Motion Picture News (Jul - Sep 1929)

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S c p t an h c r 28 , 19 2 9 1161 Regional News From Correspondents Boston Mayor Signs Fox Permit MAYOR M A L C O L M D. NICHOLS of Boston has signed the order for the closing of Tamworth Street to permit the erection of the proposed Fox 5,200 seat theatre on the site of the Hotel Touraine. Only the Lowell court litigation now remains in the path of the carrying out of the project. Mayor Nichols, in conference with Fox representatives, assured them that he would do everything in his power towards the clearing up of all obstacles in the path of the project, which will cost ten millions. The Riverside Theatre at Medford has been sold by Phil Smith to the Aledford Theatre Co., owners of tiie Medford Theatre, and consisting of George J. Hackett of the Medford Theatre and E. (Oliver Ramsdell.and George A. Ramsdell of the Granada, Orpheum, Strand and Mystic Theatres in Maiden, Mass. Mr. Hackett will manage both the Medford and Riverside Theatres. The Riverside will reopen Sept. 30th with all-talking picturues. The Rialto Theatre at Maynard, Mass., has been sold by William Leonard to Al Lei nard. Union Hall at Voluntown, Conn., has been sold by H. James to J. Barnett. Mrs. Mary (Phair) Mooney, former booker at Educational Films, has resigned and is succeeded by Elmer Turnqnist, former booker at the Paramount txchange. Abe Barry, former booker for the New England Theatres Operating Corp. of Boston, has resigned from the Netoco organization to become booker for Columbia Pictures exchange on Piedmont St. He succeeds Phil Fox, who goes on the road for Columbia covering Southern Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Miss Grace Donovan, secretary to Branch Manager Fred G. Sliter of Educational Films, who underwent a sinus operation and returned to her desk again, has returned to the hospital for a second operation following some complications. Ansel Sanborn of Wolfboro, N. H., was in the Row during the week. Rapalus Theatre Corporation, Easthampton, Mass., has been incorporated with $25,000 capital. Stephan J., Joseph S. and Mitchell A. Rapalus are the incorporators. Foundations are being put in place at Athol for the George A. Giles theatre at 461-467 Main St. The theatre will cost about $130,000. Huntington Amusement Enterprises, Inc., Boston, has been organized with 300 no par shares. Incorporators are Josephine M. Canata, Lillian M. Walker and Norman A. Walker, all of Braintree. The newly renovated Fox-Poli Tlieatre at Springfield has reopened with Western Electric equipment. Samuel Torgan is house manager under Hershell Stuart, New England manager for the Fox interests. A. W. Gillis will handle publicity. Stage shows will be a regular part of the program. Damage of $10,000 was done to the newly decorated Capitol Theatre at Springfield as a result of a fire starting from spontaneous combustion which broke out in the theatre destroying some dozen rows of seats. Guy Harrison, former leader of the Metropolitan Theatre Grand Orchestra, has resigned in order to lead the Rochester Symphony Orchestra. Miss Loraine Rile\' has been appointed secretary to District Manager Thomas B. Spry of the First National exchange, Boston. William Kremmel, shipper at First National exchange, who was seriously injured in an auto accident several weeks ago, has returned to his duties at the exchange. L. Seamon, traveling auditor nf First National, was in Boston during the week on a business trip. The Lafayette Theatre at Haverhill has been equipped with sound and will open with sound pictures the first of the month. The Sunset Theatre at Nantasket, Mass., is closed during the installation of sound equipment. The Charkarohen Theatre at Lincoln, N. H., has installed sound. Frank Honkailo, district manager for Publix Theatres in Essex county, has recovered from his recent .serious illness and is back "U the job. The Park Theatre, Boston, one of the city's oldest theatres and long one of the legit' mate houses, was formerly reopened as a first run motion picture theatre Saturday under the direction of Louis Boas. The house has been completely renovated and Western Electric sound equipment has been installed. The theatre seats 1800 and has a price scale range of 25 cents to 60 cents. Bert Blaisdell is house manager. Two New Ohio State Incorporations CENTRAL-OHIO THEATRE CORPORATION has been incorporated at Davton, Ohio, for $5,000 by John W.' Becker, Arden W. Wisman, A. F. Johnson and John T. Siefert. The company plans to operate a number (if houses. Central States Amusement Co., is a recent incorporation at Columbus, Ohio, by Grace E. Swain, Charles L. Swain and Richard L. Garnett. Rumor recently circulated that Majestic, Columbus, Ohio, recently acquired by Fox in deal of the Libson-Heidingsfeld chain, would discontinue pictures and play burlesque, is denied by Charles H. Weidner, manager, who reports that sound pictures will continue to be the policy. Ravenna Theatre, Ravenna. Ohio, is under new management, Charles Schweitzer, who hails from Cleveland, being at the helm. A new $150,000 house is proposed for Maysville, Ky., by a syndicate headed by New York and Cincinnati capitalists. Site has been purchased. James O. White. Cincinnati, being instrumental in negotiating the purchase. Carl Ambrust is the new owner of the Palace, Continental, Ohio, having purchased the house from J. W. Flynn. Exhibit and Orient Theatres. West Jefiferson, Ohio, have consolidated and are now operated as a single unit under the latter name Hal Kaho, R. Sidner and A. C. Herschner are looking after the house. Josephine Toro, manager Lincoln, Columbus, Ohio, combination picture and Naudeville house, made defendant in $500 damage suit by parents of three-year old girl, who claims she was hit by an egg hurled from the stage by a performer. Casino, Cincinnati, one of the larger close-in houses located at Clark and Linn Streets, has installed \'itaphone and Movietone, and will operate on a continuou'? policy. CLASSIFIED ADS Additional News Notes From Cleveland Dela\' in arrival of Movietone equipment caused postponement of the opening of the new Schine at Kenton, O. Opening date advanced to September 26. Erection of new theatre and Moose temple at Bucyrus, O., has been halted pending rearrangement of plans to provide 1,200 seats in place of the 1,000 previously contemplated. Several business buildings on the site have been razed. Theatre is being built by Moose lodge and will be leased to movie operators. Luntzel New Pub. Dir. Strand In Madison J LUNTZEL, formerly of the « Fox Midwesco advertising staff in Milwaukee, has gone to Madison as director of publicity for the Strand Theatre. Brill's Appelton, Wis., theatre closed last week for remodeling. A new front is to be installed, new seats put in, etc. The theatre, when finished, will have a 1,000 seating capacity. Situation Wanted WESTERN ELECT RI(>' and RCA expei-ieiiccd sovind projectionist. (.'an competently handle either of these systems alone. Prefer Central States. Non-Union. Box 725, Motion Picture News, 729 7th Ave., N. Y. C. PROJECTIONIST, SOUND. Go anywhere. State salary. Address Julius Kovats, 2900 E. 114th St., Cleveland, 0. SITUATION WANTED. A-1 lady theatre organist desires change. Five years in present position, in one of this State's best theatres. Very best references. $5,000 music library ; can handle any organ. Address Beneita Bagley, 403 W. Michigan Ave., Jackson, Mich. HOAV ABOUT IT: Showman with proven ability desires connection with circuit or independent house as manager or lobby artist and exploitation manager. Thoroughly experienced in theatre operation and exploitation of same. References the best, six years with present circuit. I n V e s tigate. Exploitation, Box 600, Motion Picture News, 729 7th Ave., NewYork City. Instruction Learn modern theatre management and tlieatre advertising. Approved and specialized training for theatre men. Catalog C. Theatre Managers Institute. Elmira, New York. Help Wanted BARGAIN : 260 folding seat opera chairs, cast iron frame, cherry back, seat and arm-rest. Suitable for theatre, church, or lodge room. $1.75 eacli f.o.b cars, Carthage, 111. II. C. Reichel, Cartliace, 111. UNIFORMS :m COSTUMES FOR STAGE PRESENTATIONS BROOKS 1437 B'way New York