Modern Screen (Jan-Jun 1945)

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Betty Grable MOVIE STAR PHOTOS II COLOR If beauty thrills you — you will be fascinated by these photos of your favorite MOVIE STARS, in beautiful LIFELIKE COLORS. These gorgeous photos are 8x10 and are ready to frame, put in scrap book or in your movie album. JOAN CRAWFORD— FRANK SINATRA — LAU REN BACALL— W I LL I A M POWELL — VAN JOHNSON— JUNE A LL YSO N — G LO R 1 A DEHAVEN — LANA TURNER— SONJA H EN I E— LO R ETTA YOUNG— ALAN LADD— BETTY GRABLE— ROY ROGERS— ALICE F A Y E— P A U LETTE GODDARD —SMILEY BURNETTE— BOB HOPE— RAY M I LLA N D— JO H N N Y MACK BROWN— GEORGE MONTGOMERY — JANET BLAIR— DON "RED" BARRY— RODDY McDOWALL— BRIAN DONLEVY— THE RANGE BUSTERS—MARY MARTIN— BETTY HUTTON— BILL "HOPALONG" BOYD — FRED MacMURRAY— VERONICA LAKE— BUSTER C RA BBE— CLA U D ETTE COLBERT— JINX FALK EN BU RG— B I LL ELLIOT. These photos are printed on heavy coated paper, 8x10, in FULL COLORS, are priced as low as ten cents each, or your choice of any eight listed above for fifty cents— 16 for $1 00 —entire set of 34 only $2.00. DON'T WAIT. Mail your order NOW IRVING KLAW. 212 East 14th St. Dept. AA6 NEW YORK CITY 3. N. Y. ENLARGEMENT Just to get acquainted, we will beautifully enlarge your favorite snapshot, photo, Kodak picture, print or negative to 5x7 inches, if you enclose this ad with a 3c stamp for return mailing. Please include color of hair and eyes and get our new Bargain Offer giving you your choice of handsome frames with a second enlargement beautifully hand tinted in natural lifelike colors and sent on approval. Your original returned with your enlargement. Send today. DEAN STUDlns. Dept 1215, 211 w. 7th St.. Pes Moines. Iowa BHB WEAR IT FOR NAME or INITIALS ENGRAVED FREE v^___.-«»^ Available in Army -*T^OW— & Navy on,y I7lvelrng friendship pin 1301 SURF AVE., Dept. 25Q-M.S\, BROOKLYN (24), N. Y. STAMP Be an ART! S LEARN AT HOMc IN YOUR SPARE TIME Trained artists are capable of earning $30 $50, $75 a week. By our practical method; wc teach you COMMERCIAL ART, DESIGNING « and CARTOONING, step by step, all in ONE complete course, write today for FREE BOO —••Art for Pleasure & Profit" describes training and com'.' opportunities in art. No obligation. State age. STUDIO 8O6P, WASHINGTON SCHOOL OF ART 1115-15th St., N. W. WASHINGTON IS, D C Doctors Fast FOOT RELIEF Comforts Feet and Toes Wherever Shoes Painfully Rub or Pinch. Kelps Prevent "Breaking-ln" Torture Fprf Quick .relief from corns, sore toes, callouses, bunions, chafed heels, tender spots and instep ridges— use Dr. Scholl's Kurotex. This dowey-soft, soothing, cushioning, protective, flesh color foot plaster instantly stops tormenting shoe fricpon; lifts, painful pressure. Helps prevent blisters and "breakmg-in discomfort of new or tight shoes. — ^ «j— £uiDT^cholI's-Kurotex c° a1y ?hap.e or size and apP'y »■ Does not come off in the bath. This superior type of moleskin is also splendidfor preventing blisters on hand? of -P?kf5rl' Tenni!,l?,d Base,ball Players. Economical! At DrugTshoe Deoa^enr. and lOg! Stores. FREE sample— write Dr. Scholl's, Inc., Dept. K Chicago DtSchoUs KUROTEX VAN JOHNSON New Movie Star Photos Direct from Hollywood West Coast's biggest dealer in movie photos is FIRST with all the latest Stars and Poses. REAL PHOTOGRAPHS List decorated with MOVIE STASS mailed FREE with each photo Send name of your FAVORITE with fifteen cents to cover handling and mailing HOLLYWOOD SCREEN EXCHANGE Box 1150 — Dept. 2 Hollywood 28, Calif., U. S. A. Beaufifuf Si mu /a fed STONE RING GIVEN AWAY Smart Jne w d a i n ty, Sterling Silver Ring set with sparkling simulated Birthstone correct for your birth date — GIVEN for selling only 5 boxes of 1 order of Gold Crown Spot Remover and Cleaner lat 25c each. Send name and address today for order. We trust you. Premium supplies are limited. GOLD CROWN PRODUCTS, Dept. E-401, Jefferson, Iowa GIVEN Sierlinq Silver The latesi thing for afternoon or evening wear is precious, cheerful, sterling silver heart charm rings, necklaces and bracelets. TRUE LOVE and FRIENDSHIP _ Included P| M fl K with your I* I II %3 For Promptness °Nlfla£r ™a^lng, Bracelet and Send ?ori«S =°rfdays examination. t&i a, SLai4 accep? this valuable 5ig as Puf. get-acquainted gift Precious, sterling silver ring is Ixtfa wide Wea r yg^W w^^A ^^BRACELET and NECKLACE I „®nK'me^tal' sterling silver hearts are richly of initial "ifS and £ave sPace for the engraving the necklace anrid Ptog ,given with y°ur order for both satisfied ret,?™ .bracelet Wear on ten days trial. It not „ S • return the necklace and bracelet within in THE yK&?JS?ynZ!? be refunded. BDT YOU ARE T O KEEP EING AS OUR GETACQUAINTED GIFT, in any event SEND NO MflNFY Write today When y°ur p»* Hiwnt ■ age arrives you pav the postmfn M^Bf»-«aeh for necklace and bracelet plus mailing cost and 20% Federal Tax. Supplies limited. Dept. 29-YS Jefrerson, Iowa EMPIRE DIAMOND CO. better stars have swooned away, worshipping her mysterious, spiritual, divine glory. Ho-hum! Marlene Dietrich, much as I admire her, was a rabid fan of Garbo's for years and did everything she could to meet her, and, far as I know, never succeeded. Joan Crawford had pictures of Garbo all over her M-G-M dressing room and almost fell on her face trying to get chummy with Greta. But though her dressing room was right next door, she never made it. Garb o-Mamoulian, and the chases through the desert. Garbo-George Brent, and more hide-and-seek. Garbo-Stokowski on the isle of Capri. Garbo-Dr. Gaylord Hauser and raw carrots. Garboseveral other people. She's had her share of romances. But in that department Garbo always brings to my mind high strung, wild, neurotic, too good-looking John Gilbert, who busted his heart over Greta and died of the strain, I firmly believe. Jack Gilbert installed a suite of rooms for Garbo up in his Tower Road mansion. It had shiny black marble walls, but when Greta took one look, she said, "Ay don' like." She said they were too smooth and shiny, so Jack spent Lord knows how much money having them all fluted. He was that mad about her, and he came as near as any man to marrying her. They even went down to the marriage bureau to get a license— but at the last minute Garbo got panicky and ran out of the hall like an awkward, frightened kid. Jack was so shocked that he almost came to his senses. In fact, he" did, just long enough to marry lovely Ina Claire on the rebound. Garbo was making a picture on location at Catalina Island when they brought her the news of John Gilbert's marriage. You know what she did? She laughed — the loudest anyone ever heard her laugh until she made "Ninotchka." I will say that for once Garbo acted like a lady. That was her pay-off to poor, beatendown John Gilbert when she chose him for "Queen Christina." Maybe her conscience caught up with her and maybe it was just a case of thinking the old GilbertGarbo team would revive again and lay 'em in the aisles. Anyway, it was Garbo, against M-G-M's better judgment, who insisted that Jack get that part. He was in such a nervous state making it that he couldn't say the simplest lines for days and lost his lunch time and again on the set. Pure nerves. In fact, the greatest good that came out of "Queen Christina" was another lucky case of a free pass to Hollywood for a great star. Miss Vivien Leigh. Yep, "Scarlett" of "Gone With the Wind." They'd have you know, of course,, that Vivien was the pearl unearthed after worldwide searches for the one, the only the perfect "Scarlett." Well, Dave Selznick' did do a lot of lookin', all right, but why should he look for a Southern Belle in England— ever think of that? Vivien Leigh came to Hollywood as a bonus to lure Laurence Olivier. You see, M-G-M wanted Olivier to team with the throaty Swede in "Queen Christina." They even had his clothes all made, and Larry had his lines all learned, his make-up tests— every thing. Then, in stepped our stubborn friend and said, "No— I want John Gilbert." So they signed John and next time when Hollywood sounded its siren call Olivier yawned, "I say, old boy, have you heard any more funny stories?" He was in love with lovely Leigh and he liked England just fine. To get him across for Heathcliffe or something, I've forgotten which, they had to invite unknown Vivien, too. And what should she run right into but the mammoth, colossal, jumbo Scarlett O'Hara treasure hunt! The slipper fit right away —only it wasn't David Selznick who found