Modern Screen (Dec 1931 - Nov 1932 (assorted issues))

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Mod e r n creen TO 1VOMES OSLY » . this little secret! Not a soul will | know just what you nave d°n£ to make your ,*■"** " *' hair so lovely! Certainly nof body would dream that a sin gle shampooing could add such beauty — such delightful lustresuch exquisite soft tones! A secret indeed— a beauty special# ist's secret! But you may share it! Just one Golden Glint Shampoo* will y show you the way! 25c at your dealers', fi or send for free sample. / (*Note: Do not confuse this with other shamff t"os >^at """h cleanse. Golden Glint Shampoo /„' in addition to cleansing, gives your hair a "tinytint"— a wee little bit— not much— hardly percep? title. But how it does bring out the true beauty of i your own individual shade of hair!) MAIL COUPON NOW J. W. KOBI CO., 602 Rainier Ave., Dept. G Seattle, Wash. * * » » » Please send a free sample. Name Address City State Color of my hair. PHOTOS ENLARGED SIZE 8x10 or 11x14 INCHES Now is your chance to get a lfe-like Bromide photo enlargement at an unusual bargain. Same price for full length or bust form, groups, landscapes, or enlargements of any group picture. Safe return of your original photo Guaranteed. Send NO MONEY Just mail photo or snapshot (any size) within a week you will receive your beautiful life-1 ike enlargement, .°ize SxlO or 11x14 guaranteed fadeless Pay postman 45c plus a few cents postage < with order and we pay postage. Take advantage of this amazing offei — send your photo today. REX ART, 538 So. Dearborn, Dept. 52, Chicago, III. Feels Peppy After Losing 50 Pounds Scales Tip at 122 lbs. Now! Juanita Anderson's radiant beauty is the kind which brings joy to the beholder. Yet her youth and grace were once marred by unsightly lat. Courageously she decided to cast off her overweight and now avers that she reached her heart's desire. "I weighed 172 pounds before I started using Korein," she writes. "Within! three months I had lost 50 pounds. "I always used to feel sluggish and sleepy and would get out of breath after walking a short distance. Now I feel peppy and can walk as far as anyone." Men and women of all ages and weights have used Koreln. They report reductions from 10 to 70 pounds, easily, genuinely, comfortably. Do you wish to Improve your health by getting rid of superfluous bulk? Do you long to reduce your weight happily'? Do y°u hope to become slender and younger looking? Then realize that you have the privilege to start this very day to shed the burdensome fat and as an aid use Korein system. Koreln is very popular. Buy it at your rprC drug store, or a testing sample will be sent ■ ■»"^» KOREIN CO., A-4, Sta. O, New York Please send me Free Test of KOREIN. Name. . Address . to get a close-up view of her. Connie stepped down from the car, looked disdainfully around and inquired, "Are these people crazy?" the Marquis circled the crowd like a football end and piloted her to the telegraph office. After regaining her car she again turned her back to the crowd and finally turned out the light in the compartment. Remembering the experience with Gloria when she was showing off the Marquis, no one asked Connie about marrying an American husband and she refused to be interviewed about the Frenchman. Good-natured Wallace Beery always gets a big hand. He gets off the train without a coat and shirt partly unbuttoned and starts "howdying folks." He usually gathers around him a group of kids and will pose for amateur photographers as long as they like. John Barrymore could high-hat the Prince of Wales. One time he came as far as the Pullman steps and pityingly looked at a few fans and the reporters and declared, "I'm a Barrymore and don't need any build-up publicity." The late Valentino also tried to be ritzy once. But once was enough. He flicked the ashes from his cigarette, looked at his new slave bracelet and declared fans in a hick town bored him. A hard-boiled fan from the plains of Minnesota who happened to hear the remark denounced Rudy loud and long and in no uncertain terms. This may or may not have cured Rudy but thereafter when he passed through he was unusually cordial and considerate. There's many an Albuquerque youngster who has played hookey from school to see Jackie Coogan. Jackie makes only a few trips but when he does he brings out the fans. It was on the brickwalk that Jackie was taken into the Navajo Indian tribe as a blood brother. The crowd was so large that many persons climbed onto the roof of the Alvarado Hotel to see the ceremony. The ceremony was solemn and Jackie took it very seriously. After being declared "Laughing Eyes" Coogan of the Navajos to the delight of the fans he went skipping along the walk with a little Indian girl — his adopted sister. ALBUQUERQUE merchants owe a debt of gratitude to movie stars, especially to Clara Bow. Let this little titian-haired girl come through and a dozen flappers will do their utmost to imitate her style of dress. Clara was somewhat ritzy at the beginning of her screen career but ex. perience soon cured her and today she is easy to approach and friendly with the brickwalk crowd. Will Rogers always wants the lowdown on the political situation of the state. When he is serious the fans think he is trying to be funny. If there are any other celebrities on the same train Will will go around introducing them to fans and newspaper men. Jack Dempsey is always looking for pinion nuts at the newsstand. He won't talk about fighting but walks vigorously along the walk eating nuts until the train starts. Ricardo Cortez and Ramon Novarro mingle very little with the fans. If press notices are published in advance a large crowd of Mexicans are on hand to speak to Novarro. He will speak, race into the curio room and buy rugs and Mexican trinkets. A smile and nod and a few hellos is the way Norma Shearer greets the fans. She won't stop to chat until she has transacted her business at the telegraph office. Friendly but very dignified. Al Jolson introduces someone else as Mr. Jolson and sometimes gets away with it while Harold Lloyd can't be recognized without his glasses. "How did you know I was on this train ?" is a question frequently asked reporters by celebrities. Passengers leaving the train are carefully looked over and Western Union messengers are closely watched. If this method does not locate a celebrity a tip to the Pullman porter will. A New Tallulah (Continued from page 81) advised as to what pictures you are in that I may 'look upon thine image.' Lovingly, Daddy. YET, auspicious as was the film start of this little unknown girl, the next letter immediately reveals — even at this early age — the marvelous self-assurance which has so largely contributed to Tallulah's success. We find her willing to cast aside her fine beginning in pictures in favor of the legitimate theatre for good and sufficient reasons. Dearest Daddy : I thank you, Daddy, darling, for writing to Mr. McAdoo in my behalf but I am giving up pictures to go on the legitimate stage as that means so much more to me. I saw Samuel Goldwyn, head of the Goldwyn pictures that I made with Tom Moore. He had some extremely nice things to say about me and asked me to consent to stay in the movies, but I told him I was going to wait until I had made a reputation on the stage and then go back into the movies when I could command a real star's salary. I don't think I will ever be sorry for the step I am taking as I feel confident 100