Motion Picture Daily (Jul-Sep 1960)

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MOTION PICTURE DAILY 88, NO. 25 NEW YORK, U.S.A., FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1960 TEN CENTS Opposition TO N.Y. Minimum Wage Runaway Producing Hit Hike Voiced by Industry Spokesmen Talk on Coast >gel Points to &M Assets of 12,000,000 . fy Yital in Present \ Future of Company )h R. Vogel By ETHEL ROSEN iLLYWOOD, Aug. 4. "Metrovyn-Mayer today has assets of ximately $112,000,000, including cash and securities o f about $35,000,000," Joseph R. Vogel, company president, told members of Los Angeles Society of Security Analysts, at a luncheon meeting today in the Biltmore Hotel. Vogel, continuing his upreport on status of company and ( Continued on page 2 ) lywood 'Spiritual' to Japan: Shimiiu From THE DAILY Bureau IS ANGELES, Aug. 4.-Leaders e film industry in Japan considollywood the "spiritual capital 3 motion picture industry," MasShimizu, president of Japan's >t entertainment empire, said today at a press conference in ( Continued on page 6 ) itinental Dist. Sets ?t Sales Convention atinental Distributing, Inc., will its first sales convention from 17 through 21st, in Asbury Park, s announced here by Carl Pepirn, vice-president in charge of e meetings will be held at May(Continued on page 6) ^VISION TODAY— page 6 Special to THE DAILY ALBANY, Aug. 4.— "Deep concern" and "opposition" to the proposed minimum wage order 8-A, which, effective Oct. 1, provides a $1 hourly minimum for five categories of motion picture theatre workers not presently receiving that salary, were voiced at a public hearing here today. Deputy industrial commissioner Jules Loos presided at the 40-minute session. Three persons representing exhibitors appeared, two of them speaking. Elias Schlenger, Fabian division manager, started the hearing by saying, "I have been asked to make this brief statement. Exhibitors all over the state are deeply concerned with the proposed minimum wage order 8-A. D. John Phillips, executive di(Continued on page 7) Myers7 Replacement On Allied Board Agenda Special to THE DAILY CHICAGO, Aug. 4.-Some sentiment against the employment of an attorney as a replacement for Abram F. Myers, retired chairman and general counsel of Allied States, was manifest with the arrival here today of Allied directors for their summer board meeting, to be held at the Sheraton Blackstone Hotel here tomorrow and Saturday. Informal expressions encountered centered on the supposition that Myers may be persuaded to continue as consultant to Allied and that the (Continued on page 7) Franken Resigns NT&T Promotion Position From THE DAILY Bureau HOLLYWOOD, Aug. 4. The resignation of Jerry Franken as head of the advertising-publicity-promotion department of National Theatres & Television, Inc., and National Telefilm Associates, Inc., was announced here today. Franken joined NTA in February ( Continued on page 6 ) Plans for N.Y. World's Fair Exhibits Told The motion picture industry was represented at a meeting yesterday of more than 300 persons representing various industrial groups who may become participants in the New York World's Fair of 1964-'65. Taylor Mills, Motion Picture Association of America director of public relations, heard a prospectus for potential exhibitors presented by Fair officials at meeting in City Building, Flushing Meadows Park, Queens, the site of the Fair. Mills appeared under authority of the MPAA advertising(Continued on page 7) REVIEW: Ocean's Eleven Dorchester Prod. — Warner Bros. It was high time that somebodv spoofed the school of crime films in which the whole picture is devoted to the intricate details of the robbery of a store or casino safe ("The Asphalt Jungle," "Rififi," "Seven Thieves," et. al.) And a considerable ribbing is what the genre is subjected to in the new Dorchester Production, "Ocean's Eleven," for Warner Bros, release. The title is ambiguous and requires clarification. Ocean is the last name of the "hero," the man who organizes the caper, and eleven refers to the number of accomplices in the crime. In the classic manner of such pictures approximately the first half of the running time (total is just over two hours) is devoted to rounding up the members of the gang, revealing something of their personalities (Continued on page 3) IATSE Officers Are Reelected As Meet Ends Resolutions For, Against Pay-TV Are Withdrawn Special to THE DAILY CHICAGO, Aug. 4. The convention of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees wound up this evening one day ahead of schedule, with the reelection b y acclamation, of all its officers. C onsiderable discussion followed after the committee on resolutions r e c ommended Richard F. Walsh non concurrence with a resolution which would amend the constitution to per( Continued on page 2) Academy Is Cool to Awards Change Plan From THE DAILY Bureav HOLLYWOOD, Aug. 4. Reaction was mild here to the recent resolution adopted by Allied Theatre Owners of New Jersey's annual convention which proposed that eligibility rules for Academy Awards be changed to disqualify any films not in general release during the Awards year. One high Academy official pointed ( Continued on page 6 ) Pathe-DeLuxe Company Buys Canadian Plant Special to THE DAILY TORONTO, Aug. 4.-A new company has been formed which has bought the plant and equipment of Shelly Films, Limited, here. The company, Pathe-DeLuxe of Canada, Limited, which is owned jointly by Pathe Laboratories Incorporated and DeLuxe Laboratories, Inc., of Hollywood, (Continued on page 7)