Modern Screen (Dec 1931 - Nov 1932 (assorted issues))

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Modern Screen YEAR s Give This House a Na m e ANY SIMPLE NAME MAY WIN This is a new style, true American type home that is meeting with great popularity. We are desirous of obtaining a suitable name for it for use in connection with a building program. We will pay you $100.00 A YEAR FOR LIFE if you suggest the most suitable name. There are no strings tied to this offer. Sending us a name for this house does not obligate you in any way. Nothing to buy or sell. We merely want a suitable name and are willing to pay $100.00 A YEAR FOR LIFE for the best name sent us. Think of it, $100.00 this year and each and every year for the balance of your natural life. A steady, guaranteed cash income. Surely, you can think of an appropriate name for such a beautiful house. Do not use more than two words. Any word or words may be used or any combination of words such as "Parklawn", "Cozynook", "Hearthome" or names like "Sunshine Inn", "Rest Haven", etc. No matter how simple your suggestion is send it in at once. Any name may win. Possibly the most suitable name has already flashed into your mind. If it has — send it in at once and $100.00 cash this year and each and every year for the rest of your life is yours FREE. NOTHING ELSE REQUIRED — RUSH NAME TODAY Positively nothing else is required of you to win $100.00 cash now and $100.00 cash each and every year for life— just suggest the most suitable name— that's all. This offer is open to every one excepting members of this firm, its employees and relatives. Each participant may send only one name. Sending two or more names will cause all names submitted by that person to be thrown out. Contest closes January 30th, 1932. Should two or more persons submit equally suitable names for this house the full amount of the prize offered will be paid to each one so tying. And the $100.00 cash for promptness also will be paid to each winner providing suggestion is mailed within three (3) days after this announcement is read. CALIFORNIA LADY GETS $100 $100 EXTRA FOR A YEAR FOR LIFE PROMPTNESS We just recently paid Mrs. Allia Francis, Route 6, Box 439, Bakersfield, California, $100.00 and put her on our books to receive $100.00 EACH AND EVERY YEAR FOR THE REST OF HER LIFE for sending us the most suitable name for a house. You may be the next. You risk nothing. It costs you nothing. Just think how nice it would be to receive $100.00 each year for the rest of your life. Maybe you have the most suitable name right on the tip of your tongue this minute. Don't delay sending it in. We want a suitable name for this house real quickly and will pay the winner an extra $100.00 just for PROMPTNESS providing suggestion is sent within three (3) days after this announcement is read Rush your suggestion TODAY — QUICK. The very name you have in mind may bring you a permanent cash income of $100.00 A YEAR FOR LIFE and $100.00 extra besides for PROMPTNESS in sending it in. ANY NAME MAY WIN Rush your suggestion TODAY regardless of what it is. Any easy, simple name may win. $100.00 each and every year for life and $100.00 cash for PROMPTNESS may be yours if you hurry. A postal card will do. Just say, "I suggest as a name for your beautiful house." LEE MORGAN, MGR. BOX 2721, BAT AVI A, ILLINOIS 105