Motion Picture Daily (Oct-Dec 1960)

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MOTION PICTURE X Denies Request o Additional NEW YORK, U.S.A., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1960 'Health for Peace' Concept Is Theme of Dinner For Asthma Research Institute Honoring Nizer TEN CENTS )ral Pleas in [artford Case ut Cohn Group Can File ost-Ofticial-Order Briefs 'Concerned"1 Holiday Film Release Plan 9 } f THE urgent, practical nature of the Health for Peace" concept-based on the assumption that when people work together for health they ^ learn to live together in peace-was underscored here last mght at a dinnW for the Children's Asthma Institute for Re TT'f 1 MarCUS search in honor of Louis Nizer, industry; attorney. Illl ITXdi In a message to the "Health for Peace" dinner-which highlighted the 82,500,000 national campaign of the Children's Asthma Institute for Research and Ho pita at Denver-President Dwight D. Eisenhower declared that "each citizen who helps to advance the health of his neighbors helps to strengthen the foundations of Scores 'Famine' Periods; Cites Marcus Plan Help Louis Nizer By E. H. KAHN WASHINGTON, Dec. 14. The deral Communications Commission -i denied the request of Marcus ;.hn, attorney for the Connecticut .mmittee Against Pay-TV and for j e Hartford exhibitors, for additionargument concerning the applica,n of Hartford Phonevision for a REVIEW: ree-year pay-tv license. Commis c»ners Hyde and King dissented. 'FCC agreed, however, to permit jjm ( Continued on page 4) form Effects Fading; »rop Averaged 50% * ^ New York and Eastern circuit op ■ ators reported theatre attendance *ilH below expectations yesterday, the )urth day of business decline due to le record blizzard of Sunday-Mon &y. Most were agreed, however, that ae worst was over and that an upum had begun despite the traditional •re-Christmas slump. Estimates of the drop in business (Continued on page 3) ■ k May Triple U.S. Funds • For Star Trips Abroad From THE DAILY Bureau WASHINGTON, Dec. 14. It is DlUderstood that the State Department plans to request a tripling of Funds with which to send U.S. performers on tours abroad. The current fiscal year's budget is (Continued on page 3) The dedication of institutions such as the Chudren s Asthma Institute for Research, the President added, m harnessing science for humanitarian purposes, merits the heartfelt thanks of ^e^Tof^d, Education and Welfare Arthur S. Flemming, in a (Continued on page 5) EXODUS Preminger— United Artists— Panavision 70 TELEVISION TODAY— page 5 I GAINST the background of one of the epochal events of the century I -the founding of the State of Israel-Leon Uris wrote a vast and pan II oramic novel that captured the imagination of readers everywhere. Otto Preminger has now made a vast and panoramic motion picture > that fa going to rich and entertain millions more than the best-selling book No expense has been spared to make "Exodus" as physically big in all respects Pas its mightv theme. It was photographed in its entirety m 2 Z arid the island of Cyprus right in the locales where the historical and fictional events occurred in the original. Appropriately enough, too, 2 f exciting Panorama 70 process and Technicolor were used f :or photography. And the cast includes some of the top .talent ground today Paul Newman, Eva Marie Saint, Sal Mineo, Ralph Rxchardson, Peter Lawford, John Derek, Lee J. Cobb, in addition to an mf^T^Z called Jill Haworth who is perfectly cast in the important role of th. 14-vear-old refugee Karen. Perhaps the most remarkable thing about "Exodus on the screen is the manner in which it blends recent history with a fictional story-line without one seeming to get in the way of the other. The device empkjed by Dalton Trumbo in his script is to acquaint the audience with the background of the Jewish refugees and their struggles to get into Palestine through the eves of an "outsider." This character is the heroine, Kitty Fremont, an American nurse (and (Continued on page 3) Special to THE DAILY MILWAUKEE, Dec. 14. The practice of some distributors in withholding pictures from release in order to try to capitalize on seasonal business surges was scored by Ben Marcus, Wisconsin circuit operator who was named chairman of the board of Allied States at the organization's annual meeting held in Chicago last month. Marcus, on the other hand, commended "some of the major companies that have taken advantage of the Marcus Plan during the famine product periods by releasing pleasing family pictures which, under the Plan, have run up some very fine grosses." The Marcus Plan provides for simultaneous release of a good picture (Continued on page 3) Quigley Award Campaigns To Be Judged Here Today Merchandising campaigns subnutted to Managers' Round Table by showmen from over the globe will be judged for Quigley Award honors in the first and second quarters of the 1960-'61 competition, at the Round Table offices here today. Judges will be Martin Davis, director of advertising, publicity, and exploitation for Paramount Pictures; Charles E. Kurtzman, executive in charge of out-of-town theatre operations for Loew's Theatres; and Jerry Evans, promotion manager for Universal-International Pictures. Some 60 campaigns are to be judged for Quigley Awards for this competition period. LABORATORIES, INC. NEW YORK AND HOLLYWOOD Complete facilities for every fi/m need in black and white or color