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The Modern Screen Magazine (Jun-Sep 1931)

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Modern Screen a.m. 8 a.m. a.m. 10 a.m. 11 a.m. Does your energy line rise slowly ? CZ^/ere is a wake -up bath that sends energy up, up, up -itidtaftf/y MANY people wake up slowly. They get out of bed at seven o'clock but aren't really awake before ten or eleven. It takes them two or three hours to shake off the heaviness of sleep. These people would not spoil half their precious mornings if they knew more about baths. They probably think of baths only as a means to cleanliness : have never realized that the right bath can bring energy, enthusiasm, alertness. The wake-up bath described on page 10 of our free booklet wakes you up instantly, sharpens your wits, brightens your disposition. Start with warm water. Lather well — for cleanliness adds so much to any bath. Soak in warm water for four or five minutes. Then for the finishing cold splash (two or three inches of cold water in the tub — or step under the shower). The chill of the water makes nerves tingle and skin glow. Follow this with a good, brisk towelling. You'll be wide awake before you've started dressing! And then for clean fresh clothes — from the skin out! The ivake-up bath is only one of the helpful baths described in The Book About Baths. There are many others: an after-work bath to make evenings more enjoyable (makes you feel and look like a different person!); a special bath to ward off colds; a bed-time bath to bring sound sleep; one for after-exercise. The wake-up bath alone would make The Book About Baths worth real money to you. But this interesting book is FREE. It contains much helpful information . . . more than we could possibly list here. Tells how to make baths help you; what kind to take and when and how to take them. It will add much to your enjoymentof life. So clip the coupon below and send for this unusual booklet. Remember it is free. Cleanliness Institute, Dept. J9, 45 Eas 1 1 7 th St. , N ew York , N . Y. CLEANLINESS INSTITUTE Established to promote public welfare by teaching the value of cleanliness MM 9-31 Please send me free of all cost "The Book About Baths." Name — Address. City 91