Motion Picture Daily (Apr-Jun 1939)

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Lnday, May 29, 1939 Motion Picture Daily Pacific' Still Denver Lead With $8,000 [Denver, May 2S. — "Union Pacific" i still running strong enough to top town, with $8,000 in its fourth I. at the Denham. "Man of Court" and "Streets of New York" lew $4,500 at the Paramount. Estimated takings for the week end| May 24: .est Horizon" (Col.) ftLADDIN— (1.400) (25c-40c) 7 iss: $-1,000. (Average, $3,500) Dr. Kildare" (M-G-M) .eauty for the Asking" (RKO) P ROADWAY — ( 1 , 1 00 ) (25c-40c) ! er a week at the Orpheum. Gross vt-rage. $2,500) Jnion Pacific" (Para.) JENHAM— (1.750) (25c -35c -40c) 7 days, i week. Gross: $8,000. (Average, $6,500) ^uthering Heights" (U.A.) )ENVER— (2,525) (25c-35c-40c) 7 days, o-s: $7,500. (Average, $9,000) fs a Wonderful World" (M-G-M) lying Irishman" (RKO) ) R PH E L' M— (2,600) (25c-35c-40c) 7 days, o.-s: $7,000. (Average, $8,500) San of Conquest" (Rep.) treets of New York" (Mono.) A RA. MOUNT— (2,200) (25c-40c) 7 days. to>s: $4,500. (Average. $3,500) 'ark Victory" (F.N.) mtside These Walls" (Col.) rtlALTO— (878) (25c-40c) 7 days. "Dark :tory" 3rd week. Gross: $2,000. (Average, 750) da days. $2,000. ariety Club Award o Father Flanagan Pittsburgh, May 28. — Variety Clubs America will present their first an lal National Humanitarian Award June 26 to the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Ed Ard J. Flanagan of Boystown, Neb., rording to Chief Barker John H. larris. Following a vote of the 21 variety fits recently in Detroit, Harris will to Omaha, with M-G-M Zone anager John J. Maloney of Pittsrgh and Robert J. O'Donnell of alias, to present the first silver ique to Father Flanagan at a testi)iiial dinner being arranged by the naha Variety Club. Present will be Gov. Roy L. Cochran Nebraska, Senator Edward R. jrke, Bishop James H. Ryan of naha, International President Henry onsky of B'nai B'rith, President liam Jeffers of Union Pacific Railjad, Chief Justice Robert G. Simins of the Nebraska Supreme Court, esident A. H. Blank of Tri-States leatres Corp., President Joseph 'oper of F. H. Cooper Enterprises, ayor Daniel Butler, Publisher Henry »orly of the Omaha World-Herald, d others. Best Dressed' Title Won by Si Seadler Si Seadler, dignified advertising manager of M-G-M, was awarded first honors as 'best dressed" man in the "monkey business" division of a men's fashion contest staged by Random House in connection with a cocktail party for Elizabeth Hawes, author of "Men Can Take It." Heywood Broun and Moss Hart were among the judges. Hollywood Previews "SOS. Tidal Wave" (Republic) Hollywood, May 28. — Seemingly born of timely speculation anent televisipns's ultimate place in daily affairs and of recollections of the Orson Welles panic program, "S.O.S. Tidal Wave" ends in an extremely thrilling sequence wherein political gangsters commandeer a television station and substitute horror films for factual reporting to convince citizens that a tidal wave has destroyed New York and is sweeping inland. Panic ensues. This most novel and genuinely exciting finish is something new on the screen, something to see and, incidentally, something for the F.C.C. to keep in mind when television newsreels become as commonplace in the daily routine of the population as radio newscasts are now. hi a slow buildup to this terrific ending, Ralph Byrd is established as a Winchell of the telenewsreels with Frank Jenks his amusing assistant, Marc Lawrence as a gangster backing a mayoral candidate of criminal background, George Barbier as a television ventriloquist and Kay Sutton, Dorothy Lee, Ferris Taylor and Donald as others intimately affected. Lawrence's use of the fake telecast to throw the city into panic on election day is more effective by reason of this early slowness. It is strong enough to carry the picture unassisted. Armand Schaefer produced the film with John H. Auer directing the screenplay by Maxwell Shane and Godron Kahn based on a story by James Webb. Running time, 60 minutes. "G."* Roscoe Williams *"G" denotes general classification. Mexico Notes Mexico City, May 28. — President Lazaro Cardenas has promised Mexican producers and distributors a reduction in taxes on all pictures in Spanish. The extent of the reduction is left to the Government. Rafael Sanchez Tello, producer, has sued the Mexican Cinematographic Workers' Union for recovery of §3,1)00 he claims he put up to start production of a film. He contends the union failed to start the film and gave unsatisfactory reasons for the delay. President Cardenas has requested the Confederation of Mexican Workers to reconsider its intention to boycott all pictures made in Spain during the Franco administration, since it considers that Government to be Fascist. The request followed a plea by producers and distributors to the President that such a move would kill Mexican films in Spain, their best market. Mexican producers are fighting shy of naming films after popular songs. The practice was extensively adopted when producers believed a hit song would carry a picture, but several successive failures have caused them to veer away from the idea. Set Columbus Duals Columbus, O., May 28.— RKO Palace and Grand, firsf and second runs, respectively, will inaugurate double feature policies June 2, to continue for the balance of the summer. No change in the admissions will be made. Reissue 'Neu) Movie' Dell Publishing Co. is reissuing New Movie, the trade mark and other assets of which were purchased from Tower Publications in 1934. London Notes London, May 28. — Television will be featured on the agenda of the next Cinematographic Exhibitors Association conference at Blackpool. Another session will be devoted to the training of projectionists. Sydney Bernstein, chief of the Bernstein theatres, will read a paper on trade problems. Reginald Stamp, chairman of the London county council, has been invited to address the conference on licensing matters. A parliamentary move is being made to include cinemas and other places of entertainment within reaches of the new civil defense bill. If successful, picture houses will be compelled to take immediate precautions for operation in the event of war. These refer mainly to lighting of premises. A new company, Bank Night, Ltd., has been registered in Britain with a share capital of £100. The organization plans to extend bank night schemes in British cinemas. Brandt Books "Marne" Brandt Circuit has booked the Spectrum release, "Heroes of the Marne," French importation, starring Raimu. "Two Gun Troubadour," last of a series of six Fred Scott musical westerns, has been completed and will be released shortly by Spectrum. N. B. Theatre Burns Fredericton, N. B., May 28. — Gaiety Theatre here and a number of frame buildings were destroyed in a $200,000 fire. Ornato Starts Comedies Joseph Ornato has started work on "Good Scout," first of a series of comedies to be titled "Our Kids," which he is producing and directing for Century-Television-Pictures, Inc. 'Some Like It9 At $17,500 in Phila. Slump Philadelphia, May 28. — "Some Like It Hot," with "The Mikado in Swing" on the stage, gave the Fox §17,500. No other house did better than average in a week of holdovers and circus competition. "Wuthtring Heights" (U. A.) AI.ULNEl— (1.300) (32c-42c-57c) 7 6th week. Gross: $5,000. (Average, "Calling Dr. Kildare" (M-G-M) ARCADIA— (600) (25c-42c-57c) 7 2nd run. Gross: $2,000. (Average, $2,800) "Lucky Night" (M-G-M) BOYD— (2,400) (32c-42c-57c) 7 Gross: $11,000. (Average, $14,000) "Tell No Tales" (M-G-M) EAR1E — (2.000) (26c-32c-43c) 7 Gross: $7,000. (Average. $8,000) "Seme Like It Hot" (Para.) FOX— (3,000) (32c-42c-57c-68c) 7 days. (6 days stage). Stage: "The Mikado in Swing." Gross: $17,500. (Average, $16,000) 'Mutiny on the Bounty" (M-G-M) KARLTON— (1,000) (32c-42c-57c) 7 days. Revival. Gross: $2,000. (Average, $4,000) "Dark Victory" (W. B.) KEITH'S— (2,000) (32c-42c-57c) 7 days. 2nd run. Gross: $4,000. (Average, $4,000) "Stcry of Vernon and Irene Castle" (RKO) PALACE— (1,000) (26c-42c) 7 days. Gross: £3,000. 3rd run. (Average, $4,500) "Union Pacific" (Para.) STANLEY— (3,700) (32c-42c-57c) 6 days, 2nd week. Gross: $7,000. (Average. $12,000) "Confessions of a Nazi Spy" (W. B.) STANTON — (1,700) (26c-32c-42c) 7 days. 2nd week. 2nd run. Gross: $4,200. (Average. $7,000) days. $8,160) days. days. days. Sees Hollywood Best On Spanish Pictures Ramon Peon, Cuban producer and director, here with Raul Medina of International Films of Cuba, is of the opinion that Hollywood alone offers the necessary technical facilities for producing Spanish language films. He believes, however, that talent should be imported from Spanish speaking countries, and that native directors and writers should be in charge of production. Asher Productions Start Work Shortly London, May 28. — Irving Asher Productions, Ltd., recently formed, with Jerome J. Jackson as associate producer, will start shortly on the first film. A minimum of four pictures a year is planned with a total cost of $1,250,000. Fairbanks, Chaplin In Z7. S. Tax Cases Washington, May 28. — Douglas Fairbanks, Sr., and Charles Chaplin had business with the Tax Appeals Board Friday. Fairbanks agreed to pay $87,283.01 back income taxes and Chaplin disputed the government's claim for $65,208.48 additional and demanded instead a refund of $24,938.04 already paid. Five Shows Close Five more legitimate stage shows closed Saturday in Broadway's rapidly fading season. "Stars in Your Eyes," "One for the Money," "Primrose Path," "Clean Beds" and the American Lyric Theatre's repertoire shut down. Sixteen remain. m