Motion Picture Classic (Jul-Dec 1928)

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J^educing Herself to /^ich By Dorothy Manners IF you've got a date with that great, big handsome, specialty number tonight, here's a little tip: Wear a white sport dress with a red collar and red cuffs and a red hat. Doris Dawson did. And how ! She wore it the day she went to see Harry Langdon about a bit in his new picture and before she left Harry had signed her for the leading role. She wore it the time First National sent for her for a test and before she left the Doris Dawson's Soul'Strugj Is Caused by Hunger for Bot Cake and a Care< >* (arsty lot she had been signed a contract with a leading ro with Richard Barthelmess "The Little Shepherd Kingdom Come," thro in for good measure. Y can imagine how she weai it ! It's her lucky col combination and Doris right here to tell you thai it's got it all over anything else for quick results. \ She ought to know. Doriil used to dress in dark brown* and blacks. That was whei^ she first came to Hollywood and she wasn't so happy. Like everybody else, except Sue Carol, Doris had a hard time getting started itij Hollywood. You wouldn't think it] to look at her. If you like the baby-i doll type, you'd swoon at Doris. Andi Hollywood does. But Hollywood didn't swoon right away. Doris almost starved to death before Hollywood got around to her cute little smile and her, long Pickford curls. j Her Power Over Speed Cops I THINK the right adjective for Doris is cuddlesome. If her hair were four shades lighter, she would have been perfect for "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes." She's got that same guileless look, and even hard-boiled speed cops believe her when she tells them she didn't realize she was going forty miles an hour. When she smiles at them, they are convinced of it. She's got that helpless-little-woman-all-alonein-the-world look, and only her intimates are in on the secret of how really capable she is. Believe it or not, she can cook and sew and make her own clothes and dye her own shoes and all sorts of things you wouldn't suspect to look at her. She'd make a great little wife for some young fellow just starting out in the world — if she wanted to. But she doesn't. She wants to be a movie star with a public — so there! {Continued on page 82) men miii Dyk eiiac lows Seal lite, lahi moi pla) 42