Motion Picture Classic (Jan-Dec 1920)

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BeAnAttist Release the | Talent in \&ur PfencU J ».\tryto»ly lias tlu »I.iIil> to .(raw. Trut', Mjtm ha\o more ubilit> iha" othiTv — bul tluit is bc«ni*c it lu»l<vn <kvilo| t^i. Ju^t us > ou \\a\ <■ hw'ii tjucht to reaj sihI writi-. \oit lull Ih tuiicht to itraw. It's fiimplv a 'ijiimtion o( the propc training. \\ 1>> Mick lit a.routiiu' job, wii^tini; >ovii' lifo aw;0', wbfii ttuTc i^ a iT.viiin •U-iiihikI for traiiuil illvistrators — ctrt.K>ni(£t> — i»nd ilesii:inr*r Our won.terful NKW MKTHol* of tearlilnn art liy miiil huA »iualifle<l huuilif<ls ol our tttudetilx for IhkI' •■'J>lj<r<*'*l l>osiriotM. L'liiJer onr iiijitructlon. your undrvploiH-^t ability will Huw forth III (trvauiM of siileiible pictures, and yon will ha\«' A Career — Not a Job A raTMT is ojiii to you as O'lniiuT•■ial artijit that luis drfinitt inissibililit-s. There is no future (or you in a ••job." Thi're are thouNiiwIs of big |><vin]Z' Artist's jiositions ojien n;/ftl huw. And thi-it: po^itioiti arc acliLtlly ijtiinjf fctyyiny K-caust of the scarcity of traineil artists. MupiTiines. iiewsl-apcrs, ailvvrtisiiiK af^Mioies, busire«s oonocrnj!' — all are lookint; for nctiand woUH-n who can liamlle tlieir illustratinK With the tremendous iiooni in both torei>ni and doitiestic KiwiiK-ss. cuinnuTcial art is more in fJeinaiid tiLiti <.\er. — and tliat demand is (fTowitij: e\ery djiy ! Get in thin faMrlnatini; Kauie NOW! nOO for One Drawing Tliat is what ni.tu.v ..( .nir -tiid.nts are now getting lor one <ii-awiiig I Many, after fonijdetiiiB ibis wondci fu) courM-, have lieen startatl in At WO a Week ! tllteii. even IxJore the ftndoiit has finished bi^ course, he ha-4 ■luide more tlui'i eiiout;b through th<^iilr of his drawings to fMiy for his tuition. WhyY Becauiw* he learned to draw under the perjiona/ instniction of one of the country's foremost commercial artist-* — Will H. Chaiidle*-. "liie ChandK-*' ^vstem do«-» away with all suiKTlUiou)* teHiniqne and entaii(.ling hindrino-^ of the ordinary art mHiooI. It brings the principU':!* of Micoiiwfnl drawing right down to lundanu-ntabi in a (<*>ursi of in^truc tion tliat t-an't be bent. You can get lUJ the Ix-ncflts ot tttudio in.strmtinn licht in your own hoin*' — and for ju^t » lew cititK a day ! Your simre time is all tliat in n-tiuired. Our valuable Irfiok "How to Become an Artinl" l*'lbi all alHiut it. Send fur it t»<by : IfU FRKK Free Book and Artist's Outfit M.til (.jiii-ori N<>\ for tt.i w.m.t.rful lre*> Uwk"llovv tnH.Niniir iiuArtint." Coiitaiix. full ■•artirularK orourFKKK MITISTS OITKIT oKFKK. mu\ '<ial tertnpt fur n«-w iitndcnt^ Alwj Mtaiii" many drawingH by our ■iltnt-. Hhowing llh-ir remarkable -oirre>w. Ikiok Jiuit full of valuable forrnalion to you. Sond for it ' '\v : Washington School of Art. I:: DrfL 11412. 1426YmSlNW. Wu^t. ((.Tiui«in> Washington School of Art, Inc. D«pL 11412. M2£ Too St. N. W. Waibiactm. D. C. 1'le««> M-nd nic. without coitt or obligation on my .rt. eonr fre«» liook "How to Brcwne an .\rlf«*.** ,'T-^ All Irish Twinkler (Cuiitiniicd from page 49) fcalurcil with Warnor Oland in llie I'atln serial, "The Third Eye," whidi >he says she thoroly enjoyed, as she Iiad always wanted to make a pictnre with a lot of stunts, being something of a toin-hoy. Then, came her flight among the Fox hnninaries. "Being a star brings a stimulating responsibility, for you are so determined to make each picture the real prize winner that it becomes an exciting game,"' and the I'ercy eyes sparkled. The day of our interview proved to be an eventful date on her calendar, for the tirst shots on her new pict re, "P.eware the r.ride,"' were to be made and the bnni;alow dressing-room was in a state of confusion while the star flitted about. "Look!" she cried, tragically pointing to a set of armor in llie corner of the room, "Please remember that it is mid■ummer and that is what I must wear in half my scenes, — it is the same that Geraliline Farrar wore in 'U^-^" t'*^' Woman.' Lift it!" and standing back, -he l.-uighed at my attempts to lift the live hundred pound armor. "That is just four times my weight and I exjiect to be reduced to a mere speck after carrying it about. ^ly costumes touch the extremes, for in several scenes I wear gay little negligees, again I prance about only in frilly lingerie, then sometimes I appear in lovely oldfashioned things like that," pointing to the flufl'x' frocks with rows and rows of lacy ruffles. ".Kllen Forrest is my leading man in 'Beware the Bride,' and it is one of those laughable affairs where every imaginable complication conies up to separate the lovers, ify role is interesting. I've never vamped, I am alwa}s the excuse for the picture ending hajipily. Still, in my last, 1 was a husband hunter. — so perhaps I have broken my record after all." As the little star, finally arrayed as a girl of yesterday, waited for the call from the stage, we talked about her fads. Somehow, you would know Eileen had a kitten. It is a beautiful orange Persian, named Foxey, and it manages to live in peace and harmony with the shiny black Pekingese that looks like a drop of ink, and Princess Pat, the pedigreed Boston Bull, which nestles closest to the heart of the little mistress. Eileen has revived roller skating and is finding it great sport. She spends some of her leisure hours, usually in the evening, flying about the boulevards near her home in Hollywood. The Percy sisters have a pretty bungalow ruled over by a Chinese cook and a Japanese maid, while Eileen confesses that .she dearly loves to cook so it is no hardship for her when she has to prepare a meal. She is so essentially feminine, from the tip of her little toes to the top-most yellow curl, that this announcement brings no surprise. She drives her own car. is a long distance swimmer and adores dancinir. 5ENDN0 MONEY If You Can Tell it from a GENUINE DIAMOND Send it back To prove <.tir blue-white UEXICAS DIAMOND cl.isoly rpscnihlc'i ;i gfmilne dliuimnd with siuiie UAZZUNC RAINBOW FIRK. «e will send !i si-leclcd I ri.r,it Efiii in Uidiis TlUany SlyU Ring (I'al. iirin$[.!<«) for Half Price to Introduce, $2.63. or in Gents Hoiiry Tootli lieleluT Ring (Cat. iirice S'LlIii) for Sa.'25. Our Ilnest I'ik OoKI Filled niftunllngs. C.I'AR.iNTEED liO TEARS. SEND NO MONEY. Jiisl miiil postcard or this ad. Stulc Size. Wp will mail lit one*' (.'. O. D. If nol pleased return in 'i diiys fur money back less handling charges. Wrilf for Free Ciitalog, Agents Wonted. MEXICAN DIAMOND IMPORTING CO.. Dept.CA2 LasCruces. N.M. Regular Size 60c. "Decidedly the Most WonddrtuI Nail Polish I have ever used." Velvety; quick; lasting; brilliant; just a tint of color; delightfully faint parfum. The very latest thing in nail polish. G. C. WooUey Company Importers 524 E. 20th St. New York If Four dealer la unable to supply you, send :;Uc for Petite size wltti bis name and address. stati:ml:nt ov the uwNEitsinp. m.vna<^e MKNT. CIRCULATION, ETC.. RKijUIKKD ItV THR ACT OF CONc;RESS of AU<.;rST 1'4, HII2, of MO lIuX PICTURE CLASSIC. pubU>hL-d MONTHLY at 17.'. DUFFIELI) ST., BROuKLYX. X Y., for OCTOBER 1. llilJii. Stat.'i.f NEW YORK. County of KINGS. Before ii.p. a NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State and County aforesaid, personally iipix'ared EUGENE V. BREWSTER, who hiiviOtf liet-u duly sworu aii-ording to law, disposes :ind sjiys that he is th* PRESIDENT of the MOTION PICTURE CLASSIC, and that the followinp; is. to the licst of his knowlfd^e aud belief. :i true statement of the uwnersliip. nianit!.jenient (and if a daily paper, the clrenlatiun, etc.) of the af<>re.<jiid puhlii-ation for the dalishown in the above oaption, required by the Act of AuRTist 24. 1912, embodied in section 443, Postal Laws and Re:^ilations. printed on the reverse side of this form, to-nit ; 1. That the Qaraes and addressee of the publisher, editor. iuan:t;^intc editor, or business nianjiKers are: Publisher, BREWSTEIt PUBLICATIONS. INC., 175 Dutlleld St., Eiooklj'U, N. Y. ; Editor. ADELE M'. FLETCHER, 17.'> Duffleld St.. Brooklyn. N. Y. ; Manajriuj: Editor. FREDERICK J. SMITH. 170 Dnffleld St., Brooklyn. N. Y. ; Busineya Mannt,'er. GUY L. HARRINGTON, 17.'j Dutheld St., Brooklyn. N. Y. 2. That the owners are; (Give names and addresses of individual owners, or, if a forpo ration, give its name and th*name, and addresses of stoekholders owning or holding 1 per cent, or more of the total amount of stoekl, THE M. P. PUBLISHING CO.. IT.'i DiitH.-ld St.. Brooklyn. N. Y. ; BREWSTER PUBLICATIONS, INC.. 17r. Dnffield St.. Brot)klyu. N. Y. ; EUGENE V. BKEWSTER. 17.". Duffleld St.. Brooklyn, N. Y. 3. That the known b.>ndholders, mortpag^es, and ether seeurity holders owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, inortim^s or other seeurities are: (If there are none. ^o state.) NONE. 4. That the two piininraphs nest ;il.ove giviug the names of the owners, stoekhfihlers and M'eiirity holders, if any, i-ontain not onI,v thr list of ■tn.-kholders and seeurity holders as they appear upon the books of the company, but also, in casi-s where the stix-kholder or security holder appears upon the books of the ■ ompauy as tnisteo or in any other tidui'larj" relation, the names of the person or eorponttion for whom such Inisti-i is acting, is given; also that the said two parau'niph.s contain statements embracing uffl; nt's fall knowl ■ 'ilt;e and belief as to the cireimistaiiccs and eondillons iiiiil<T which stockholders aud security holders who do appear upon the books of the company as trustees, hold and securities in a capacity other than that of ii bona fide owner; and this afllant has no reason to I'l-llcve that any otlier persou, association, or corporation haa any interest direct or indirect in the sjiid stock. iH.uds, or utht*r securities than as so stated by him. r». That the uverage nunibrr of copies of each issue of this pnbUcntion sold or distributed, through the mails or otherwise, to paid subscribers during the six months preceding the d;ito shown aI>ove is .... (This information is n-.iuir.-d from daily publications only.) EUtlENE V. BRKWST1;k. i;ditor-in-Chief. (Signature of e*litor. tinl.llshi'i-, business luanager, or owuer.) Sworn to and siibsrrib..i l»-f,.re me this 22d day of Septemb.-r, 1!I20. E. M. IIHINK.MANN. (My coiiimissioii ^spir.s Manh StimiGHTEN YOUR TOES ^BANfSH TlUT BUNION ACriEI.D'S [Perfection Toe Spring I I Woro >t nlffat. wUh auxiliary appllaDca I I for dKr oM. I [ Removes tKe Actual Cause | of tho onlarnd joint knd bonlon. Sent o approval. iSonry back if nol oh repraaantrc I S«nd outline of fool. Vnr my Improved liuit« I Support for weak ar.;luiii. FtUt partieularm anJ advice /rt* in jiJain rni'^lcrpe. I C. R. ACFIELD. Foot SpEcialtJi!. Dtpl S29 I I l3Z8BruilMii and 47 Wst 34tli Slnet. Nm Viili j (One hundred)