Motion Picture Classic (Jan-Aug 1919)

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! I I 1 LASSIC 1 (ingdom of heaven was at hand. But ^ p was the kingdom of earth. Man has | U the wisdom of the gods. He finds le gate of paradise, wrenches it wide, lien closes it in his own face. After a lonth on the Pastime, Tom and Sheila jturned to Newport, and Tom went to rork in the factory built for the sole urpose of the sweet teeth of the world, heila wore delectable Lucilles, ran 'olls-Royces and spent money delilously. Every morning she convoyed om to the smoking stacks of the fac)ry, every evening she ran down to conoy him back. Life skimmed along as isily as her purring, upholstered roadier. Then, with the ghastly impact life las a habit of inflicting, there came news jf a train-wreck on which Tom might ije, a hurried trip to the horrid scene and, ,|ot Tom, but Lew Pam, lying among the i|ebris. He raised his arm to shield his i l^ce when he saw his dainty daughter | nd her young husband coming toward :im, but he was too late. Sheila saw lim, fell on her knees, tore away his conjjaling arm. “It’s Daddy — it’s Daddy — :iy own Daddy!’’ .she moaned, and never ijnew that the eyes of her husband had jever beheld this man before nor his iirs heard his name. “You did see lim,” she protested, as Tom muttered [lat he had never seen him, she .should jave told him. “You did see him — in a iieater one day last month — dont you i^member? — we went — he came out — i!ou — you laughed at him, and I — I went jut ” I “So that,” mused Tom, remembering, 'was ivhy ...” I' “That,” snapiied Sheila, unfastening |ie unconscious man’s collar, “was why. »e so good as to get a doctor — quick — jt once ...” “You cheated,” said Tom, as he stalked ^way; “you — you ” ! But Sheila did not hear. She was iTooning to the man who had crooned so iiany tender times to her, holding, in jer turn, his bruised head upon her best. While Lew Pam was mending at a initarium under the constant ministralons of his daughter and the kindly help f Roger Ballantine, Tom was drifting, iheila had aroused his jealousy again, nd it was strangling him. Aided by his DO vivid imagination, he was conjuring p for her impossible people of whom, s he had been of her father, he was in ainful ignorance. Wisely, Roger Balantine deported him to the Far West. jYou need,” he told him, “distance to see a, my lad. You are growing short of light. Go away — stay away — until your jision clears.” I When Lew Pam got well .Sheila turned jo the hope chest. “I cant,” she told jloger Ballantine, when he offered to jielp her until such time as “that young jss gets over it.” “You are dear — but I ant. Miss Perrin is going to help me, nd we are going to open a tiny shop nd call it The Hope Chest in the hotel {Continued on page 74) ' (Sixtyfive) ' OUT HCRCim mmm, mmm ^ flNTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS ‘‘$100 a Week, Nell! Think What That Means To VsV* “They’ve made rne Superintendent — and doubled my salary ! Now we can have the comforts and pleasures we’ve dreamed of — our own home, a maid for you, Nell, and no more worrying about the cost of living! ^ “The president called me in today and told me. He said he picked me for promotion three months ago when he learned I was studying at home with the International Corre,spondence Schools. Now my chance has come — and thanks to the I. C. S., I’m ready for it !” Thousands of men now know the joy of happy, prosperous homes because they let the International Correspondence Schools prepare them in spare hours for bigger work and better pay. You will find them in offices, shops, stores, mills, mines, factories, on railroads, in the Army and Navy — everywhere. Why don’t yon study some one thing and get ready for a real job, at a salary that will give your wife and children the things you would like them to have? You can do it! 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Train for Nursing-Nowl T)ie war ia responsible for a scamlty of nurses In hospitals — their remilar nurses are polntt to the front. Bemand for trained nurses now (treater than the supply. This Is your golden opportunity to become a trained nurse and easily secure a flue po.Mitinn at .1:20 to $30 per week. You can quiclUy master our si>ecial Training Course during your spare time at home and receive diploma approved by best doctors Easy terms. Hospital experience given if desired. We help you find employment. Write at' once for catalog. State age. AMERICAN TRAINING SCHOOL. Dept A. 1S55 N. la Salle St.. Chicaao You Have a Beautiful Face BUT YOUR NOSE? IN this day and age attention to your appearance is an absolute necessity if you expect to make the most out of life. Not only should you wish to appear as attractive as possible for your own self-satisfaction, which is alone well worth your efforts, hut you will find the world in general judging you greatly, if not wholly, by your “looks,” therefore it pays to “look your besf’ at all times. PERMIT NO ONE TO SEE YOU LOOKING OTHERWISE; It will injure your welfare I Upon the impression you constantly make rests the failure or success of your life. Which is to be your ultimate destiny? My new nose-shaper “Trados” (Model 24) corrects now ill-shaped noses without operation quickly, safely and permanently. Is pleasant and does not interfere with one’s daily occupation, being worn at night. Write today for free booklet, which tells you how to correct Ill-Shaped ' , Noses without cost if not satisfactory. M.*f RILETY, Face Specialist. 1039 Aokeirman Bldtf., BlnRhamton, N. Y^,’'