Motion Picture Classic (Jan-Dec 1920)

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PEZZO'S HAIR-DRESS Makes stubborn hair easy to comb, neat and attractive Mi*i Uptly PrTk«r Ftntiti-fd in Jdcfc .Vc>n«)rf^'a " t^ldf an<l f'lK^.'*' Adopted by — Screen — ^Stage — Society Decau«« Il^ir-Dms will nuke the mort rtubhom h.iir stay the may you coitit' tt and rrtuD -i Miioolh, dtr^^y np(i«annic Ihe entire eYeninj. A\ ilh Hjir-I)rcvii vou on tomb voiir h^ir any Luhioiublr «>-le — stratsht tuck — .inv w.iy M>u want It. Ilair-Drts^ will aUo give to your hair beaulilul luNttc NO much in rujup "ith men and women of the sUge, the wrern .ind society. Is haniiless ;vad atU as .in eicellcnt tonic. GAn/l ftftf Ti-inl In^ Srn.l filty cents twlay lor a trial jar. oena ror inai jar vseiihvea;.ys. musti'Dmt ■ ive been lookinir (or— ^rml D >i>u. Send Unit' txick. Your money v •s stanips. coin or moi I. KteB«cle»9 H-iitPrfi^ Willi* ■ U r>i.i.lfrl-:l toilet ne<-r--Mt\ tnH.iv iUbccheeriuIly romptly m.'iikd Send St.OO for Three Months* Supply. HAIR-DRESS CO., Depl.3II. 920 Windsor Ave., CHICAGO CROOKED SPINES ^ MADE \ STRAIGHT Cure Yourself or Your Child atHome. WithoutPainorlnconvenience.ofany Spinal DeFormity with the Wooderful PHILO BURT METHOD. No matter bow old you are. or how long you have euffrred, orwbat kind of spinal defnmilty you have, tbere la benelltand a possible cure (or ynu. The Pbllo Burt Appliance laaa OnnaaHteolaodyet flexible and very ci>inr..r(iibie to wear. It gives an eren. perffict etipport to ibe weatened ordefi-nnedsplne. U Is as easy to take oIT or put on as a coat, caucea no Inconvenience, and doee not cbafe or Irritate. No one can notice you wearing lu 30 Days Free Tried The Appllanec U mado to fit each IndhMdual case. It wel^:h8 ounces where other supports weigh pounds The price la wltbln reach of alL lluiiilred.s of d'jcturs rccouimend It. Kiiaruntec satInfactIon and let you ust> It SO days. If you or your child urc siiflerIng from epinal trouble of any nature, write us ntoDi-e for our new book with full Infnrmatti'Q end references. Describe ca*e fully b<j we can advise ynu IntelllpcDtly. The Phllo Burt Siethod consisting of a 9clentlilc opptlance and a course of especial exercise, baa produced wonderful bouefltor cure In over-liM-uO cases. PHILO BURT COMPANY 209K Odd Fallow* Temple JAMCSTOWN, rt. Y. ^ETONTHESTAQE I T«ll Voij Howl Stan Worit and Cabnr.t Enter. .^t.lnlnBaucc.ufu]Iytaui(hthy ni.n. Vour BIG opi.ortiiinUv. Ttnv ... tho world .* v.udovlll. .cUt or nct^oa.. My Urcat n,fn.lonBlC(»ini«-<>nly on. of ttj kiii.l COVERS ALL BRANCHES. Drvoloi.. Personality. Confldonco. Skill I wid t«ll. you Jutt hew to art on Ui« SUiffo. 5und or r"^atA0u lor llluatratnl Iraukl^t. "All About Veudevllle." Sl.-iio imco , end occufBiioQ. Writ. fT tlila Icre Stdc. liook todeyl FREDERIC U DELLE. Box 667.B LOS ANGELES. CALIF. The TUnite Co., No. 3. Solidiroidllspnioir OhiU, mounting. TIfnIto lirm, elmoat • eeret In .lz«. >r"<ind ..rood ioint of (Inerr. If "".nUilF ondl the one, »l« W. *iU. ■ T'-r It llmii'd. Heud wh!l« il liolda «0od. Dept. 1001, Chlcigo. III. Nancy Manages ^^Coiitinucd from page 86) I and homesick, sonic of us, so we decided j to see what we could do for the natives. \Vc had a community (."hristnias tree in the town square and every poor child, ( 600 of them), had a toy, some sweets, and a useful gift. We nearly froze before it was over, but it paid. Mr. Miller was so lovely to work with, and we were just I one big f.nmily. The peoiile of the comI munity treated us like royalty. We were I entertained by the nicest people. If making iiictures were always like tliat.I would want to make them the rest of my life. ' "Jt was good to get back, tho. You know 1 just love to cook, and, next to dancing, it's my favorite sport. Up north, the food was good but nionoto[ nous. So when I got home I started in to cook and I had a wonderful time, only it seems to me prices are more appalling than ever. I'm ashamed to think how much I have squandered on chops. I "So. since I've been back I've cooked and I've danced. No, I have not danced for managers or at rehearsals or even in restaurants. But, I knew there must be I a lot of new dance music since I left, so the day after I returned I bought fifty new dance records and every morning when I wake up 1 jump out of bed, put on a record and have a party all my own. "Yes, I shall do more pictures. In I fact," she said, "I have had several offers i and just now I am holding out on a cer; tain person because I happen to kmow I'm the t\pe he wants and I know that he knows that the type is very scarce. So, I'm waiting to get what I want. Do you see?'' I did. AnA have every reason to believe that \ancv will get it. The Case of Norma Talmadge (CniitiiiKcd from page 25) who has produced her pictures ever since. It is rather difficult to summarize her screen work. We doubt if she has ever once given a characterization in the full sense of the word. She is always Norma Talmadge. That she has succeeded lie-; in the fact that Norma Talmadge represents average .\mcrican girlhood. Consec|uently she has made the j-oung women of her veliicles flesh and blood folk to those in front of the screen. Hers has been a healthy, natural girlishness. There was no forced cuteness, no "clever" touches, no be-curled superinnocence. She was a regular girl, with the feelings, the flapper viewpoint and the high spirit of a regular girl. Miss Talmadge has retained her hold because .she has remained unspoiled ; because, in the main, she has retained these things. Tims it is that a little Hrooklyn school girl shot to cinema popularity and success mimis all technical e(|uipment. without the breadth of vision that comes of tasting anil observing life, lacking all ■-eeming histrionic essentials. Indeed, she has succeeded and retained success, because of these things — and because .she is Norma Talmadge. PL h^Jb.-.d/ mm " — Not One Gray Hair, Now" I "And my hair was quite gray a short time ago! "It was falling out, jjetting brittle and Btringy. My scalp was filled with dandruff and itched almost constantly. "A few applications of Kolor-Bak produced a wonderful improvement. Theitching stopped instantly. There was ro more dandruff. And — marvel of marvels— it is now restored to its original color — not a gray hair shows anywhere!" Kolor-Bak is not a dye or stain. It is colorless, stainless, harmless and restores original color to gr^y hair simply by putting hair and scalp in a healthy condition. Send for our special trial offer; also Free Book on Hair which explains how KolorBak restores gray hair to its original color. HYGIENIC LABORATORIES 3334-3338 W. SStli St., DepL 1293 Chicago GLORIA SWANSOn "~". WALLACE REID Cicl IS. DcMilh Arlc'ult Plavcr Fifamoiint Star Hermo "Hair-Lustr" (Keeps the Hair Dressed) FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN The liiiir will stay dressed ^fler Hermo "HAIRLrsTR" has been applied. No more imissy. unlitly looking hair. Adds a charming slicoii and lii-^lff. insuring the life of the hair, as w«ll as lis beauty. Dress it in any of the prevaMlns styles. and it will stay lliat way. Gives tlie hair that sfirt. glnssy. well grnnmed appearanco so becominu III the stars of tin stage and screen. Guaranteetl harmless. fireas»less and stainless. Two Sizes— SOc and $1.00 Al Your DEALER or Direct SI size Itirfc limes the riuantily of 5 0c size. SKND von JAK TODAY. Use it 5 days. If dlssiiilsllyd n-liirn whiil Is Ifft, and we will REFUND VOIR MONEY IN' FULL. Onco you use Hermo ■IIAIR-LISTR" you will never be without it. HERMO CO., 542 E. 63rd St., Dept. 312, CHICAGO Bowlegged Mgh Your legs will appear straight when you wear Straightleg Garters Rcniarltalile invfiillon^Combinatlnn hoset^uppnrti-r and pant-leg SIralebtener — Quickly adjusted to At various deflreei of bowlegs; as I'usy to put on and comI'Tiablf to wear as any ordinary garltT no harness or padded forms: just an iiiSLTiious special garter for bowlcggec! men -improvts appearance wonderfully. Bowli k'Reil men everywhere an wt'urlug them; I iiiliusla.'tilc. Write for free booklet, mailed In plain envelope. S-L Garter Co. 814-D Trust Co. BIdg.. DAYTON. 0. (Biyhty-cight)