Motion picture almanac (1931)

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The MOTION PICTURE ALMANAC 23 Bringing boom times to theatres with product such as: "The Smiling Lieutenant"', "An American Tragedy", "A Farewell to Arms", "Monkey Business", "24 Hours", "No One Man", "Huckleberry Finn", "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde", "Secrets of a Secretary", "The Road to Reno", "Lives of a Bengal Lancer", "Break Up" and many others. Today the most popular stars and most promising future bets are with ^one company — PARAMOUNT. Such seat-selling personalities as: Harold Lloyd, George Bancroft, Marlene Dietrich, Maurice Chevalier, Four Marx Brothers, Ruth Chatterton, Gary Cooper, Nancy Carroll, Clara Bow, Fredric March. Claudette Colbert, Richard Arlen, Tallulah Bankhead, Clive Brook, Phillips Holmes, Sylvia Sidney, Jack Oakie, Carole Lombard, Paul Lukas, Miriam Hopkins, Jackie and Robert Coogan, Carman Barnes, Charles Rogers, Charlie Ruggles, William Boyd, Helen Johnson, Eleanor Boardman, Frances Dee, Kay Francis, Stuart Erwin, Wynne Gibson, Mitzi Green, Anna May Wong, Jackie Searl and many more. PARAMOUNT produces the cream of the quality shorts. GOne and two-reelers like these have real drawing power: Paramount Sound News, Headline Acts, Dane -Arthur Comedies, Charlie Ruggles Comedies, Ford Sterling Comedies, Smith and Dale Comedies, Al St. John Comedies, Lulu McConnell Comedies, Billy House Comedies, Paramount Screen Songs, Talkartoons, Paramount Pictorial. Great stories, great production minds, great directors — guarantees of a great pictures, PARAMOUNT has the best in the industry.