Motion Picture Classic (Jan-Dec 1920)

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Free Trial ^fEND now for the New Wurlitzer cataij log and free trial blank. You may ^"^^ have any musical instrument known, with a complete musical outfit, for a week's trial at home. Return the instrument at our expense at the end of the week if you decide not to keep it. You will get a complete musical outfit, including the instrument and all the necessities with it — velvet and plush lined carrying case with lock and key, self instructor, instruction aids, book of music, all attachments and extra parts— everythingyou need. This new Wurlitzer plan effects a tremendous saving for you if you decide to buy. as everything is included at factory cost. Wurlitzer supplies the outfit and instrument practically for the cost of th6 instrument alone. Convenient Monthly Payments A feu) cents a day will pay for your instrument and outfit. tkrtictiK Oii!>1Jt-«r of Wurlitzer instruments is ATtlSnC yuaWty known all over the world. Wurlitzer instruments have been the favorites of artists and have been used in the finest orchestras and bands for years. This outfit offer includes genuine Wurlitzer instruments. Every known stringed instrument or wind instrument included in this offer of free trialinyourownhonte-Haveyourfreetrial law. We do not charge you a penny for it. Send for New Catalog and Free Trial Blank Every instrument known illustrated and described, with price and small payment down. More pictures and more information about musical instruments than in any other book published. It is a veritable musical encyclopedia. Free trial blank comes with it. Catalog is absolutelyFREE. There is do obUgatioo* Don't delay. Write for it today. The Rudolph Wurlitzer Co., Dept, 1519 117 East 4th Street, Cincinnati, O. 329 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, UL ' MUSICAL INOTKUMENT MAKING W 200 YEARis^^JF MUSICAL IJ) Copi/rii/ht, i920 ^"^^^^iir— — -^r^::^^^^^^^ Thaliuiiolphn'uiliticrOo. The Rudolph Wurlitzer Co., Dept. 1519 117 E. 4tb St.. Ciacinuti, 0. 329 Wsbub Aft., CbicMo, 10. Send ma yoar a«w cstalOK with IllDBtrations in color and full description of the WarliUer Complste Outfit! sod details of toe free trial and eaay iiarmeot offer. Nam4 , Addrtm iStaU eniaieol irulruiMiil in wAicfk vow ar* •pwioUy inUn»tad,\ (Niuciy-thrcc)