Motion Picture Classic (Jan-Aug 1919)

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u QraceSMiller iVhovOrote'Tess o’the Storm Country and numerous other famous books and screen plays. Says No intelligent person should take more than 5 evenings to 1 K* r Shorthand “A Truly Wonderful Thing is K I. Shorthand,” continues this renowned and successful writer, in a recent letter to King Institute. “It surely is simplified stenography that anyone can learn in a few hours; and then it is a pleasure to speed up in writing one’s own thoughts or taking down what others are saying. I am ^amazed at your beautifully easy method of acquiring such a valuable accomplishment. Thousands of other successful men and women have Utely 'e^nted K^ I. Shorthand in order to ^ promote their efficiency. Daily we hear of people who have never ‘bought they could spare the ti . to learn stenography, learning this new method with astonishing ease and putting it at once practical use. , You can learn K; I. SHORTHAND evenings Quickly Gain Ample Speed Wh,y not learn K. I.’ Shorthand now and lot It h«Il> Soi“ diSr® Uwer‘%r?S“™rre9^nde!nh salary — to jtrealer offtclency as a teacher, btisiness person, Icctun r. autlioi. aoctor, awyt i ‘'u rshorVtimf?oV“wm taorK!’f°Shorthand well eiio.ndi to serve you as a public or private stenographer o1 by enlarging your usefulness. On 30 Days’ Approval Ih it not worth five evenhiRs of pleasant home practice to thoroughly master this important and helpful an? File evenings! Then you acauire speed us you continue practice. w T ■uhAfibind hflR tnkpn ttif world by stonn. Veung and old. beginners and experts are writing it. ft is destined to supersede the old comiilicated systems, for universal use. lilte the typewriter has replaced long-han . qo EASY TO LEARN — Forget what vou have heard of the hardship of learning the old systems. J M.orthand 18 ini^asnrahly nnlilie an'y of them. It Is stenography pruned of its maze and mystery, clan fled, simplified ; It is shorthand made shorter, easier to learn, more natural to write, as easy to read as lorig-hand— and never forgetable. .Exnerts In the old systems have abandoned them because they prefer the new and J: method K I. Shorthand omits all the perplexing, brain-tiring special rules, positions and shadings v lilch make other systems a nightmare for the student. It Is so much easier to learn because there is Infinitely less to study. It la tau.ght in progressive businoss schools and practiced by court officials and by reporters. OUR EXPERTS GUIDE VOU — The K. I. Shorthand Course is more than merely a text-book on stenography. We offer vou personal corresimndence tuition under the guidance ot c-xperts. Therrirno courL to compile with K. I. In brevity and practicability— and no cxiurse giving correspondence instruction that Is obtainable at leas than five times om Besides the money you save, think of the months of grinding study you avoid. LEARN WITHOUT COST. You may Icarii tho entire K. I. Shorthand system without paying a cent of your money. The coupon will bring yon the simple plan. SEND NO MONEY'— K. I. Shorthand is offered on the most liberal terms right now Do not miss this opportunity. Send Immediately for the first two lessons free You may then continue the entire course on a month’s approval. Do not send money. Wo give you a positive guarantee that you can learn or no cost to you. King IiisUtute is incorporated in New York State. *100.000 authorized capital. Be sure Cut out and mail the coupon, or write a letter, to mention "Motion Picture Classic.” KING INSTITUTE RE MAR^ you like. I atfi takinp it down in /v. Z, Shortli and.” ABLE RECORDS WHICH YOU CAN EQUAL In the Civil $erv> Icfi — “Four months asto I knew absolutely uothlnpc of the first rudiments o f shorthand. To-day I am holdlnst a position as stenoRrapher in tlie office of Inspector of Buildings where the terms apply almost wholly to building construction. I think this sufficient recommendation of your system/' — E. M. FULTON. A Teacher’s Testimony— “1 learned the K. I. Shorthand principles in five hours and after not (iuit»‘ two w(H‘k8' practice I can write almost as fast as anyone would dictate. It is easier to read than aJiy other a.vstem I hav© seen/’ — VV. RUDOLPH ALIaEN. Used In Big Business — ”1 learned your system of shorthand to save time in makinp notes while passina about the plant. After only slight study I can tolte down ordinary conversations. K. I. Shorthand is practical, time-saving and simple.” — S. B. ROPER. A Journalist — “Your system Is excellent, being simple, and yet comprehensive. I find K. I. Shortiiand also fascinatina in inv work as a press correspondent.”—ABBIE TOMPKINS. Better Than Pitman— T started with the Ben Pitman method, but stopped it to take vour Course, and I find it much qulclier and easier to learn.” —.JOHN LACHENMAYER. JR. 50 Words a Minute in 10 Daysr•‘Already I can write fifty or more words per minute and It only took ten days— about a quarter hour each dav to learn.” — HENU\ DRANKK. '‘Go ahead! 7 am qetiin everything,” fClni: institute. Inc,. 1.'54 E. 32a St.. New York. N, V.. S S, Wabash Avo.. Chicago, III. Please send me FREE the (IrHl lessons in K. I. Sliorthand: iKioiluctory Offer and complete information. 1S4 Eaat 32d Street NEW YORK. N.Y. 8 S. Wabash Avenue CHICAGO. ILL. I Addrtxis. Eli-2l:t