The Exhibitor (1954)

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double your popcorn profits with a sm POPCORN WARMER Here’s an idea that will mean extra dollars from your popcorn operation! Put STAR POPCORN WARMERS in strategic locations in your theatre or drive-in. You’ll ring up a neat $25 profit every time you refill this giant capacity warmer. Make your popcorn easy to get to — then sit back and watch your sales in¬ crease . . .and your profits roll in! SEE THE NEW STAR POPCORN WARMER AT YOUR STAR DEALER. Check all these important features: • Heated bins, elevator op¬ erated. • Elevator bottom rises to keep popcorn always at a serving level or provides place to keep filled boxes ready for sale. • Attractively finished in hammered grey enamel, lighted red plastic panels at top, polished chrome trim, stainless steel serving shelf. For complete information on concession equipment, see your Star dealer or write— add extra popcorn stations with this giant capacity STAR MANUFACTURING COMPANY • ST. LOUIS 20, MO. Division of Hercules Steel Products Corporation