Kinematograph year book : 1931 (1931)

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40 The Kinematograph Year Book. Turkey (Stamboul). FILM-PRODUCER :— Kemal-Film, Sirkedji Palace, Stamboul. HalM Kiamil Film, Stambul-Beyoglu, Missir Appartemeilt. RENTERS, DISTRIBUTORS AN D AQENTS. Cine "Opera," Grand rue, Pera. Hail! Kiamil Film, Grand rue, Missir Apparte " Ditque-Film," Ada!et Han, Galata. „'?'^"'' Yr^ „ „. . Fox-Film Corp., Istiklal Cadessi 403, Stambul Metro-Goldwyn-IWayer Missir Han, Stambulp, , Bevoglu. BeyogUL T. Spyrides (Socicte Gaumont), Bereket Han, A de HubSCh, Tunnel Han, Galata. Galata. Ipekdji Freres, Grand rue. Cine iMelek, Pera. " Tsranto " (Xest.! Film, Taxim, Cine " Magic," " Kemal-Film," Sirkedji Palace, Stamboul. Pera. MANUFACTURERS AND AGENTS OF KINEMA ACCESSORIES. IpeXdji Freres, Bon Marche de Salonique, Jack Rottenberg, Dilsiz Zad6 Han, Stamboul. Grand rue, Cine Melck. Pera. e t«/-:_i..— /«:— *.....>.t r j Magasin " Lumiere," Grand rue, Plare de «• Weinberg (Cine-Apparate), Grand Tunnel, Ptra. rue 162, Pera. KINEMA TRADE PUBLICATION. Cine Operra, Stamboul. Union of South Africa. African Film Productions, Ltd., Box 2787, African Films, Ltd., Box 701, Cape Town. Johannesburg. Kinemas, Ltd., 11 5-1 23, Locarno House, Loveday African Films, Ltd., Box 4552, Johannesburg. Street, Johannesburg. United States of America (New York). FILM COMPANIES. Aywon Pictures Corp., 729, Seventh Avenue. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Corp., 1540, Broadway. Bray Prod., 729, Seventh Avenue. Paramount Famous Lasky Corp., 1 501, Broadway ;, ,-1 f, , . Pathe Exchange Inc., 35, West 45th street. Castle Films, 729, Seventh Avenue. Photocolour Corp., 729, Seventh Avenue. Chesterfield Productions, 1540, Broadway. Radio Pictures (R.K.O.), 1560, Broadway. Columbia Pictures Corp., 729 Seventh Avenue. Rayart Pictures uorp., 723, Seventh Avenue. Educational Pictures, 1501, Broadway. Richmouni Pictures, 723, Seventh Avenue. Excellent Pictures Corp., 729, Sexmih Avenue. SonoArt— World Wide, 130, West 46th First Division Pictures, 630, Ninth Avenue. Street. First National Pictures, 321, West 44th Street. Tiffany Productions, 729, Seventh Avenue. Fitzpatrick Pictures, inc., 72c,, Seventh Avenue. United Artists Corporation, 729, Seventh Avenue. Fox Film Corpoiation, 850, Tenth Avenue. Universal Pictures Corp., 730, Fitth A\enue. Edward L. Klein Corp., 6, East 45th Street. Warner Bros., Corp., 321, West 44th Street. Nat Levine, id^o, Broadway. Weiss Brothers Pictures Corp., 729, Seventh Loews Inc., 1540, Broadway, Avenue. TRADE JOURNALS DailyScreenworld, 6713, Sunset Boulevard, Holly Harrison's r.epcr's, 1440, Broadway, Niw wood, California. \oik Citv. Exhibitors' Daily Review, 25, West 43rd Street; Hollywood Filmograph, 6024, Hollywood Boule New York City. vard, Holl>wcvod. Exhibitors' Herald and Moving Picture World, Motion Picture News, 729, Seventh Avenue 407, South Dearborn Street, Chicago. New ^ork City. Film Curb, 224, Guaranty Building, Hollywood Motion Pictures To-day, 25, West 43rd Street Film Daily, 1650 Broadway, New York. New York City. Film Spectator, 6362, Hollywood Building Screen Press, 15?, East 42nd Street, New York. Hollywood. Variety, i,'i4. Wppi ^isib Street. New ^ oik City Film Mercury, 1524 J Cahutnga .'\v., Hollywood, Zits, 755, Seventh Avenue, \ew York California. Should you desire to BUY OR SELL It is impossible to deal better and safer than with the firm noted for giving satisfaction to all Clients. The Firm with practical experience in all Branches. NEVILLE & CHUfiCHILL, "" ■"" ViS^l"-:""' 62, OXFORD STREET, LONDON, W.l. museum 5782.