Modern Screen (Dec 1949 - Nov 1950)

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Be sure to include color of hair, eyes and clothing for complete information on having your enlargement beautifully hand colored in oil. SEND NO MON EY — simply pay postman 19c each for the enlargement h\W and frame plus cost of mailing. SatisIII— faction guaranteed. Limit two to a 1 customer. Originals returned with your enlargement. Offer limited to U. S. A. HOLLYWOOD FILM STUDIOS 7021 Santa Monica Blvd., Dept.M308, Holly wood 38, Calif. )D s50 to J100 WEEKLY IN YOUR SPARE TIME! Repeat the eight words we tell you to anyone — you'll sell greeting cards faster, easier than you ever dreamed possible. Get FREE surprise selling kit (over a foot long, chock full of novelties). Plus two sample boxes of our most successful Christmas cards on approval. CHARLES C. SCHWER COMPANY 165 S Elm St.. Westlield. Mass. ★ ACTORS! A** SINGERS! **★ ACTRESSES! ★ ★. Get your list of personal home addresses of 339 top Hollywood stars (not sec'y or mailing addresses); is che 24 motion picture organizations, 19 movie studios, 7 radio & TV studios. & 5 top film producers. Lists guaranteed accurate. All for only $1 (no C.O.D.'s), order today. (Calif, residents add ii HOLLYWOOD FANS, Dept.MS-10 S»64 Hollywood Blvd.. Hollywood 28, Colli '** DANCERS! *\\* COMEDIANS! STARS! ★ MAKE S35-S45 A WEEK You can learn practical nursing at home In spare time. Course endorsed by physicians. Thousands of graduates. 51st yr. One graduate has charge of 10-bed i hospital. Another saved $400 while learning. Equipment included. Men, women 18 to 60. Higli school not required. Easy tuition payments. Trial plan. Write today. CHICAGO SCHOOL OF NURSING Dept. 2310, 41 East Pearson Street, Chicago II, III. Please sunr] free booklet and 16 sample lesson pages. Name 102 City Stoic TZ Burns, and his agent set up a booking at the Palladium in London exactly when Aya would be there. In order to time things so that he might enjoy Ava's companioniship, he even renounced his contract with MGM. In a sentence, Frank has built his professional life these past six months around Ava Gardner. She's been the motivation behind all the moves in his public and private life. He's worked things out beautifully. Why shouldn't he be able to work hip way into a marriage with Ava? Ava's smart enough to realiz that love has a way of conquering all obstacles. Dick Haymes got out of his marriage. Nora Flynn got out of hers. Harry James secured a divorce and married Betty Grable when a divorce seemed almost hopeless. It happens. Who is there to say that eventually, Frank won't maneuver himself into freedom? Who is there to say that when the great moment arrives, he won't make Ava his wife? A few months ago you could have gotten odds of fifty to one that the SinatraGardner entente would be nothing more than a fast fling. Nowadays, people aren't so sure. There's a lot of talk that Metro will buy up Ava's contract, that the studio disapproves of her friendship with Frank. Nothing official. But Ava might very well find herself washed up in Hollywood — at least for a while. Still she continues to see Frank, for like all women who have had successful careers, Ava has reached the inevitable conclusion— a career is a very wonderful achievement, only you can never get it to propose. The End june allyson (Continued from page 35) thud. "You're sure?" she said. "You're not teasing me?" "I think you can depend on it," he said. June's whoop brought the whole household running to her— Dick, Olie the nurse, Marian the cook, Frank the house man, and finally the small Pam. who had tangled in the hall with Pat the poodle. June beamed at them all. "Guess what?" she said. There was no mistaking the pure delight in her face, and they in turn all wore the same expression of disbelief. "Not — " said Marian. "Holy Hannah!" said Olie. "Open some champagne!" shouted Dick, and he took June in his arms. It was quite an afternoon, and since then everyone in the house has been expending his energy trying to get Mrs. Powell to take her pills and/or a nap. Comes two o'clock of an afternoon and they suggest, simultaneously, that she lie down, but June, who is comprised mostly of energy, flatly refuses. One day Dick decided that drastic measures must be taken. He swooped her off her feet, carried her into the bedroom, deposited her on the bed, and gave strict orders that she was to stay there for the afternoon. She made a face at his retreating back, and began to twiddle her thumbs. In five minutes she was fast asleep, and woke up three hours later, feeling horrible, mad at the world, and sporting a violent headache. She burst from the room in a fury. "See what happens when I take a nap!" she said to the house in general. It was her first and last nap. "Dooks on the subject of expectant mothXJ erhood have flooded the house. At the beginning June read every one of them right straight through, and none of them made much sense to her as they dealt with such far-off subjects as formulas and what to expect at the hospital. The only thing that made an impression on her was a list of symptoms which, if experienced, required a fast phone call to the doctor. She found that upon reading the list she immediately developed the symptoms, and so the books have been piled in a dark corner somewhere, a move which has been conducive to her peace of mind. The doctor is of small help. He answers June's myriad questions with a shrug, a smile or a grunt, none of which tell her a thing. Each time she makes a complaint, her doctor smiles and says, "That's to be expected," and June feels that her individuality in this world is fading fast. She feels blandly superior, however, to women who are not in her rnnrlitinn nrtr^ when she goes shopping, moves among strangers like a queen. She is different, she is a real Woman, for the first time in her life, and she wants everyone to know it. As for Dick, he is living in his own world of superiority. At home he is adoring and solicitous of June, keeping after her to sit down, slow down or lie down, but when he leaves the house he is a changed man. He carries his head higher and his chest grows visibly bigger — and he moves among strangers like a king. One day he asked June how Herman was getting along. "Herman?" said June. "Who's Herman0" "Who else?" said Dick. "Oh," said June, and the name has stuck. It isn't that Dick wants a boy in particular, but you can't go on calling a baby "it," and Herman seems to have solved the problem. As for June, she doesn't care whether the baby is a boy or a girl, but all the same she admits that pregnancy is the world's biggest suspense act. "It really teaches you patience," she says. If theirs is a boy he will be named Scott, and if a girl, Allyson. June had chosen Pat for a girl, but succumbed to Dick's insistence on Allyson. He thinks Allyson Powell is a beautiful name and while June agrees with him on that score, she is positive and petrified that the little girl will be dubbed Alley by her friends. Whatever the baby's gender, it will have Edgar and Frances Bergen as godparents. 'T'he ^owells had requested a baby boy -1 from an adoption center, and the child was due to arrive shortly after June learned she was to have one of her own. The temptation was strong to keep silent about the news and take the baby boy regardless. But she finally told herself that it wasn't fair, that too many people are on waiting lists for children, and that to take the boy under the circumstances would be the height of selfishness. It's difficult for her now to put the baby boy out of her mind; she keeps wondering where he is and what his new parents will be like. June is progressing in exactly the opposite way predicted by her doctor. He told her, as any obstetrician would, that she could expect to be nervous, irritable and subject to fits of depression. To the contrary June is calm as a millpond, more cheerful than ever, and is completely un Bill Dowdell, editor of the Rome Daily American, charges a fee to visitors who want to sit in Ty Power's chair, which he inherited after Ty finished Prince of Foxes in Italy. — Irving Hoffman in The Hollywood Reporter