Modern Screen (Dec 1942 - May 1943)

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BUNDLES FROM BEIT TOM By Marjorie Deen \\Ve In the -family kitchen, at Long Beach, Barbara wraps sweet surprises for studio friends. Soon she'll be mailing Xmas goodies to our boys. When Barbara's Paramount pals tasted her cooking they wanted to try her recipes — and so will you! Almost ready to take out of the oven — a batch of those spicy Gingercakes which this young star of "Star Spangled Rhythm" loves to bake. Probably the best, and certainly the shortest, way to describe starlet Barbara Britton is to say that she is as unspoiled as she is charming. But since this is, after all, a food page, let's add that she is a honey blonde with a peaches and cream complexion — and incidentally, she's a darned good cook! Barbara's pulchritude was originally noted when she appeared as Queen of the Long Beach float in California's Tournament of Roses. After this auspicious debut she stepped from inevitable Westerns to small roles, to good parts — in short, onward and upward until she happily found herself in the star-studded cast of "Star Spangled Rhythm." The fact that she also possesses marked talents along cooking lines made itself apparent when crew and cast started receiving attractively packaged food gifts — usually of a Monday morning — amusingly marked "Bundles from Britton." When this bit of culinary gossip reached my ears you can be sure I rushed over to talk to the young lady herself. "I especially love to bake," Barbara assured me over a late breakfast which we enjoyed together shortly after her return from her very first trip East — a most exciting visit, and a much photographed one as you can see from the cute shots on our fashion pages, taken of Barbara in New York. "During the week," she continued, "I live just a short bicycle ride from the Paramount lot, at the Studio Club, a place for girls who, like myself, are already in the movies, and for others who aspire to film careers. But on weekends I go home to Long Beach, to be with the family and to revel in Momma's homemade cakes and cookies and the other dishes she prepares for me. Then I take a turn in the kitchen and make special little gingerbread cup cakes — sometimes as many as six dozen of them — to take back with me." These same spicy morsels, together with other goodies, will find their way into the Christmas boxes Barbara and other girls will be packing for those soldiers and sailors in nearby camps who will not be able to get leave during the Holidays. You, too, should try your hand at making these special treats of Barbara Britton's, soon. Then you could plan on including them in gift boxes that you will be preparing for members of our armed forces who — although they have not left our shores, will still be far from their own homes, this year. 14 MODERN SCREEN