Kinematograph year book (1948)

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Kinema Directory (England). 291 Gerrard 6813. 1,868 seats. Booked at H.O, Continuous. Pictures and Variety. Fitted "ARDENTE" Stage Amplification J5ee page 100 HTppodrome (we), Crown Hill. — Prop., Odeon Associated Theatres, Ltd., Albion House, 59, New Oxford Street, London, W.C.i. Phone, Temple Bar 4333. Prices, is. to 2s. gd. Continuous. Phone, Croydon 1444. Stations, West and East Croydon, S.R. Luxor (rca), Windmill Road.— Prop., Selhurst Picture House, Ltd., 160a, Maiden Road, N.W.5. Phone, Gulliver 2461. 465 seats. Phone, Thornton Heath 2717. (Closed). New Palladium (we), Surrey Street. — Prop., Mrs. M. H. Dawes. 659 seats. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, iod. to is. gd. Phone, Croydon 1827. Station, East Croydon, S.R. Odeon (we), 108, North End. — Prop., Odeon Theatres, Ltd., Albion House, 59, New Oxford Street, London, W.C.i. Phone, Temple Bar 4333. Continuous. Prices, is. to 3s. 6d. Stage. Phone, Croydon 0202. Station, West Croydon, S.R. Savoy (rca), Broad Green. — Props., Associated British Cinemas, Ltd., 30-31, Golden Square, W.i. Phone. Gerrard 7887. Booked at H.O. 2,276 seats. Continuous. Phone, Croydon 0486. Five dressing-rooms. Scala (we), North End. — Prop., Gaiety Picture House (Southampton), Ltd., Hunter's Road Works, Birmingham, 19. 822 seats. Booked at Hall. Continuous. Prices, is. to 2s. 3d, Phone, Croydon 1620. Station, East Croydon. S.R. CaUMLIN (Mon.) Empire (Kalee). — Prop., Mr. Albert V. Whittaker. 600 seats. Continuous Mon., Thurs. and Sat., from 5 p.m. Other nights, one show, from 7 p.m. Prices, 9a1. and is. 6d. Booked at Cardiff. Proscenium width, 21 ft. Phone, 27. Station, Crumlin, G.W.R. CUDWORTH (Yorks ), Pop. 9,380. Rock Cinema (we). CULLOMPTON (Devon), Pop. 2,741. Regal (ba). — Prop., Cullompton Cinema Co., Ltd. Phone 54. 350 seats. Booked at 5, High Street, Cullompton. Once nightly, three shows Sat. Prices, 3d. to is. 6d. Proscenium width, 16 ft. Cafe attached. CWM (Mon.), Pop. 9,824. Coliseum (bth), Canning Street. — Prop., Ebbw Vale Theatres, Ltd., 17, Park Place, Cardiff. Phone, Cardiff 3615. 839 seats. Booked at H.O. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Prices, iod. and is. 9d. Phone, Ebbw Vale 3241. Station, Cwm, G.W.R. Films by Road Transport. CWMCARN (Mon.), Pop. 4,000. Park Hall (we), Newport Road. — -Prop., Mr. A. L. Powell. Phone, Newbridge 88. 860 seats. One show nightly. Two Sat. Two changes weekly. Prices, 7d. to is. gd. Phone, Crosskeys 53. Booked at Cardiff. Station, Abercarn and F.T.S. CWMFELINFACH (Mon ), Pop. 4,000. Nine Mile Point Colliery Workmen's Institute (rca). — Prop.. Local Workmen. 700 seats. Booked at Hall by Committee. One show nightly, two on Sat. Prices 7d. to is. 6d. Width of proscenium, 30 ft. Stage, 15 ft. ; two dressing-rooms. Dance Hall. Phone, Ynysddu 20. Station, Ynysddu, L.M.S. Films by Road Transport. DaGENHAIW (Essex), Pop. 89,365. Grange (rca), London Road. — • Props., Odeon Associated Theatres, Ltd., Albion House, 5g, New Oxford Street, London, W.C.i. Phone, Temple Bar 4333. Continuous. Prices, is. to is. gd. Phone, Rainham, Essex ig3. Stations, Dagenham Dock and Gale Street, L.M.S. Heathway (rca). — Odeon Associated Theatres, Ltd., Albion House, 59, New Oxford Street, London, W.C.i. Phone, Temple Bar 4333. Prices, is. to 2s. gd. Continuous. Phone. Seven Kings 1030. Princess (we).— Props., Associated British Cinemas, Ltd., 30-31, Golden Square, W.i. Phone, Gerrard 7887. 2,015 seats. Continuous. Booked at H.O. Phone, Rainham 347. DALTON BROOK (near Rotherham) (YORKS.), Pop 5,000. Palace (rca), Doncaster Road. — Prop., Jonathan Winstanley, Vale House, Vale Road, Thrybergh. 340 seats. Booked at Hall. Two separate shows. Three changes weekly. Prices, 9d. and is. Phone : 633. Station, Masboro, Rotherham, L.M.S. DALTON-IN-FURNESS (Lancs.), Pop. 12,500. Co-operative Hall (ba), Wellington Street. — Props., County Entertainment Co. (Harry Simpson, Junr.), Palladium Cinema, Ulverston. Phone 2151. Booked at H.O. Once nightly. Twice Sats. 54g seats. Prices, 7d. to is. gd. Proscenium width, 25 ft. Phone, 15. Roxy (bth), Market Street. — Prop., Brennan's Cinemas, Ltd., 70-72, Deansgate, Manchester. Phone, Blackfriars 77g7 and 2823. 687 seats. Prices, 7d. to 2s. 3d. Separate shows. Booked at H.O. Proscenium width, 32 ft. Phone, 14. Station, Dalton-in-Furness, L.M.S. DARFIELD (Yorks.), Pop. 5,260. Empire Theatres (Wired). — Prop., Provincial Empire Theatres, Ltd. 600 seats. Booked at Home Farm, Royston, by J. Ball. One show nightly ; two on Sat. Prices, 3d. to iod. Phone, Royston 12. Station, Darheld, L.M.S. DARLASTON (Staffs.), Pop. 20,000. Olympia Picture Palace (rca). — Props., Associated British Cinemas, Ltd., 30-31, Golden Square, London, W.i. Phone, Gerrard 7887. g69 seats. Booked at H.Q. Continuous. Two changes weekly. Phone, Darlaston 19. Stations, Darlaston, L.M.S. ; and Wednesbury G.W.R. Picturedrome (we), Crescent Road. — Prop., Colmore Entertainments, Ltd., 687, Stratford Road, Birmingham. Phone, Springfield 211 1. 796 seats. Continuous. Booked by V. I. Oliver at Birmingham. Prices, iod. to 2s. 3d. Phone, Darlaston 6. Station, Wednesbury, G.W.R. Regal (we), Pinfold Street. Props., Colmore Entertainments, Ltd., 687, Stratford Road, Sparkhill, Birmingham. Phone, Springfield 2111. 1,418 seats. Prices, iod. to 2s. 3d. Continuous. Booked by V. I. Oliver at H.O. Pictures and Variety. Proscenium width, 40 ft. Stage 15 ft. deep ; three dressingrooms. Phone, Darlaston 16. Station, Wednesbury, G.W.R. K 2