Loudspeaker (Jan-Aug 1931)

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PORTLAND PROGRESS By A. E. JAYNE, A. P. S. Although our Chapter, Number 20. is comparatively new, we have accomplished a great deal in getting a good start for the new year. We have had a number of interesting and instructive lectures since our Chapter was formed in March of this year, of whom the following took an active part, in instructing the members in the study of Projection: Mr. Brisbin, Mr. Knox, Mr. Holcomb and Mr. Omer Wible, who are at this time connected with E. R. P. I. We have recently rented a suite of rooms in the Abbington Building, which we expect to improve and use as a club room for the members as well as for business meetings and lectures. We have engaged the services of Mr. Cruze, of the Oregon Institute of Technology, to give our regular lectures in the study of electricity. We also have planned to have the new type Simplex and Motiograph mechanisms, new type lamps and other pieces of apparatus for actual study in the club rooms from time to time. This Chapter is composed of a group of men who are active in the study of this profession and take an active part in all of our meetings. The officers of the Chapter are composed of the following: President, J. T. Moore; Vice President, J. C. Porter; Secretary, A. E. Jayne ; Treasurer, W. A. Whitten ; Sergeant-at-arms, J. W. Stuerhoff. The Board of Governors is composed of the above named officers, including L. M. Davis and E. M. Hazelwood. All of the members enjoy the Loudspeaker very much and find it highly instructive as well as entertaining. It is a fine medium in keep E i g h t e e n J. T. Moore, President, Chapter 20, A. P. S. ing all members in touch with the work that is being done by other Chapters. HARRY WENGER PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO Extends New Years Greetings to Chapter Seven Eh =iS