Motion Picture Classic (Jan-Dec 1920)

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Lift Off Corns with Fingers Doesn't hurt a bit and "Freezone" costs only a few cents yuy You can lit't oft any hard corn, soft corn, or corn beuvecn the toes, and the hard skin calluses from bottom of feet. Appfy a few drops of "Freezone" upon tlie corn or callus. Instantly it stops hurting, then shortly you lift that bothersome corn or callus risiht off, root and all. without one bit of pain ..r soreness. Truly! No humbug! Tiny bottle of "Freezone" costs few cents at any drug store Genuine Precious Diamonites FREE for 10 Days Wear Cut. Look and Wttr Uk« Otamond* h M much SmJ iM "*"0» prK*», ' . . _«inI»ddJ -■ but imWriM (or lOfUj. trt*l. Wh«n i»c»W»d^»l«.lt »<.»& xlth llU 96 !■ D-fd In foil. If roa cw f" » ^r«m > dumood r.-tom It. Swi* -iM ftfiBT. ThU«p.KrUl prtcfl formlimil.^ «m.v nSHLEIGH & CO.. Dcpt. 261 Chlcaso, III. Science Has Discovered How to End Gray Hair For years pclcncc ban Bought a way of rcBiorlng gray hair to Its natural color. Now that way Is found. And womon no lonser hesitate. For simply by (ombIDK this clear, pure, color le 88 liquid through your hair. In from 4 to » days evrry gray hair Is sone. Scientific Hair Color Restorer Make This Test P**nd In the roupon. M.irk on It the exa<t rolor of your hair. It will brlnjr you a fr^^ trliil bottle of this r<mnrkubIo hnir color restorer and our epcclul comb. Try It on a lock of your hulr. Note thp result. And how 11 differs from old-fashlonci ilyen. Send In the coupon now. MARY T. COI.nMAV isll Coldnian HldK-. !^t. I'unl. Minn. i1«rpf I»1/'^f^lfltm^-»>''(^v Drujjinta i:T^nntt>rre^ PImm sctia mo your /rr* triid t-.tll. of Mary T. Goklm*n's H»ir Color R*-«i«r.r u-,tl. ■>"■'•'*' ."^"^ oflcr. Ibe natorai color of my hair U bUek. )ct blwk d«rtc brown,.—.. mg^ii^Tf^i* brown...«~> light brown...... Num.. StXTCt... Co . Town.. w. The Celluloid Critic (Continued from paye 101) rather for},'cl the liollowness of it all think you will like it. Charlie Kay's final Taramount vehicle, ■■'I'hc \'illaf;e Sleuth," will not add to bis laurels. This, an original story by Agnes C. lohnston. is a trick melodrama. Ray ]ilavs a would-be detective who, while employed at a sanitarium, attempts to solve •what appears to be a murder. Just as he seems to unravel the mystery, the "n""'dered" one returns. "The X'illage Sleuth is an involved thing, told rapidly but loosely. It does not hold our interest in the least, despite Ray's usual byplay as the yokel sleuth. The director, Jerome Stonn.'loo, does not seem to get a dehnite hold on the story, ridiculous tho it is. It is our painful duty to record "Little Miss Rebellion," (Paramount), as another failure, despite the spontaneous Dorothy C.isb. Harry Carr's original .story, the pleasant hocus of a royal princess of some small luiropean principality who falls in love with an .\mericau doughboy, is lost in the direction. George Fawcett, the director, seems to have told the story in chunks — and then had considerable difficulty getting the chunks to fit. Result, a comedy which became a melodrama — and an exceedingly lame oiu at that. Even r^Iiss Gish is lost. We hand another medal to Harold Tdoyd for his "Get Out and Get Under." ( Pathe). We thought the humorous possibilities of the Ford car had been exhausted, but now we know better. Lloyd has not equaled his classic "High and Dizzy," (which was the funniest thing since Chaplin's "Shoulder Anus"), but he has succeeded in building a consistently iunny farce. The Talmadges had better look to their scen.ario departments. For instance, Constance Talmadge has been miscast in "Good References." (First National), an original story by E. J. Rath, in which she plays a young secretary who gets a liosition in a wealthy home on fake credentials. Of course, she falls in love with the young man of the household and has to face the terrific emotional problem of cimfcssing the fib. Here Miss Talmadge is lifted away from her forte, light comedy, and dropped into a far-fetched semi-melodrama. K. William Xeill, the director, probably did all he could with the story. He gives Miss Talmadge a new leading man. the boyish Vincent Coleman. Young Coleman seems rather artificial as yet and wears a fearfully theatric looking makeup. TIIK IMPERISHABLE Hy CHARI.OTTK UkCKF.R Dcith may take to Iiim tlic painter, Hut his works to us belong; lit may steal from us the sinRcr, liul iie cannot seize the song. .\n(!. tho he may take the lives tliat Hold our sum nf joy, yet he Cannot mh us of the largess 01 a single niemury. Evevy househol should have ajar 06 Resinol fo heal 5kin iroubles I^Iinorsl^in troubles — itchinj patches, tits of rach or redness — co easily develop into serious, stubborn affections, that every home-mahcr sliould have Resinol Ointmentonhandto check them before they get theupperhand. We recommend Resinol for this ■with the utmost confidence because of itsharmlessingre' dients and its success in healing eczema and similar serious skin diseases, Hesitiol Ointment is an excellent heal insrdreasingf too. for clial'in"s, burns and stubborn little sores. Dociarsprescribeit. Sold by all druggists, WThis Gas Saving Test ~" AsyouroldgaamanUes =^ break.put on Indestructible Usalyte or Lotolyt Mantles and watch your gas billsgodown. They are unbreakable and save onethird the gas besides. LOTOLYT Cas Mantles USALYTE Gas Mantles In the Square BoxwIUi h "■ ""= ^■.•^^■■l". Blu.\ab,|---ipfl TVianSu^ar 60. RCMEneEK THE •^AWES-TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE J.1.BOBIN&SONS Inc. i??St'w'^'i"i'sfA-«.\l30 th St. twf Park Ave LotolvtaalK'fX}'"' Cnod \. -' Hew VOB.K dfaleretoo. Or *enlh , uaon \ M»nuF»tlu.-»r oF lh« WondtrFul rccciol of ir^'^e, Qgpt. 2MC.XUi»lyl» Cai Ho.t«^». ' >''.#,T.T.V.^.^.T.'».T.4.T*|*riTT*-''^^** xssz £5 rCAffS THE ST»ND»RD TRfilMfiG SCHOOL fOR 7MEATRE ARTS AtVBElWB SCHOOI/ I^RAMAXiC ARTS FOUI? SCMOOIS IN ONE. PRACTICAL STAGE TOAlMmcmE SCMOOCS STUDENT'S STOCK ""O T>1EATRt AFFORD PUBLIC STAGE APPEARAMOS Wiitfl lor calaing mentloninR study tiesiied to Secieisfv ALVIENE SCHOOLS, SuJtB I? 43 West 7iDd Street , P'Miiy.Vf.-.,lriil I'ail^ Wi'St, NyW Y-'TIe I UNSIGHTLY HAIR 4111 fjce. .iiiii.s iir liuiiy can ho Permanently "Kstioyed witli XII*, bfcaiLSO it lifts out tlic roots with the hairs. Linliktj Motvenls which leave tliu loots to thrive. No Cuusllcs. powders nor ilLTlrlcUy. ZIP is Uie rapid, hiifi'. imlnl^ss, reliable and fragrant fimipuuiKl used by Icaiiiiig aclrcisL's, d'.'l'iiliiiites, btauty spedulisls. One appliMlton iiisl;iiitly rtDiovcs aU undeKirulilc hulr. At l)L'Ui*r class stuie'; or diroct hy infill \VrUt' fur FREE BOOKLET. Call to have FREE DEMONSTRAriON. CuiTCbpuridenci.' conn<lt'rillal. Z/P REGISTERED U.S. PAT. IT'S OFF AcaciM IT'S OUT (^ Specialist 12 West 40th St. Dcpt. L New York City (Otic httiidrctl and four)