Motion Picture Classic (Jul-Dec 1930)

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UOAN KNHfTT POPULAR (TAR Hidden Gold in your hair too! (Rediscover it tonight in one shampooing) A treasure hunt— in your hair! Hidden there is something precious ! Loveliness undreamed of; a sparkling radiance that is youth; key to popularity, romance, happiness! You can revive this charm , tonight. Just one Golden Glint Shampoo will show you the way. No other shampoo like Golden Glint Shampoo. Does more than merely cleanse. It gives your hair a "tiny-tint"— <» wii Hull bit'-aot much— htrdly perceptible. But what a di6Ference it makes in one's appearance. Only 2Jc at your dealers', or tend for free sample. FREE J. W. KOBI CO., 603 Rainier Ave.. Dept. G Seattle, Wash. • • • • Pliast sind a fnt sample. Name Address . City . State Color of thy hair . Reduce ^ Hips ^ often 2 to 4 inches in 10 day* YOU can do it — easily — with the wonderful new Perfolastic Reducing Girdle. Makes you look ^ ^^^fc i^^ slimmer the instant you M I ^^^^^k put it on. Exerts a con! ^^HB slant, gentle massage that ^^^^B breaks down the fat cells, j^M ' ^^^^^K moulds away flabby flesh ' ^^H^H and reduces waist and hips j^H ' ^^^^^H — often from 2 to 4 inches ' ^^H|^P in '« days. Made of finest 7l'7 ^^^T equality, fresh, live, pure ^ VI'' I* "Plantation Rubber by the . jkJI'". ' famous Goodrich Rubber Co. ^mj^ y Cool, comfortable, light — ^ ^UE^^W-'^ some models weigh as little IH^K^^y as ounces (garters in cluded)— full of tiny holes to let skin breathe. Write today for FREE ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET with full details about this marvelous girdle, also particulars of our 3-day trial olTcr and money-back guarantee. No obligation. Just fill out and mall coupon Below to Ptrfolattle.Ine., Dapt. ItT, 41 Eatt 42nd Strmat, Nam York City. PERFOLASTIC, INC., D«pt. 167 41 East 42nd Straat, Naw York City. Without obligation please send me FREE BOOKLET describing and lllustratln|l the new Perfolastic Girdle, also particulars of your 5-day trial offer. Name Address City State 88 The Things Wives Hate {Continued from page jp) "Wives usually hate the economically independent woman. Well, in this particular, perhaps they are right. Men like feminine women. They do not like limp door-mats. Wives usually hate the independent woman because they themselves are too lazy to do anything but he a wife and, for the most part, not a very good one at that. There is a less respectable name for many women of this ilk . . . wives who lie abed mornings, too headachy, too worn out to get up for breakfast. And no sooner is the sympathizing hubby safely out of the house than they 'phone and make bridge dates or shopping dates for most of the day and night. They know that they are slackers and resent the woman who isn't. " If wives would cast off the old shibboleths and cease to waste time hating and fearing the sensational sirens who wreck no homes and wouldn't want a tame husband for a house-pet, there would be fewer Elsie Dinsmoies as instruments of alimony." Mistaken Hates NATALIE MOORHEAD is another little lissom lady from whom all wellbrought-up wives shudder away in unholy horror. The way she wears clothes. The way husbands look when they gaze on her. Natalie laughed and agreed with Hedda when, a few days after the foregoing conversation, I lunched with her at the Embassy. She said, in her forthright way, "Of course, wives hate the wrong sort of women. They hate actresses on general principles. Probably there is more than the potentially straying husband involved in this. It may be partly because all women, wives included, have wanted to be actresses all of their lives. I think there is no person, male or female, wife or husband, who hasn't wanted to be on the stage at one time or another. They are jealous, the wives, of actresses. For reasons of self, as well as spouse. "Also, they hate the obvious siren, the woman who dresses for men, who is physically attractive, who invites 'that sort of thing.' Equally, of course, they shouldn't. For that sort of woman has had so much of that sort of thing she is probably tired of it. She doesn't have to look for it in other Women's husbands, thereby getting herself into a horrid mess. She is probably far too clever to want to be involved in anything of the sort. A woman who is a siren to all men is too smart to be involved with the wrong man. Beware Maternal Tj'pes THE woman wives should hate is some other wife who is a mother as well as a wife. There is the really dangerous woman. The woman who is a woman. "Nine-and-a-half times out of ten the socalled siren type of woman has sporting blood. And sporting blood doesn't permit of illicit affairs. Doesn't permit of causing rotten unhappiness to other people. For the most part, most wives attach far too much importance to their own husbands. Most wives consider their legal mates far more desirable than they really are. They will see some charming woman being charming to the hubby and will never again invite her into their home. Chances are, the charming woman is being bored to death and only turning on the works because it is second nature to her and a part of her training. "Wives seldom hate the very young girl — and they shouldn't. Unless the man in question is a confirmed sensualist, or some sort of pervert, the adolescent stage will bore him to death. "Undoubtedly, the sweet and simple type . . . not too much younger than the wife but just enough ... is the most dangerous of all women. She looks beyond suspicion. She acts below the belt line of suspicion. She appears to be hard to get. She is out for the things that drop like ripe plums into the laps of her more picturesque sisters. "Most wives hate all other women. Every other woman is a potential rival. A menace. And most of this tide of hatred is pitifully unnecessary. I'd back a wife and mother against the Other Woman every day in the week. The Other Woman may have all the outings — for a time. The wife has all the innings — and keeps them," The Poison of Charm 1ILYAN TASHMAN is the tonsorial J despair of even so over-dressed a place as Hollywood. Wives throw up their hands and retreat into handy anterooms when Lil swanks into any gathering. She looks as if she might gather husbands, more or less helter-skelter. She told me, "Wives hate gracious women who are gracious to their husbands . . . who get so little graciousness at home. "Wives hate thoughtful women. Women who, as hostesses, remember what Oscar liked so well the last time he dined with them. Women who are considerate to husbands who, also, get so little consideration at home. "Wives hate women who regard their husbands as different, interesting, worth listening to. For what wife plays the game of Patience called 'Finding My Husband Interesting'? "The dangerous woman to Any Wife is the perpetually charming woman. Charm is more virulent a home-poison than any amount of beauty, fame or sex appeal. It combines the best element in all three. And the really charming woman is charming to everyone and to everything. To the servants in her house, the dog, the salad she is eating and — other women s husbands. "Wives always hate the very smart woman. Not so much, perhaps, because she is smart as because they know it is laziness on their own parts not to be. Laziness and nothing else. Any woman can be smart, anywhere in the world, on any amount of money, large or small. Smartness is not a question of bank account or of locale. It is a matter of effort, of keeping up on things and of laboriously acquiring taste if one i* not fortunate enough to be born with it." Hateful Husbands EVELYN BRENT, who is the Dark Lady of the Sonnets, or the prototype of that poetized person, doesn't think most wives fear competition to any alarming extent. Most wives, she says, are steeped in a bland complacency. They have their marriage certificates and they believe every word of them. They have heard the preacher say, 'Until Death do us part.' They have their gold or platinum or diamond bands. They have their homes and their allowances and their children. If they do hate other women, it is only spasmodically. They hate other things far more. "For instance," said the carven Evelyn, "all wives hate to be rushed while dressing for dinner. There is more murder in their hearts when a husband calls, 'Aren't you ever coming? What the — are you doing anyway?' tnan they could possibly hate any Lorelei parked on any stone. "All wives hate to be told they are too tired to go out and do things when they {Continued on page loo)