Kinematograph year book (1950)

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Who's What in the Industry. 81 JONES, K. F., general manager, Clifton Circuit and associate companies ; past chairman, Birmingham branch C.E.A., and delegate to General Council ; b. 1908, Birmingham, Entered Trade 1925. Addresses : Office : 6, Corporation Street, Birmingham, 2. Tel. : Midland 0283. Private : 13, Broadway, Walsall, Staffordshire. Tel. : 2409. JONES, MARGARET ENID, B.A., studio publicity, Shepperton and Isleworth ; ed. University College, Bangor ; Kings College, London ; editorial staff Film Weekly 1930-33 ; publicity manager Twickenham Studios 1933-37 ; asst. to publicity director Gainsborough 1940-47 ; studio rep., Shepperton, 1947-48. Address : Office : 144, Piccadilly, W.i. Tel. : Mayfair 8272. JONES, R. BLACKBURN, owner and pro prietor, Globe Picture Theatre, Grimsby ; b. 1882 ; treasurer, N. Lines. Branch, C.E.A., since 1942. Addresses : Office, Globe, Grimsby. Tel. : 2174. Private : 10, Westlands Avenue, Grimsby. Tel.: 4891. JORDAN, FRED. J., general manager, E. J. Hinge Enterprises ; b. 1893, Newcastle. Entered entertainment business 1904 ; joined Stanley Rogers Cinema ; circuit engineer 1924 ; supervisor 1934 ; general manager 1936 ; chairman N. Branch C.E.A., 1948 ; delegate to General Council ; member of C.E.A. Technical Committee on Home Office Regulations. Addresses: Office, Tatler Chambers, Northumberland Street, Newcastle. Tel. : 20317. Private, 38, Woodburn Avenue, Newcastle. JOSEPH, CYRIL STANLEY, managing director and chairman of companies controlling Savoy, Bilston ; Forum, Bradley ; Haven, Stourport ; Palace, Great Bridge ; Palace and Rialto, Wednesbury ; Olympia and Coliseum, Wolverhampton ; Theatre Royal, Bilston ; b. 1898 ; ed. King Edward Grammar School, Birmingham ; salesman, Ideal Films, 1926 ; director, Oak Pictures, Cedar Films. Addresses : Office : 38, John Bright Street, Birmingham, 1. Tel. : Midland 1933. Private: 72, Westfield Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. Tel. : Edgbaston 1081. KEEN, A., Asst. Theatre Controller, N.W. Area 2, CM. A. ; member N.W. Branch, C.E.A., committee ; b. 1894, Langley, Bucks. Addresses : Office : Odeon Theatre, London Road, Liverpool. Tel. : Royal 6361. Private: 16, Rosslyn Drive Moreton, Cheshire. KEENE, RALPH, producer, Gainsborough Pictures ; b. 1902, Mysore, India ; ed. Marlborough College. Painter, illustrator and picture dealer, 1920-34 ; founder-director. Strand Film Co., 1934-40. Man. dir., Greenpark Prods., 1941-46. Films : the Pattern of Britain series, "Cyprus is an Island," "A String of Beads," "A Boy, a Girl and a Bike," " Forgotten Story." Address : 1, Selwood Place, S.W.7. Tel : Kensington 4949. KEMP, CLIFFORD, independent film renter. Entered exhibiting with Bennett and Tolfree 1911 ; renting with Chas. P. Metcalf, 1916 ; Paramount 1919-28 ; joined Universal ; later Tiffany Prods. ; independent since 1931. Addresses: Office: 91, The Headrow, Leeds. Tel. : 27702. Private : Blue Coat Farm, Beckwithshaw, Harrogate. Tel. : 5485. KEMP, GEORGE. Independent exhibitor. Director of several kinemas, b. 1912, Johnstone, Renfrewshire. Past Chairman Scottish Branch, C.E.A. Addresses: Office, 7, Hamilton Street, Saltcoats. Tel. Ardrossan Saltcoats 345. Private; "Quorn," West Ki.bride. Tel. West Kilbride 3250. KENT, A. F., secretary, Eastern Counties Branch C.E.A. ; b. 1898, York ; partner firm, Hogg Bullimore and Co., chartered accountants, London and Norwich. Addresses : Office, 71, The Close, Norwich. Tel. : 23108. Private, 18, Elm Hill, Norwich. Tel. : 25621. KERR, HENRY, manager, Dominion, Tottenham Court Road, W.i , b. 1913 ; ed. Norbury College. Assistant to general manager, Barnett Cinemas, 1935 ; joined Odeon, 1937 ; public relations officer of Society of Cinema Managers, 1946 ; Nat. Treasurer, 1947 ; president, 1949. Addresses: Office: Dominion, Tottenham Court Road. W.i. Tel. : Museum 2176-7. Private : 19, Heatherset Gardens, Norbury, S.W.16. Tel. : Streatham 71 13. KERRIDGE, ROBERT JAMES, managing director, Kerridge-Odeon group comprising Kerridge Themes, Ltd., Fullers Theatre Corporation, Ltd., John Fuller & Sons, Ltd., J. C. William. rn Picture Corp., Ltd., N.Z. Theatres, L :d., Theatre Management Ltd., and appr j rmately 100 subsidiary and associated . cm>panies ; director Nibble Nooks (N.Z.) Lt !. and G-B Kalee (N.Z.) Ltd.; b. 1901, Christchurch, N.Z. Joined industry in 1 92 1 as proprietor of a theatre at Gisborne ; acquired controlling interest in N.Z. Theatres, Ltd., 1939 ; Fullers Theatres Corp., Ltd. ; John Fuller & Sons Ltd., 1945. Associated with Rank, 1946, and acquired control of J. C. Williamson Picture Corp. and Theatre Management Ltd. Member of Film Industry Board. KERSHAW, CECIL, C.B.E., M.I.Mech.E., F.Inst. P., director British Optical and Precision Eng. Ltd. ; A. Kershaw & Sons, Ltd., G.B.-Kalee, Ltd., Kershaw-Soho (Sales) Ltd. ; b. 1884. Addresses : Office : Mortimer House, Mortimer Street. W.i ; 200, Harehills Lane, Leeds. Private: " Greystones," Park Edge, Harrogate. KEY, ALAN, O.B.E., secretary to the Council and Board of Management, Army Kinema Corp. b. 1908. ed. Cranleigh School. Royal Artillery, 1939-45 ; joined A.K.C. on its inception ; regional manager M.E.L.F. before returning to H.O. for present post. Addresses: Office : 36, Dover Street, London, W.i. Tel. : Regent 8070. Private : The Oakes, South Heath, Great Missenden, Bucks. Tel. : Great Missenden 387 KILLINGER, RICHARD, general sales manager, Eagle-Lion Film, Germany; b. 1913; ed. Latymer School, London. Entered trade as independent manager 1934 ; County Cinemas, 1935 ; Odeon, 1939 ; enlisted R.A., 1940 ; Control Commission, Germany, 1945-7 ; appointed Eagle-Lion, 1947 Addresses: Office : Eagle Lion Film, c /o Commissioners Office, Hansestadt, Hamburg. B.A.O.R. 3Tel. : Hamburg 446308 and 447244. Private : 22, Oderfelderstrasse, Hamburg. Tel. : Hamburg 524480.