Modern Screen (Jan-Jun 1945)

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TO THE DAINTY BELONG THE MEN WITH THE COOL ALLURING FRAGRANCE OF MAVIS No man will ever forgive lack of daintiness. So keep sweet with Mavis Talcum, after your bath. Mavis leaves skin fragrant, pretty, cool; your whole body dainty. Keep truly lovely, the Mavis way! • MEN: You'll like the cool comfort and freshness of Mavis on your skin, too! The same delightful MAVIS fragrance in Talc Mit, 69? and $1.00 Dusting Powder with Puff $1.00 MM 112 FOR BODY BEAUTY At all cosmetic counters, 59?, 39<<, 23?, 10? All prices plus tax V. VIVAUDOU, INC., Distributors well to become an actor. After Carole's death, the older man took to coming over for breakfast. For the rest, he left his son to himself. He too, had known what it was to lose a young wife. A man must find his way through agony alone. out from the shadows . . . Little by little, Clark moved from under the shadows back to life. First, he finished the interrupted picture to which his studio was committed. On August 11, 1942, he enlisted as a private in the Army Air Force. Found qualified for OCS, he started the rigorous training at 41 among men who were fifteen and twenty years his junior. In a class of 2600, he finished gunnery school No. 700. By the time he was shipped to England, he'd earned his Captaincy. As gunner and operational photographer, his job was to take action pictures over enemy territory, and from those pictures to make a training film. His other job was to man a gun and shoot at attacking planes. Next to being under fire, his greatest discomfort was the publicity he couldn't always avoid. What he wanted most was to do a good job. What he wanted almost as much was to be left alone — not to be singled out because once upon a time he'd been a movie actor. A year later he returned with campaign ribbons, the Air Medal for his combat missions and 50,000 feet of film. A press conference in Washington. A hundred reporters and one uneasy Air Corps Captain. Yes, he'd shot at many German planes. No, he didn't think he'd hit any. Yes, he'd been a little scared. Yes, his own plane had been hit, but nothing out of the ordinary. Then someone asked for a fifty-word tribute to the men he'd fought with. He answered quietly. "That's something I couldn't put into words — " He spent almost a year on his picture. It's called "Combat America." Originally, it was meant for the Armed Forces only. Because of its excellence, the government will give it general release. Late in '44, Captain Gable was placed on inactive duty. For obvious reasons. Flights at 20,000 feet are hard on the system even of youngsters, and after a year on the ground, he was out of training. Rather than keep him on minor assignments, the AAF felt he could be of greater service in the movies, rated essential to soldier and civilian morale. Clark didn't like it, but the choice wasn't offered him. On one point he had his way. No discharge. He's still a member of the AAF, subject to recall, should he be needed. Once out of uniform, he went to Oregon on a two-months' fishing trip. Then to Florida and New York. At M-G-M, his first picture was in preparation: "Strange Adventure," in which Clark will play a Marine on furlough. If the schedule holds, he will be at work when you read this. The movies didn't make Gable. He was fashioned by the land he was born on and the people he came from, by the dragons he vanguished and the dream he followed. Through such adulation as few have known, he has kept the simplicity of his forbears. Through tragedy, he has gained new strength. Through the comradeship and service of battle, he has found meanings in life beyond the personal. Through all the tests by which we are measured, he has been weighed in the balance and found not wanting. The rest doesn't matter. He would laugh at all this. "Too many words, and they're all too long." So let us put an end to words. Let this story of an American speak for itself. hmenca Lnesi WRGflER KOMB-KL E A NED SWEEPER Settvi, S*66e>i "PICK-UP" E.R.WAGNER MFG. CO., Dept. MM, Milwaukee 9, Wis. w Even if material* were plentiful, I he price* of these beautiful ring* would be absurdly low. Today, they represent unheard of bargain*. So hurry, hurry! Cel one of these exquisite rings today. You pay only ihe amount juoted opposite the ring. U. S. Tax is included. THERE ARE NO EXTRAS. Send money with order and receive ring postpaid. Or send order and pay postman cost of ring plus small CO.O. Give ring 7 day trial on MONEYBACK GUARANTEE. You must be entirely satisfied, e sure to send ring size or string marked lb size of finger. RUSH ORDER TODAY* Outside U S. A. rash with order jl LA VERE CO., Box 1121, Univ. PI., Dept. A, Des Moines, Iowa FAT REMOVED -OR IT COSTS YOU NOTHING No Medicine — not taken internally — just a simple . . easy . . healthful method that removes ugly fat or your dollar is refunded. SPECIAL OFFER Send $1.00 for special introductory package today. OLDEN MINERALS ESTABLISHED ISIS 2501 Santa Monica Blvd. Dept. 317 Santa Monica. Calif. "P\ ON'T continue to fidget and suffer *^ from the torment of simple piles. Relieve itching, burning, and minor soreness, with soothing Resinol. It gently oils tender parts, as its specially blended medication reduces irritation and promotes comfort. Pure, mild Resinol Soap is particularly suitable for bathing tender pans. R E 5 1 N 0 L°ano Soap