The Exhibitor (1954)

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This Is The Only Person Won’t Know What’s G< FIREWORKS IN HOUSTON! Special Advance Engagement— July 15th! M-G-M presents in CinemaScope “SEVEN RRIDES FOR SEVEN BROTHERS” starring JANE POWELL • HOWARD KEEL with Jeff Richards • Russ Tamblyn Tommy Rail • Screen Play by Albert Hackett & Frances Goodrich and Dorothy Kingsley • Based on the Story “The Sobbin’ Women” by Stephen Vincent Benet • Lyrics by Johnny Mercer • Music by Gene de Paul • Choreography by Michael Kidd • Color by Ansco • Directed by Stanley Donen • Produced by Jack Cummings. (Choice of Sound: Magnetic Stereo • phonic , Perspecta Stereophonic or Optical 1 -Channel.) Hold on to your 10-gallon hats, Texas! They’ve never seen the like of M-G-M’s promotion for its new fresh-as-a-daisy Color musical. In the newspapers. On TV. On Radio. On the billboards. Tie-ups. Fashion Shows. Personal appearances of five "Brides” from the picture with newspaper contest to select the other two locally. In Person: Howard Keel, star, Jack Cummings, producer and others. And more! More! More! RIOT IN ROCHESTER! Special Advance Engagement— July 16th! M-G-M presents “VALLEY 0! THE KINGS” starring ROBERT TAYLOR • ELEANOR PARKEI Carlos Thompson • with Kur Kasznar • Victor Jory • and Sami Gamal • Written by Robert Piros and Karl Tunberg • Suggested b Historical Data in “Gods, Grave and Scholars” by C. W„ Cerar Photographed in Eastman Colo Print by Technicolor • Directed b j Robert Pirosh. (Choice of Sound: Perspecta Stereo¬ phonic or Optical 1Channel.) It’s comparable to the excitement caused by the news of Egyptian discoveries. M-G-M is capitaliz¬ ing on those headlines, promoting this great romantic Color adventure filmed on the Nile. Every promotional outlet used: newspapers, radio, TV, billposting, treasure hunts, ballyhoos, newspaper prize contests, Rochester-to-Cairo telephone interview newspaper tie-up and lots of other stunts i