Motion Picture Daily (Jan-Mar 1954)

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SUITE and it is the GREATEST I" The kind of picture that makes you want to go out and put up posters and banners, shout from the roof-tops ! WATCH FOR THE "SEE FOR YOURSELF" TRADE SHOWS! M-G-M's production "EXECUTIVE SUITE" was screened in New York last week. Reports that something unusual was coming were syndicated by Hollywood columnists to the nation long in advance. The industry will soon see for itself this magnificent filming of the best-seller. It is an attraction in a class of its very own. M-G-M has penetrated powerfully behind the walls of a towering skyscraper where beauty's wiles and man's cunning are in primitive conflict, where office wives play their secret game and the fight for power and love is reckless and daring. •The book that sold hundreds of thousands of copies and is still going strong has been brought to the screen with this carefully selected cast of stars: WILLIAM HOLDEN, JUNE ALLYSON, BARBARA STANWYCK, FREDRIC MARCH, WALTER PIDGEON, SHELLEY WINTERS, PAUL DOUGLAS, LOUIS CALHERN, DEAN JAGGER AND NINA FOCH. (Also Tim Considine ■ Screen Play by Ernest Lehman • Based on the novel by Cameron Hawley • Directed by Robert Wise ■ Produced by John Houseman) M-G-M is proud of "EXECUTIVE SUITE." It joins "KNIGHTS OF THE ROUND TABLE" and other Big attractions to glorify our 30th Anniversary Jubilee. It is good news for the entire industry.