Modern Screen (Dec 1941 - Nov 1942)

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In the midst of war-torn England, Laurence Olivier is happy . . . happy because he's serving the land he loves and because he's with the woman he loves, Vivien Leigh. They're blissfully settled with favorite pussy Tissie in a tiny cottage by the sea . . . Viv doing a cracking good Job at housekeeping . . . arising at 6 to breakfast Larry before he motor-bikes to his Royal Fleet Air Arm base . . . giving up the stage to raise a namesake. On special occasions (like his 35th birthday coming up May 22nd) they celebrate by puffing up to London in their 14-year-old car and doing all those gay things they used to take for granted. It took the combined efforts of the British and Canadian governments to drag Larry out of active service long enough to play in Columbia's recent, Canadian-made "The Invaders" . . . which he swears will be his last till the war's fought and won!