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Motion Picture Daily (Jan-Mar 1934)

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MOTION PICTURE DAILY Monday, March 19, 193 MOTION PICTURE DAILY (Registered U. S. Patent Office) Vol. 35 March 19, 1934 No. 64 Martin Quigley Editor-in-Chief and Publisher MAURICE KANN Editor JAMES A. CRON A dvertising Manager Published daily except Sunday and holidays by Motion Picture Daily, Inc., subsidiary of Quigley Publications, Inc., Martin Quigley, President; Colvin Brown, Vice-President and Treasurer. Publication Office: 1790 Broadway, New York. Telephone CIcle 7-3100. Cable address "Quigpubco, New York." All contents copyrighted 1934 by Motion Picture Daily, Inc. Address all correspondence to the New York Office. Other Quigley publications: MOTION PICTURE HERALD, BETTER THEATRES, THE MOTION PICTURE ALMANAC and THE CHICAGOAN. Hollywood Bureau: Postal Union Life Building, Vine and Yucca Streets, Victor M. Shapiro, Manager; Chicago Bureau; 407 South Dearborn Street, Edwin S. Clifford, manager; London Bureau: 6 Brookland Close, Hampstead Garden Suburb, Bernard Charman. Representative; Berlin Bureau: Berlin Tempelhof, Kaiserin-Augustastrasse 28, Joachim K. Rutenberg, Representative; Paris Bureau: 19, Rue de la Cour-desNoues, Pierre Autre, Representative; Rome Bureau: Viale Gorizia, Vittorio Malfiassuti, Representative; Sydney Bureau: 102 Sussex Street, Cliff Holt, Representative; Mexico City Bureau: Apartado 269, James Lockhart, Representative; Glasgow Bureau: 86 Dundrennan Road, G. Holmes, Representative; Budapest Bureau: 11 Olaaz Fasor 17, Endre H eve si, Representative. Entered as second class matter January 4. 1926 at the Post Office at New York City, N Y., under Act of March 3, 1879. Subscription rates per year: $6 in the Americas, except Canada $15 and foreign $12. Single copies: 10 cents. 'Billy9 Ferguson in Line for Ampa Post William R. ("Billy") Ferguson, exploitation director of M-G-M, is in line for the presidency of the Ampa, to succeed John C. Flinn. If Ferguson is nominated he is not expected to meet opposition and his election would result in unstinted support. The committee set on nominating Ferguson comprises Marvin Kirsch, Louis Goldberg, Ray Gallagher, Edward Finney, Monroe Greenthal, Paul Gulick and Edward MacNamee. Executives Sail H. M. Warner, Sam Sax and Arthur M. Loew and Mrs. Loew sailed for Europe Saturday noon on the Conte di Sazwia. Loew returns May 10. Jack L. Warner reached New York in time on Saturday to see his brother before the latter sailed. H off berg to Europe J. H. Hoffberg, head of the company bearing his name, will sail for England within two weeks on a business tour. He will visit most of the important centers and will spend some time in Spain looking over business of the branch there. Kelly Goes to Coast Arthur W. Kelly, head of foreign activities for U. A., leaves for the coast this week and from there will sail for Australia. Mrs. Kelly will accompany. Date of departure for the west is not yet set. Insiders' Outlook \/I AILBAG stuff, via special messenger from the RKO Building to Motion Picture Daily : "Something must be the matter with our railroad system — Felix Feist, sales manager of M-G-M, walks up and down the railway platform in Kansas City coming East, and states : 'Double features are the greatest menace to the motion picture industry'. "And now, Sam Goldwyn, returning to the coast from a lecture at Harvard University, walking up and down the railway platform in Albuquerque, states : 'One way of eradicating double bills would be for distribution not to sell any exhibitor double features'. "Why not go a step further, Mr. Goldwyn, and refuse to sell exhibitors only on a percentage basis, and insist upon exhibitors playing pictures on extended runs? In that way, there will be no need for the production of more than about 150 features a year, thus throwing out of employment about 75 per cent of the people in all branches of the motion picture industry, and make it very comfortable for just a chosen few. Of course, that would destroy the intentions of the NRA, but what the hell of it — as long as it will take care of Sammy!" Author : Eddie Golden, whose typewriter melts whenever this double feature business hits the linotypes. ▲ Names are secret, but two indi viduals who missed the assent deadline have applied to Code Authority to have their compliances accepted anyway. Authority discusses it in all seriousness at its next meeting on Thursday. After all that has been said and printed, how the deadline at midnight March 10 could have been missed by anyone determined not to remains cloudy and dark. . . . Pressbook on "Once to Every Woman" features evening clothes and the rest of the regalia. There isn't anything like it in the picture, which is a straight hospital varn. . . . Holders of RKO gold pass keys are much less numerous this year. "Maybe they were called in because the company needed gold?" queried one who lost his. . . . What you might call subtlety is to be found by those who listen in "Social Register." Colleen Moore, meeting Alexander Kirkland for the first time, gives him her phone number as Columbus 5-3320. That's the Fox number, but Columbia is distributing regardless. . . . Disney and U.A. get set this week for three more years. . . . Bob Wilby on the New Orleans report tying together all Paramount's southern theatre partners from the Carolinas clear into Oklahoma : "So they are still drinking absinthe in New Orleans." KANN Mae West Plan Flops New Orleans, March 18. — A movement to bring Mae West here as "Queen of Cotton" has fallen through. The backers hoped to make it a big occasion for tieups with merchants. Shorts in 3 Tongues Hollywood, March 18. — Pete Smith's "Goofy Movie" series for M-G-M will be made as multilinguals.' The languages will be French, German and Spanish. Buy Yarn for Beery Hollywood, March 18. — M-G-M has bought the "Any Port in a Storm" series of short stories by Glenn Cannon which have been appearing in the Saturday Evening Post and will combine them into one yarn for Wallace Beery. Roach Opens Today Hollywood. March 18. — The Hal Roach studio will resume activity March 19 after two weeks' shutdown. Trading Light on Big Board High Low Close Columbia Pictures, vtc 28'/£ Z/l/s 27% Consolidated Film Industries 4% 4% 4y& Consolidated Film Industries, pfd 1654 16 16 Eastman Kodak 9QV2 89^ 89^ Fox Film "A" 1544 15% 15% Loew's Inc 32% 3V4 3V/2 Paramount Publix 5J4 5 5 Pathe Exchange 3^4 3*4 3% Pathe Exchange "A" 20% 18% 19J4 RKO 3% 3]/2 3% Universal Pictures, pfd 36J4 35% 35% Warner ~Bros 6% 6% 6% Trans Lux Off x/± on Curb Net Change + % + % % Trans Lux. High . 2 Low 2 Net Close Change 2 —Yi. Paramount F. L. Bonds Up 1 High Low General Theatre Equipment 6s '40 lO'/i 10 General Theatre Equipment 6s '40, ctf 9% 9 Loew's 6s '41. ww deb rights 98V2 98 Paramount F. L. 6s '47 50 49% Warner Bros. 6s '39, wd 56% 56 Net Close Change 10 9 9sy2 50 56 54 Vz + % +1 -Va Sales 2.800 100 600 1.200 200 5.300 3.900 2.400 3.400 1.100 30 3.100 Sales 100 Sales 24 6 11 6 9 Franklin Will Make 4 or 5 Films a Yea (Continued from page 1) said that he might build his ov theatre circuit in the event he is u successful in effecting a distributi' deal. He will discuss production a: release arrangements during his thr weeks' stay here, he said. Franklin related that he had bt> looking over many manuscripts a: said his plans include productions t< the stage, as well. A definite a nouncement of his future program m; be made on his return to New Yor Franklin said. See Duals Out in St. Louis by Augw (Continued from page 1) quent runs are willing to drop them the prior run houses institute t move. F. & M. now expects to get cc trol of the Missouri, Ambassador a Grand Central a month ahead of 1 original date. The acquisition is n<; expected Aug. 1. Harry C. Art! intends to drop duals in his o-j houses and those he takes and 1 1 move probably will be followed subsequent runs. Hopes Fade for End Of Ohio 10% Tc (Continued from page 1) gram, the committee will attempt formulate plans around an income and possible increase of rates on m chants and manufacturers under intangible tax law. Such a progr contemplates retention of the seled sales, or nuisance taxes, the categ in which the admission impost con Membership of M. P Club Exceeds 2, Membership in the reorganized I tion Picture Club now numbers rr than 225, officers of the club Saturday. Additional applications reported arriving daily. Mrs. D. A. Doran Die. Hollywood, March 18. — Ref Doran, wife of D. A., formerly '. story head, passed away yester She had been ill for some time. THE MAYFLOWEI 61st STREET, (Central Park We New York City CONVENIENT TO TB FILM AND THEATRICAL CENTE 1-2-3 Rooms. Full Hotel Servici FURNISHED OR UNFURN1SH By the Year, Month or Day Serving Pantries Electric Refrigeration JOHN W. HEATH, Manage,