Modern Screen (Dec 1940 - Nov 1941)

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1 V Your skin really looks lovelier than ever today... That's because Tin using v ^ Hollywood's Face Powder" RITA HAY WORTH Co-Starring in Columbia's "YOU'LL NEVER GET RICH ROUGE ...The lifelike color harmony shades of Max Factor Hollywood Rouge will add a touch of glamour to your beauty . . . Fifty cents. TRU-COLOR LIPSTICK Note these 4 amazing features... 1. lifelike red of 'your lips 2. non-dry ing,but indelible 3. safe for sensitive lips 4. eliminates lipstick line Original color harmony shades for your type . . . One dollar. OCTOBER, 1941 Your skin will look lovelier the very first time you make up with face powder created by Max Factor Hollywood. You'll like it because . . . imparts a lovely color to the skin creates a satin-smooth make-up clings perfectly and really stays on Blonde, brunette, brownette or redhead, there's a color harmony shade to accent the beauty of your type. One dollar. • 1 COMPLEXIONS! --4 m ONDE • MAX FACTOR MAKE-UP STUDIO, HOLLYWOOD, CALI F. LH^T -J^P^O 0„h.u i Send Purse-Sue Box of Powder, Rou6c Sampler and rniniarure Tru-Color \ Very UB Q I Gray gl eR0WNE1TE Lipslick in my color harmony shade. I enclose len cenis lor posiaje and ' am> ol J"*" oK*1"'0 0*'"'O| handling Also send me my Color Harmony Makc-Up Chart and Illusira.ed M<!OI„m D „ ™„ O BRUNETTE I • InsrrnctionBook/TfcN™ ^/./;!^, ('/." FRFE. 24-10-69 \™m o\%>£ . gl Ugh! . D 0»hD — yea STREET — ISKINI ^.ShssT^ "f" -h"""'W J CITY STATE 1 mmmamm ■