Motion Picture Classic (Jan-Aug 1919)

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You can TREAT YOURSELF at home with the wonderful Violet Ray, most effective healthrestoring agent known to science. At practically no cost, the great benefits of famous Violet Ray Treatment heretofore only procurable at big expense from physicians and b e a u t y_, specialists, now secured^ in your own home. Look over the list of treatments on the coupon below. Send for particulars AT > MOMB SOLD ON LIBERAL TRIAL PLAN Renulife Violet Ray HIGH FREQUENCY GENERATORS VmlAf Electricity from your llrht liuw ¥ lUlci eocicet is transformed in t o Rav RAtiA^ifc health and beauty-giYing VioDCnclIlo let Ray — powerfully effective, yet gentle, soothing, perfectly safe. Voltage is raised from lighting cuiTent, giving tremendous penetrative force. The irresistible reritalizing powers of Renulife Violet Ray are carried at once to every nerve cell of body. Blood is enriched and purified by a flood of oxygen, functions restored to normal — extra supply of fresh blood quickly brought to area treated, removing congestion and supplying nouriahment; combines the benefits of electricity, vibration, exercise, stimulation and oxidation. PainlACC Science has modified electricity that 1 aiuicoA the weakest may stand its force FlArfriritv without fear or pain. Violet Ray itrliy high frequency has no comparison with old, crude, electrical batterlw and ahocking current. Every jar and shock Is removed. The effects are marvelously rapid. Relief can be given In one or mo-re treatments. Often permanent improvement is accomplished in that time. To keep or restore your good looks and gain vitality, throw away medicine bottles — take this sensible scientific means. Every day's delay makes lelief more difficult. Send for Booklet “Health via Violet Ray.” Lowest-prtccd, mosteffccthe Violet Ray for home use RENULIFE ELECTRIC CO. 620 Marquette Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Canadian Renulife Electric Co., ltd., 220 Netting Bldg., Wlndaer, Ontario Opportunity for llv« nal*. COUPON FOR BOOK and Special Information ' RENULIFE ELECTRIC CO., I 620 Marquette Bldg., Detroit, Mich. |i 220 Netting Bldg., Windsor, Ontario. I Plttase send without ohHpaiion, .vour book "Heftlih ’* explain* ' Ins Violet Ray treatments with Renulife Generators , also give , full itanlc-ulars as to Its application for ailments checked below TREATS SUCCESSFULLY .Abicesses .Anemia .Asthma .Arterloscleroita .Baldness .Blackheads .Brain Fag .Bronehills .Bunions .Bruises .Catarrh .Colds .Chilblains .Dandruff .Deafness and Ear Diseases .Eexema .Enlarged Prostate ..Facial Neuralgia ..Falling Hair . . Female Com* plaints ..Goitre . .Gout . . Haemorrhoids . . Hay Fever ..Infantile Paraty. SIS . . Insomnia ..Lameness . .Locomotor Ataxia . . Lumbago . .Nervous Affec* tions . .Neuralgia ..Neuritis . .Obesity . .Pain In Abdomen and Chest . .Paralysis .Piles . .Pimples . .Pyorrhea . .Rheumatism . .Sears . .Sciatica . Skin Diseases . .Sore Throat and Throat Diseases . .Sprains . .Toothache ..Weak Eyes . .Wrinkles ..Warts and Moles Naae. .. . Addrees. . “I want you to go, Gerald,” she said, “at once. I think I have told you that I am a climber. One cannot climb where there are obstacles . . . your wife . . . the scandal. If you love me, love me really; give me your help and strength rather than your weakness and desiregiven so many fruitless times before. I could be rather a splendid friend, even I. As a woman ... I can only be that on a pinnacle, Gerald, and I am going to get there.” “You are like ice.” “Finer than fire, Gerald.” “You are inhuman.” “Humanity must rise — even to inhumanity.” “I love you.” “You want me. You are incapable of love.” “And you? You?” “Not ready — yet.” The man rose from his kneeling posture. Some of the pride he had cast from him came about him again. He felt a tremendous admiration for this woman, barely more than a girl, who had gone so far along the path of selfcontainment. Nothing mawkish here, nothing yielding, nothing indiscriminate nor promiscuous. “Rather a splendid friend” ! Oh, rather ! He smiled down on her thru his tight lips. “What do you want me to do for you, my friend?” he asked. Katherine’s level eyes suffused. Her hand strayed out to his tentatively, then withdrew. “I have never come so near to love, my friend,” she said, in the softest tone he had ever heard from her, “as — just then. Bigness , . . oh, I love it, Gerald !” Gerald Strobridge bowed. “I repeat,” he said, still simply, still with the essential pain in his heart coming out in his voice. Katherine Bush raised herself on one elbow. “I want to meet the Duke of Mordryn,” she said. “I want to meet him more than I have ever wanted to meet any one, anywhere, at any time. I — I am going to be utterly frank with you, my friend, because I think you, alone among men, can bear frankness and be considerate of it. I believe the Duke of Mordryn is — the end of my climbing.” She lay back and watched Strobridge thru her eyes that glinted like streaks of steel. Strobridge smiled. “You are quite magnificent,” he acknowledged. “How do you propose to go about this ?” “I want to hear him speak in the House first — just to be certain. His voice, you know, his play of hand, his manner of speech — those things tell. Then — then, my friend, I want to meet him at a dinner on his own footing, as it were, just as a friend of yours, perhaps. Not, you understand, as secretary to Lady Garribardine.” “You think Mordryn would not penetrate that eventrtally and with ease?” “Oh, but yes, of course. I shall tell him myself at our second meeting. If _ aiKiiiiiiiiiKiiiiitiiiitiiiiitiiitiiiiitiiitiiiiioiiiiiiiKfiiiiiiiiii I Motion Picture Magazine Announces That With the September issue you will find your favorite Motion Picture Magazine larger than ever before. We have always given you the best ; the best photographs, stories, and chats with the photoplayers ever printed. We are now giving you the most for your money as well as the best. The September issue will be increased by many beautiful pages. Dont fail to buy this issue and see for yourself how splendidly the Motion Picture Magazine is growing. Among the breezy articles prepared to while away your vacation days are : “GIRLS I HAVE KIST” A confession by that great screen lover, Wallace Reid. “THE MOTHER OF MARY” A complete history of how Mary Pickford’s mother enabled her daughter to become the most beloved actress on the screen. DONALD CRISP An interview with this screen director, who has registered one of the most unique bits of acting in screenland, playing the prizefighter in D. W. Griffith’s marvelous production, “Broken Blossoms.” HELEN JEROME EDDY A personality story as charming and entertaining as its subject. MARIE WALCAMP The serial girl and how she grew. FICTION STORIES Three of the most sparkling and entertaining love stories and comedies to be found in any publication. These are just a few advance hints concerning the most beautiful, entertaining, thrilling and instructive issue of the Motion Picture Magazine ever published. Dont forget the September issue, out August 1st. Motion Picture Publishing Co. 175 Duffield Street Brooklyn, N. Y. (Seventy -six)