Motion Picture Classic (Jan-Aug 1919)

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CELECT your own , , subject love, patriotism —write what the heart dictates, then submit your poem to us. We write the mualc and guarantee publiah* er'a acceptance. Our leading composer is Ml*. Uco PPicdman one of America’s well-known of many song successes, such as in Drtamland" Call You Sweetheart. "When I Dream of Old Ertn," and others the sales of which pan into inifliont of copies. Se^ as many poemi asyoowish. Pon’t Delay. Oet PMay-Ouleh. CHESTEIi MDSIC QO.**** • $3 $4 WILL BUY A Beautifully Reconstructed TYPEWRITER With Erery Modern Writinf Convenitnet WRITE TODAY FOR ILLUSTRATED CIRCULAR Explaining Try-Before-You-Bny Plan HARRY A. SMITH, 325-218 North Wells St., Chicago, III. Learn NOW at home In spare time by our new instruction method. Commercial Art. Cartooning, lUuittratliiK, nesIgniUK. Drlightfiily fascInAttiig w’ork lii big deniaiirl. 160 paid for one drawing. Handsome free booklet explains everything. Write for it— now. Get our apeciai FREE OUTFIT OFFER at once. WAftHINDTON SCHOOL OF ART* Ine. li4SH St. N. W.s Washington. D.C. Submit your Song-Poems on ant subject for our advice. Wc REVISE poems, COMPOSE MUSIC Of ANY OESCRIPTlOK SECURE COPYRIGHT AND CMPIOY 0RIGINAL^.2p| lONTAINS METHODS FOR FACIUTATING FREE PUBIICA-^,,,.;^^ INSTRUC TION OR OUTRIGHT SALE OF SONGS^^ffl]ffi^pJ<''[!^ jq' jjGINIIERS ANO IELU UNDER THIS SUCCE5SrUL^^^<Wapj^|Jlt tojjh CWCEJNING EVERT BiMa CONCERNS 6UARANTEE^.rf^ If OIIS ESSENTIAC AND FASCINATING PROFESS OF SATISFAC-^rfftT •! ■g,.i^lOH THE GREAT UORN ACCOMPLISHED BY INC POP JIARSONG INMNWNGIHE VflR IS ONLY AN INOR TO THE MUOI I WIDER SCOPE AND GREATER OPPORTUNITIES AFFORDED ST PEACE. KNICKERBOeXER STUDIOS. 75 GaistyBum. NYCmt Learn Piano! This Interesting F ree Book shows how you can become a skilled player of idaiio or organ at quartar uAual coHt. It Hhowi why uiir leNBon with an axpart |m worth a doxan other leMaoiiB. Dr. tjiiuiirf Fanioua Written Method Ificlndee all of the many important modern improvementa In tea<'hing muMic, Briiige riaht to your homo the great attvantaK< m of ('onHevvafory Htmly, For tlie betnnneri or ex Serienced players. Endorsed by great artists. Successful graduates everywhere. cientiflc yet easy to understand. Fully illustrated. Alt music frsa. Diploma granted. Write today for free book. Quinn ConMrvatory, Studio MH, Soolal Union Bldg., Boston, Maas. Freckles 'ate a* cloud before the sun'* hiding your hvIffhtnenH, yonr beauty. Why not remove them? D<tiit dtday. Use STILLMAN’S Made especially to r«>n)nvo fi'eckles. Leaves tim skin clear, smooth and without a blemish. Pivpared by Mpeclallsts with .vears of experience. Money rufunded if not satisfactory. 60o iierjar. Write today for particulars and free booklet, “Wouldst Thou Be Fair” ^ v. Contains many beauty hints. and de [f jfrwAftSrt,! y U scrii)es a number of elegant piopara tioiis Indispensable to the toilet. Soid by all drugoiat*. STILLMAN CREAM CO. Deiii.a Aui-nra. Ill r' ning in her coldness, in her growing selfsufficiency ? Suddenly his desire for her fell upon j him and got him by his throat. The walls of his training, of his mode of living, of his code of ethics fell from him, inutile. All that he had done and been, all that he planned, all that he stood for today, the fact of where he was . . . dry dust. Upstairs Katherine Bush was I pacing and pacing, planning and plan' ning . . . He gave a sudden, abrupt laugh that had not so much of mirth in it as it had of a blind pain. There was a staircase in this anteI chamber. It led to Katherine’s apartment. If there wei-e mercy in the breast I of a woman ... if she were mortal and I not mechanical ... if she were as com' passionate as, obviously, she was cold . . . I When he stood within the door of her I room his last shred of armor had dropped I from him. He was become a mendicant, I pleading Katherine had ceased her measured I pacing of the room and was on her I couch before the fire. She had been reading and the book had dropped to the lloor beside her. As Gerald Strobridge entered, the flames, dying down, gave a last effort and threw a glare of scarlet across the cool perfection of her fea ; tures, the sheen of her splendid hair, the j white remoteness of her breast. ' “Katherine,” he muttered, when he had reached her side and dropped to his | knees beside her, “what have I meant to you? What have I been? Anything? Nothing? Tell me!” There was a silence. His heart throbbed in it, loudly, obtrusively. “A door,” she said, at last, in her modulated tones, “a door, very wide ... to spaces. I am infinitely grateful, Mr. Strobridge.” “A door !” Gerald Strobridge gave a ghastly smile. “What is it they say in the Bible,” he asked, “about a stone in the place of bread ?” “I do not know. Are you here for bread? Are you hungry?” Immediately she sensed the wrong potentiality of her queries. The man beside her laid his groomed head on her bare arm. It was hot and his pulses stirred. There was something pitiful in the disintegration of his habitual composure. There was something of a reversion to the man he might have been if he had had . . , that chance again ... He was speaking and his voice was broken up. “Yes, terribly hungry. Terribly. I want bread. And wine. And meat. And strong drink. From your hands only, Katherine. Yours are the only hands to serve me now, I can never know love again unless love comes with your face, with your voice, with your rhythm. Help me . . . please ...” Katherine withdrew her hands very gently, very inexorably. Something soft and warm and more maternal than passionate was stirring within her. She thought of Lord Algpr and the ashes of ' roses she had achieved there. Her ! mouth hardened. (Seventyfour) The Marvelous PORT-O-PHONE is an aid to the DEAF that really AIDS. Prove this at our expense. Let us send a PORT-O-PHONE to you for FIFTEEN DAYS’ FREE TRIAL, without deposit or any obligation on your part. Prove in your own way that the PORT-O-PHONE gives you immeasurably EASTER, BETTER and CLEARER hearing than you can obtain through any other means. Its distinctively natural, mellow tones brought so soothingly to your ear, will ASTOUND YOU. Our booklet "HOW DEAFNESS IS AIDED,” is yours tor the asking. Write for your copy today. Or call for booklet, free demonstration and advice. THE PORT-O-PHONE CORPORATION 1929 Broadway, New York City Canadian Offices; .GM New Birks Building, Montreal Don’t You Like My Eyelathet and Eyebrows? You can have the aame A Hair Food applied once eacJi day. will absolutely produce thick and long eyebrowa and eyelasbea. Easy to apply — sure In result*. LASHNEBN U an Oriental formula. One box Is all you will need. Mailed on receipt at 50c coin and three cents poetage, or Canadian money order. Get the original. LASHNEEN COMPANY, Dept. No. I9X, Philadelphia. Pa. MUSIC TAUGHT FREE ilN YOUR Mn MGul TllMaM OWN HOME Plaao, Orann, Violin, Mandolin, Onltar, Banlo, et«. Baxinnara or advanced playara. One laaMO weakly, llluatratlona make avarrthing plain. Only aMianaa about 2e par day to cover coat of poakaga and auaW uaad. Write for FR» bookfat which axplalni everything in full. AMimCAN SCHOOL OP MUSIC* 70 LaliMldq BullSInr* OHICAOO The William G. Hewitt Press Established 1894 Printers of the Motion Picture Magazine Motion Picture Classic Each in itself art preservative in the Motion Picture Industry. Other highclass magazines and general printing efficiently handled Artistic Booklets and Art Hangers for the Motion Picture Star executed U'ith the same distinction to the reader as your character on the screen Your autobiography in booklet form will help your cause n■■lllllnllll■tlllllllllllmllllltll<*llnllMlllllllll1l Drop Us a Line On Navy Street Brooklyn, New York