Modern Screen (Dec 1949 - Nov 1950)

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Woodbury Go6£ (steam CLEANSES ■ SMOOTHS cow*,*, rtNATIN m* *w u*i>*»* If surface cleansing helps a little — imagine what a radiant difference deep cleansing will make! Woodbury Cold Cream gives your skin a brand-new look the very first dav! For Woodbury Cold Cream cleanses deeper! It contains Penaten — the amazing new penetrating agent that actually goes deeper into the pore openings. That means Woodbury's wonderful cleansing oils go deeper to loosen every trace of grime and make-up. And because of Penaten, Woodbury Cold Cream smooths more effectively, too. Brings rich softening oils to soothe vour skin when it's dry and rough. Recapture that little-girl-freshness again with Woodbury Cold Cream! 20c to $1.39 plus tax. penetrates deeper because it contains PENATEN nice to get back to fall clothes by connie bartel, fashion editor ■ We think that of all the changing seasons the switch from summer to fall is the most fun. It's always a kick to wear new clothes, of course, but after a long summer of barelegs and sunbacks, there's a special lift to your first fall costume. It feels so good to wear real clothes again — suits and dresses, complete with hats and bags and stuff. To get you ready for the first cool snap, in this issue we have assembled a wardrobe which makes the most of the something'sgoing-to-happen feeling of the most exciting season of them all. Opposite, Ruth Roman wears a suit — with mink tails yet ! — and how could you possibly have a dull autumn wearing a suit like that? On pages 66 and 67, cute Joan Evans shows off a date dress at an unbelievable price — and a convertible four-piece suit that has us dizzy trying to count the ways it can be mixed or matched. On pages 68 and 69 we come up with two of those musthave dresses — both with brand new 1950 touches. And, on page 70, we wind up with a good-good girdle and some magic-making bras — because of course what's under your new fall fashions does a lot for them and for you. Smell those burning leaves? Ruth Roman wears a suit with a mink tail bib ■ Ruth Roman, currently starring in Warner Brothers' Three Secrets, wears a super swank suit with honest-to-goodness mink tails. It's long-lined, triangle-pocketed, and crowned with a detachable capelet. Mink comes off separately to leave capelet; or take off capelet — and behold! — you have a smartly simple tailleur. It's rayon gabardine in green, grey, brown or wine. Sizes 9-15. By Debby Drake— $24.75. Bag by Mutterperl. Gloves by Wear-Right This suit and all the other Modern Screen fashions shown in this issue can be bought in person or ordered by mail from Strawbridge & Clothier's Budget Store, Market & aa Sta ma&Mm i p