that evening and claimed my rooms, but I had scarcely entered them when the telephone rang. It was "Bobby," the count, on the other end of the wire. It seems he had learned my destination from a hotel porter in London. He told me he was in Paris on business. I *knew he was lying, but it pleased me to think he had followed me there, so for the moment I rather liked him for it. I stayed on in Paris for a few weeks and saw a lot of my acquaintances from London, but most of my time was spent with "Bobby." During this time I got down to a lot of serious thinking, decided to forget the "Bep" idea and marry "Bobby." I didn't love him, but then this marriage would make a wonderful hit with my friends in America, so I decided to take the "big chance." To "Bobby," I was sup[1S6]