Modern Screen (Jul-Dec 1945)

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having a party from all the cars outside — so what did we do but walk in? Keenan was just home from the hospital and everyone was in the back yard. "The funny part of it is that no one seemed surprised that we were there. Keenan thought Mrs. Wynn had invited us — and she thought he might have extended the invitation. Itwas all very silly — but fun!" At the time I saw her, everyone in Hollywood was still saddened by the death of President Roosevelt. Shirley told me about her meeting with the President when she was about eight years old. "Just that day my front tooth had come out and so I wasn't doing much smiling. The President said. 'Shirley, where are those famous dimples?' I smiled and he saw what was the matter. 'Well.' he said, 'that doesn't matter. You'll get another one. I've lost a lot of teeth, too. but they aren't the variety that grow back'.' " * * » You would be surprised to know the name of the actress who puts up her husband's hair in pin curls every night! Yes. he's in the movies, too — and has such wavy hair, girls! * * * Don't let anybody tell you that Humphrey Bogart has changed the name of his boat from "The Sluggy" (in honor of his former wife. Mayo Methot) to "Baby" (in honor of Lauren). Yep, Bogey and Lauren go sailing often — but it's still "The Sluggy." * * * Several months ago we told you that the alarmist rumors being circulated about Van Johnson were assuming serious proportions. I still can't reveal all I know about this story — but it isn't just an accident that almost every month or so there are "flashes" to dio commentators and newspaper offices that Van has been seriously injured, that he is getting married, or that he is dying! Just before my broadcast one Sunday, I was called to the telephone and informed that "Van Johnson just died on the operating table!" It was a terrible shock — but I'm glad to say that I took time out to check the report before putting such an awful thing on the air. It was false, of course — but apparently someone had wanted me to flash the report, not knowing that I always check every story. The person who is doing all this is suspected by the studio and the authorities. All I can say is that no matter on whose shoulders the blame falls, he or she will be exposed and the reasons for the persecution made public! * * * Carmen Miranda couldn't have been more surprised than she was the other night when her doorbell rang and she found Esther Williams and Van Johnson standing on the porch. Carmen had never met either one of them before — proving that Hollywood isn't as small as it's painted. Esther said, "We hope you'll excuse us. Miss Miranda — but we have to do a hipwiggling Samba in 'Early to Wed' and we decided to come to an expert on the subject for instruction!" Carmen roared with laughter and said she 66 was very flattered. So for two hours la Miran da "swung it" while Van and Esther looked on and learned. * * * Thoughts in passing: Wonder why Gloria de Haven always wears her hair the same way? The best looking hats in Hollywood are worn by Joan Fontaine. She had on a honey at Ciro's the other night, a small black chapeau with two deep roses at the nape of the neck. The best letter writer among actors is Lieut. Richard Ney. If Richard ever wants to give up his career before the cameras he would make a darn colorful reporter. The best letter writer among the women is Gypsy Rose Lee. Is that gal a salty wit! * * * All of you who have written me inquiring about Donald O'Connor's health will be glad EASY PICKIN'S — FIVE-SPOT FOR A MEMORY! Gather round chillun 'cause here's a true story: Once upon a time a trueblue, nice -as -ascreen -star, Modern Screen reader saw something happen. And she sat right down and wrote us all about it. But she didn't win a prize and she didn't get her name in print. She was very sad — and so were we! But do you know why she didn't succeed? Because she jorgot all about making the story about a real movie celebrity, and the only thing that seemed to be important was the fact that she was there. Moral? Honestly, you don't have to live in a garret and wear horn-rimmed specs to rate printer's ink! Just don't forget that it's the star that counts and do your story up proud — full of laughs, or tears, or just plain interest. Write yourself that five dollar happy ending! Send your brain storm to the I SAW IT HAPPEN Editor. Modern Screen, 149 Madison Avenue, New York 16, N. Y. Last month we were so full of "Happy Birthdays" for our fifteenth anniversary, that there just wasn't much room for your accounts of adventures with the stars, but we'll make up for lost time! And why don't you make up for past disappointments by sending us a real gem-eroo! to know he is much improved. So much better, in fact, he has been making a lew appearances on bond drives and things like that. Everyone believes that Don's illness, right after he went into service, was just a matter of a very high strung boy suddenly transplanted into strange and unusual conditions. Just a lot of eyewash that report that Bing Crosby and Bob Hope had had an argument that almost resulted in fisticuffs. Those two guys are still the best of friends and always will be. I betcha. The reason you haven't seen any pictures Of the beautiful baby of Errol Flynn and Nora Eddington is because Errol has objected. Nora, who tells me she will sue for a divorce in a couple of months, but who is still very friendly with Errol, tells me, "Errol has asked that the baby not be photographed. Not that he isn't proud of her! He thinks she is the prettiest little girl in town — but he says she is so small and just getting a good start in life and he thinks the flash light bulbs and smoke might be bad for her. "Anyway, he was so sweet to me when she was born in Mexico City and so tender and thoughtful at that time, I wouldn't want to do. anything he would not approve of." I still believe that Nora is very much in love with Flynn — divorce or no divorce. ♦ * * Such a lot of things happened before Clark Gable's return movie, "Strange Adventure" or whatever it is to be called, actually wenj before the cameras. First, Greer Garson was very, very sick and had to take ten days off before the movia started. Then, ClaTk got himself all scarrec up in an automobile accident and delayec the starting another week. Just when both Greer and Clark were read} to go to work. Gable's favorite director. Victoi Fleming, broke out with an attack of tempere ment and walked off the lot. Vic, who objected to having to present a pass at the gate and t< the parking attendant, after working on th< lot for fifteen years, stayed away anothe seven days. Clark used his influence to get him to retun and now Vic is back. Everybody's happywe hope! * * « Alan Ladd may be "all and all" to Mis America and the Bobby Socks brigade — bv Katharine Hepburn never knows him whe she sees him. I suppose everyone has heard by now c how Katharine was sitting in a cafe in Ne< York with a stage producer, spied Alan whe he walked in, and sent someone over to ask he would be interested sin an acting caree It's been told (and gleefully by Alan. I mig) add) many times. But the pay-off came later, on the san jaunt to New York, when Katie tried to mal amends for her "boner." At a cocktail part Alan was standing with a young attorne talking, when la Hep blew in. Taking tl young lawyer's hand, and totally ignorii Alan, she said. "Oh, Mr. Ladd! I'm so e: barrassed about the other day!" * * * Too bad about Anne Baxter and John H diak. This romance is colder than an i cube. Now I hear that the man in Anne's 1' is her old flame. Richard Derr. now in t service. We'll see. She seems to be a la who changes her mind. * * • One of the funniest imitations I've e\ heard is Betty Hutton's take off on all fhr of the Andrews Sisters singing "Rum and Cc Cola." Betty actually sounds like the recorc and all by herself. Speaking of the little Hutton, she's certai) a subdued girl most of the time, these dc There was a time when she was very mi like her screen personality. But lately, for reason anyone can uncover, she seems £ sive and quiet. A little "heart" trouble. Betty? iteiy, ior seems £ A