Modern Screen (Jan-Dec 1960)

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The Opposite Sex and Ybur Perspiration Q. Do you know there are two kinds of perspiration? A. It's true! One is "physical." caused by work or exertion; the other is "nervous," stimulated by emotional excitement. It's the kind that comes in tender moments with the "opposite sex." Q. How can you overcome this "emotional" perspiration? A. Science says a deodorant needs a special ingredient specifically formulated to overcome this emotional perspiration without irritation. And now it's here . . . exclusive Perstop*. So effective, yet so gentle. Q. Which perspiration is the worst offender? A. The "emotional" kind. Doctors say it's the big offender in underarm stains and odor. This perspiration comes from bigger, more powerful glands — and it causes the most offensive odor. Q. Why is arrid cream America's most effective deodorant? A. Because of Perstop*. the most remarkable anti-perspirant ever developed, ARRID CREAM Deodorant safely stops perspiration stains and odor without irritation to normal skin. Saves your pretty dresses from "Dress Rot." "Why be only Half Safe ? use Arrid to be sure .' It's more effective than any cream, twice as effective as any roil-on or spray tested! Used daily, new antiseptic arrid with Perstop* actually stops underarm dress stains, stops "Dress Rot" stops perspiration odor completely for 24 hours. Get ARRID CREAM Deodorant today. •Carter Frcducts Tr.->d« iv.,, k 'or >o. ii * «? i.y. ■>-. . .. .icn -urfaetants 43« new movies (Continued jrom page 7) — unloved in any country. One day he crosses the Rio Grande with an oxcart full of smuggled pesos. Pedro sent him to buy guns. Unfortunately. Mitchum breaks his leg when his horse falls. There he lies, north of the border, wanted for an old murder. Albert Dekker, Captain of the Texas Rangers, is willing to forget Mitchum's past if he joins the Rangers. Julie London thinks only of their future. The present is what's bothering her: she's married to dedicated Army Major Gary Merrill. Because of Julie, Mitchum has to shoot a man. Back to Mexico he runs. Unfortunately, Pedro never got the guns be sent pesos for and he blames Mitchum (actually, the Apaches stole them). Pedro's willing to forget the guns if Mitchum agrees to assassinate his — Pedro's — brother. Nothing doing, says Mitchum. Back to the Rio Grande he gallops, trailed by a would-be executioner. En route Mitchum comes upon a patrol led by a dying Merrill and his chief officer LeRoy "Satchel'' Paige; they're fighting Apaches. There is no end to the action around Mitchum who, underneath everything, is looking for a little peace of mind. — Technicolor, United Artists. RECOMMENDED MOVIES: A SUMMER PLACE (Warners): This is the place where old passions are rekindled, and new ones burst into flames. Among those with old memories are Richard Egan and Dorothy McGuire, who knew each other long ago on this summer island: he now has a frigid wife (Constance Ford) and she, a drunken husband (Arthur Kennedy). The victims of all these triangles, who build a new life and love together, are Troy Donahue and Sandra Dee. Sandra's egnant state brings ummer place." unfortunate and unmarried troubles crashing down on "thi THE LAST ANGRY MAN Dr. Pa David ' Betsv 1 who aimer and presently stumped over an idea ew show. Muni s nephew Joby Baker has an account of Uncle's treatment of a badly irl, left at his door by hoods. The way the ilds into an inspiring TV show and the way rhanged by Muni's noble character make a CAREER I Pi acknowledged struggle. It al company (on Dean Martin, like Robert 1 Blackman (it friends as a Anthony Franc .1,11c doesn't last). Then Ma big-shot in Hollywood and Fi marries Middleton s daughter Shirley MacL lush in love with Martin). Carolyn Jones, Fra agent, is the last member of this complicate It s good therapy for would-be actors. lass orgets ON THE BEACH (Unit, world is near after an & Anthony Perkins and Fr crew of an American At 1 Ai The end of the Gregory Peck, aire are part of the ubmarine headed for War Australia, the only safe place left. Perkins' wife. Donna Anderson, is pregnant: Ava Gardner is in love with Peck (who remembers only his dead wife and child); Astaire finds nothing left to him but suicide auto-racing. The banner in Melbourne's square savs "There's still time, brother." Find out how THE MOUSE THAT ROARED (Columbia): The Grand Duchy of Fenwick is full of people who look like Peter Sellers (he plays the roles of Duchess. Prime Minister and Field Marshal). When a California firm comes out with a cheap wine that imitates the product that keeps Fenwick going, the Duchy declares war on the U. S.. and wins! Sellers takes Professor David Kossoff (inventor of the terrible Q-Bomb), his daughter, Jean Seberg, and four policemen as prisoners of war. A funny clever satire.