Kalem Kalendar (1911)

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NEWS ITEMS of the KALEM COMPANIES A N ambitious exhibitor in New Jersey recently inquired of the Kalem Company if it would be possible for Miss Alice Joyce to appear in person at his theatre. Inasmuch as Miss Joyce is located in Glendale, California, with the Kalem organization at that point, it was impossible to present the proposition to her. This is but another example of Miss Joyce’s wide popularity. TN ALEM’S Condon agents recently forwarded to the main office a card received from C. Gunn Cooke, a progressive exhibitor of Newry, Ireland, stating that “Rory O’More” increased his receipts over $70 for the three days in which he displayed the film. He remarks that, his theatre has a seating capacity of 250 and that his price of admission is 6 and 3 pence. AT R. KENEAN BUEL, director of -‘-’-1 Kalem’s Florida Company, has secured the use of two old wartime Mississippi River boats, which he will use in a coming feature production. M R. SID OLCOTT, director of the Kalem Company en route to the Holy Land, cabled from the Madeira Islands that they had experienced an un usually rough voyage, but all being good sailors, none complained of sea-sickness. rT"' HE recommendation of old Irish -*• airs to be played in connection with “The Colleen Bawn,” met with such success that the Kalem Company had a special arrangement made for the threereel production of “Arrah-na-Pogue,” with an original composition for an introduction. The sale of this music, which consists of a complete piano score and four-piece orchestration, so far exceeded the anticipations of the company that several rush orders have been filled by the publisher. From the wide approval which this policy has received from exhibitors who wish to enhance the beauty of their performances, we will without doubt continue to prepare special musical arrangements for feature productions. We would 'be pleased to hear further from exhibitors on this matter. AN admirer of Miss Alice Joyce, who resides in the Black Hills of South Dakota, recently sent her a little black bear cub by express. The cub suffered no ill effects from his journey and has already become a great pet among the members of the company. Page six